We Live in a Beautiful Place


I fucking hate you.
Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. So, what shall we talk about today? I was thinking something more like... relationships?
I think I have some kind of dis-order. I never get any guys, and if I ever do, trust me , their not gorgeous story material, then I just reject them.
I've only ever had like.. 2 or 3 relationships in my life. It sucks. I suck. It's not entirely my fault I was born this way, looking this way. The way my brain developed has nothing to do with the way I grew up, does it? I hope not. Or else I've got some messed up brain.
Back to the point, one of those relationships happened when I was younger, a few years back, so it doesn't really count, does it? It was before I knew who I really was, anyway.
I hate living in this small town. Theres no hot guys, or even nice looking guys. Their all chavs, or nerds. Or the occasional person who looks nice enough but is either in a relationship, or is a total dick. Excuse my language this chapter.
Do you remember at all, faintly even, in the first chapter when I mentioned a certain date that changed me? Well, a guy had something to do with that. His name was... Jack. I hate that name. He should of never cut his hair, either. I think he was trying to make people think he wasn't gay, so he cut it off. It makes him look more gay, though. His bad.
I always have these fantasies in my head that this hot guy moves in next to me and we have this whole romantic relationship and all that crap together. It's pretty sad, but it's one of the things that keeps me going. I could be day dreaming about this whole made up life for hours, just because its better than reality. Anythings better than reality, actually.
I guess I'm just craving that one relationship, the one that I'll actually really feel something, and it'll be mutual. And I'll give it a chance. And so will he. That person, that probably doesn't exist. It will probably end in this whole dramatic heart break and all, but right now, I don't care. It would probably be worth it all.
I blame Mibba. And quizilla. I blame them for putting me in many situations when it comes to guys, actually. I just want that perfect, hot, scene guy, y'know? There's none here. Although there's many in Dublin. That's why I love going to gigs, I get to meet loads of good looking lads. Oh and of course I love the music and meeting famous people whom I love. <3
Meh. This was a really really shit chapter, and I apologise. No, actually, I don't really. I don't actually care that much. Just thought I'd stop by and write a pile of bullshit for anyone who's willing to read, and myself.
See ya.