We Live in a Beautiful Place


Thanks. For trying to ruin my life you selfish cow.
You've succeeded. Stop now?

So, yeah. She tried to suspend me. Nearly worked. I'm trying to move schools, and my mom was thinking about it, but when she went to talk about it to the princible she was like it's all over blah blah blah. So I guess I'm stuck in that fucking hell hole where everyone, except a few people, hates me. Fuck my life.

Today is.. Friday. I didn't go to school today. Well, actually, I did go. But before nine o'clock I left with mom and went home instead. It's the last day anyway. So I am now officialy on my Easter holidays. Yay! I've been sitting on my ass all day on facebook, youtube, and tumblr. No wonder I'm so fat.

I really need to get out this weekend, but my friends going to her sisters twenty first birthday today and I probably won't see her till rehearsals on Sunday. So, that means a weekend full of watching episodes of two and a half men and tumblr. How interesting.

I'm finally done my Home Economics junior cert craft project, though. I had to cross stitch this lame ass thing. It was HELL. Ah well, it's from Sum 41. 'I tried to be perfect but nothing was worth it'. True, man, true.

I really need some contact with a human being seeing as I have no credit and..yeah. So feel free to message me, if your reading this. I salute you! I'm not usually this depressing when you talk to me, so don't let that hold you back.

I want my lip pierced SO badly. But my parents won't let me, and this is like, something I want SO bad. I would choose this over like...no christmas. And imagine that? Yeah, that's how bad I want it. I also want a belly button piercing, that would be cool.

I just found out theres 47 calories in just one chocolate digestive biscuit. And I've had three today. Yup, that explains itself. That's like what, 140 something calories?

My birthday just passed, 3 days ago. Wow, it feels like I'm 14 for longer than that. I haven't really given it any thought. I've deffinetly matured since last year when I was 13. I like the fact that I'm not 13 and in second year, or eighth grade. It's cool being fourteen. Well, not really. I just feel kinda depressed that I didn't really celebrate it, because I don't really have many people to with. So me and Dee are going to Dublin for two days next week. It's gonna be KILLER fun.

Anywho, gotta go watch some family guy and two and a half men so I can pass some time before I eat.
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