Status: Just Started

Long Lost Love

Long Lost Love: Ch. 5: Flashback: Part 1

Lorena and her cousins, Melanie and Lauren were moving into their new house. Their neighbors, the Roberts's took notice of them. Kristian, Dave, and their friends were watching the moving truck and looking at all the stuff the girls had, well actually their friends were and Kristian and his brother and best friend were talking about Kristian's love life.

"Dude, we gotta get you a girlfriend." said Dave.

Dave had a really sweet personality and sometimes acted like a child. With such a cute face, you would've assumed he was a child, if not for his height then.

"I don't need a girlfriend." replied Kristian.

Kristian's personality was more of the cool type. He acted as if nothing bothered him as well as keeping all his emotions bottled up inside. His friends have been trying to get him a girlfriend for a long time, but Kristian always refused everyone of them, stating that they were not the perfect one for him.

At that exact moment, Lorena spun around and Kristian found his mouth hanging open. Lorena was the prettiest girl Kristian had ever seen with long straight black hair that cascaded down her shoulders and the brightest blue eyes. On her thin body she wore a leopard print cold shoulder top, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and two flat plaid shoes. On her earlobes hung some black earrings and on her wrists were some black bangles. And on her neck and arms she sprayed Dior 'Miss Dior Cherie' Eau de Toilette Spray.

Once Kristian saw her, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. Dave waved a hand in front of his face, but he just simply pushed it away and continued staring at Lorena, who was too oblivious to notice.

"He likes her doesn't he?" Michael, their friend, asked Dave.

"What, no! Like I said, I don't need a girlfriend!" Kristian protested, coming back to earth.

"Why don't you go talk to her?" Dave suggested.

"Why should I?"

"To be neighborly." Michael replied.

"Fine, if it'll make you all happy."

Kristian was actually happy to get a chance to talk to Lorena, but he didn't want to show it. When Lorena noticed Kristian approaching her, she smiled at him.

"Hi." he said to her.

"Hey." she replied.

"My name's Kristian and I'm your neighbor." he stuck his hand out for Lorena to shake.

"Hey, my name's Lorena and it's nice to meet you." she shook his hand and then felt him squeeze it.

Out of the blue, appeared Victor, Kristian's brother, well, half brother.

"Hey, Kris, I see you finally got a girlfriend." he said, nodding at Lorena.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's our new neighbor." Kristian replied, trying his best to hide his blush.

"Hey, Lorena, come here!" Lorena heard Melanie call for her.

"Coming!" she called back. "I gotta go."

Lorena turned to leave, but then tripped and fell to the ground.

"Are you ok?" Kristian asked immediately.

"I'm fine." she replied, running over to her cousins.

"Why'd you do that?!" Kristian demanded.

"Do what?" Victor asked innocently.

"Trip that girl?!"

"I didn't, she fell! You know you shouldn't accuse your older brother like that, Kristian."

"You're right, I'm sorry."

Victor walked away, but Kristian stayed. He knew that it wasn't an accident, Victor really tripped Lorena because he didn't like her. Why, he didn't really know, but what he did know was that it'd be better if she stayed away from him, if she knew what was good for her.

He looked towards the way Lorena had gone and saw her talking with her cousins.

"Hey, what happened to your hand?" Lauren asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just sorta tripped and fell." she lied.

"You gotta be careful around here, Lorena. You're new and you don't know much, so you gotta stay close to us, got it?" Melanie added.

"Yeah, I will."

Back with Kristian, he was still staring at Lorena, when he noticed three guys coming their way.
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Ok, so this ch. was a little longer & will be continued in the next ch. Hope u guyz & galz liked it! :)

Lorena's Outfit: