We Live in a Beautiful Place


To you, it's just a name. To me though, it's what people call me. Since theres nothing special about me, I like to think there's something special about my name. I would prefer something a little bit more.. unique. But, it's what I've got, and no matter what, I have to live with it.
If I told you, I was a famous porn star, would you believe me? If you say yes, your both crazy, and gullible. Boo to you!
Sometimes, I watch those lame t.v shows like 'Super sweet 16' or 'teen cribs' and I wish that was me. Well, not really the people with sweet sixteens, but, those people with the awesome houses. It's like, if they don't have a personality, their still filthy rich, and have an awesome house that you'd never get bored in. But, would you really want to be one of those selfish, self-centered , obnoxious kids? Nope.
Because, whatever you do, wherever you live, who you live with, you still have your personality. It could suck, but you still have it. That's who you are. Your going to have to live with it. And that's what I'm doing. I'm not happy with the person I am most of the time, but I still live with it, and I stick it. No point in moaning about something you've created.
You see, I believe we, ourselves, create our personalities at a young age. The way we were brought up too, also has an effect, you could say.
And that, is why, I am like I am today. The way I was when I was younger, the way I was brought up. So don't blame me for being who I am just because your jealous. I get a lot of those, haters. Their not really jealous of my appearance, but rather the way I act, and I get a lot of cool friends.
Okay, what does this how to do with my life? I guess it does in many ways, like the way I act is gonna influence the 'tragic' events in my life. But, as I think I mentioned in the previous chapter, I have this nasty habit of leaning away from the subject at matter, which, in this case, is my life. And i'm going to be a lazy ass right now, and say this again. I'm going to leave the matter of trying to explain some of it until the next chapter, when I remember to write that.

Welcome, yet again, to my life.
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