Mi Amour

One shot!

Gabe grabbed the last of our duffel bags before shutting the car door with his hip. I held open the front door of the cabin, quickly ushering him in. Once he was safely out of the rain he dropped our duffel bags to the floor and took his coat off and threw it on the back of one of the kitchen chairs. I shook my head before grabbing our duffel bags and walking into the bedroom.

“Jackie, how long have we been coming here?” Gabe asked as he followed close behind me.

“Uh, well we came here for our honeymoon.” I replied, heaving the duffle onto the unmade bed. “And ever since then. So you answer that question.” I said, sending him a smile before unzipping the cloth.

He chuckled before walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Four years.” he mumbled while kissing my neck. I giggled before gently pushing him off. “Come on, unpack later hermosa chica. (pretty girl)”

I shook my head, “I just want to get it done with now, otherwise we’ll never do it.” I answered, turning around and looking up at him. He with a frown he sighed and started to open up a few of the drawers in my uncle’s cabin so that I could easily place all of our clothes away. “Do you want to make the bed while I put everything away?” I asked, turning to face the duffel bag again.

“Not really.” he muttered, leaving the room. I rolled my eyes and started to refold some of the shirts before putting them away. Gabe came back a few seconds later with sheets and a few blankets to put over the queen sized bed. He placed them at the foot of the bed before grabbing our duffel and dropping it on the floor without a second thought.

I rolled my eyes before bending over and grabbing it. “You’re a jerk.” I mumbled, putting it on top of the dresser. I heard Gabe mumble something before trying to put the mattress spread. I let out a deep sigh and chose to ignore him while I shoved our clothes into the dresser drawer.

“If you’re going to be crabby I can just sleep in the other room tonight.” he snapped, causing me to jerk around and look at him.

“You’re the one who’s being crabby.” I spat, crossing my arms over my chest. He just glared at me. “All I wanted to do was put the clothes away, but you can’t keep it in your pants for five more fucking minutes!”

Loco (crazy) you’re being fucking loco. (crazy)” he mumbled, running his hand through his hair.

“I am not being crazy!” I yelled, shaking my head. “You’re just being a dick. See now, if you would have just done what I asked, without the attitude, we’d be doing what you had in mind already.”

Gabe just threw his hands up into the air “I can’t believe I se casó (married) such a persistente (nagging), molesto (annoying) woman!” I couldn’t help but to laugh a little, which seemed to only make him angrier. “What are you laughing at mujer (woman)?” he seethed.

“Your language choice. You keep switching back and forth between English and Spanish.” I said, a smile plastered onto my lips. I went to hug him, but he just took a step back.

No me toques, niña. Estoy durmiendo esta noche en el otro cuatro. (Don’t touch me girl. I’m sleeping in the spare room tonight.)” Gabe said, grabbing his pillow and storming out of the room.

“Gabe!” I called, dropping my hands to my side and frowning. He reply was slamming the spare room door. I sighed and turned back to the bed. I titled my head to the side before finishing the work that Gabe had started.


A loud rumble of thunder sounded from outside, causing me to jump and fall out of the bed. Lighten flashed from outside of the window and I let out a low whimper before finding the bed again. I pulled the blankets over my head and turned to face where Gabe should have been. Another loud crash came from outside and I let out an equally loud yelp. I curled my knees up to my chest and tucked my head into the pillow as I tried to drown out the sounds from the outside.

“Jackie?” Gabe whispered. I pulled the blankets off of my head and turned to look at him. He chuckled softly before walking over to the bed. “Can I lay down with you?”

I nodded my head quickly and allowed him to climb underneath the covers. I fastened my arms around his middle and shoved my face into his chest as another round of thunder crashed.

“It’s okay mi amour. (my love)” he cooed into my ear. “I promise.” he ran his fingers through my hair and hummed softly. I smiled to myself and loosened my grip from his middle.

We just laid there for a while, neither of us saying anything. His fingers were still lightly playing with my hair, while mine were gently tracing shapes onto his bare stomach. “I’m sorry about earlier.” I finally mumbled, only to hear him chuckle.

“You shouldn’t be sorry, I was mad for no good reason.” he said, kissing the top of my head. I smiled and looked up at him. “Oh, I got you something.” he grinned, leaning down to kiss me. I kissed him back, only to have him pull away too soon.

“What is it?” I asked, allowing him to untangle my arms from around his middle as he got out of bed and left the room. “Gabe.” I groaned, getting ready to follow him.

“Just a second miel! (Honey)” he called from the spare room. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them while I waited for him to return.

“Hurry up.” I whined as I intertwined my fingers. He walked back into the room and flipped the light on. I closed my eyes quickly and slowly opened them, trying to let them adjust to the light. Gabe sat down next to me at the edge of the bed and pulled out a necklace box.

I gently placed my hand on it before looking up at Gabe’s face. “Take it.” he said, putting the box into my hand.

Slowly, I opened the long velvet box and gasped as I looked down at the beautiful heart shaped necklace. “Gabe.” I whispered, placing my hand over my own heart. “It’s so…”

“Amazing?” he chuckled, taking it out of the box and putting it on me. “Only the best for you mi amour (My Love.)”

“I love you so much Gabe.” I whispered, gently playing with the diamond encrusted heart.

“Hm, you only seem to say that when I buy you things.” he joked. I lightly tapped his chest. “I’m joking, I’m joking. I love you too.” he said, leaning down and kissing me. “Now how about we show each other how much.” he said with a wink.

I just laughed and kissed him again.