Status: Active :D



The eight-wheeler hurtled towards us, coming closer and closer without even realizing our existence. Mother didn’t take notice of the speeding death trap that was traveling directly towards her old piece of junk qualified as a car. I tried to tell her, but I couldn’t seem to get the words to escape my mouth. They scuttled there deep inside my throat terrified to speak our tragic fate.

I gave an ear piercing scream that even deafened me. Or was it the blaring horn of the eight- wheeler that deafened me? It didn’t really matter because in the end the thing that haunted me then, the thing that haunts me now and the thing that shall always haunt me was the fear I saw in my mother’s eyes as the truck’s hood smashed into the driver’s side of the car.

* * * * * *

I shot up in bed, my whole body shook violently as I gasped for air. Sweat plastered my choppy blond hair to my face, blurring my vision. Pushing my hair back, I sighed and collapsed back into the comfort of my pillow. I glanced over at the digital clock that lay conveniently next to my blow up mattress. It was nearly four thirty in the morning and there was absolutely no doubt that I was not going back to sleep after that nightmare.

Slipping on a hoodie over my night shirt, I made my way down the stairs towards the living room. I made sure to walk gently, trying not to disturb anybody who was lucky enough to still be sleeping. Quietly I flipped on the kitchen light and gave a girly shriek at the sight of a dark silhouette that lingered in the darkness of the living room. The shadow came forward into the light with its hands up in surrender, chuckling.

“It’s alright. I’m not some evil demon who has come to take your soul to hell,” John laughed. You see, John is what some people would call my ‘Dad’, but he is not my ‘Dad’. He is as far from being my dad as I am from being baby Jesus. He and my Mother got married when they met in Vegas and let’s just say I came along nine months later. I was born and mother dearest and John got a divorce. Enough said.

I looked down and buried my face in my hands, embarrassed at my high pitch shriek. “Did I wake you up or something?” I muttered, swiping my hair behind my ear before opening up the fridge.

“You wake me up?” He snorted. “That’s not possible, Ivy. I could sleep through the end of the world,” He assured me. I gave a nod and bit my lip.

“John, do you have any chocolate milk?” I questioned with a huff, turning to look at him with my arms crossed. His smile faded slightly as he gave a shake of his head.

“No. Sorry, Kiddo. I try to keep any source of sugar away from the little terrors that are asleep upstairs,” He said making his way over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of plain ordinary milk. Disgusting, if I might add. He tried to hand it to me, but I simply backed away.

“Thanks, but no thanks, John. I prefer chocolate milk,” I mumbled, climbing onto the kitchen table and taking a seat on it Indian style.

John eyed me for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck and grumbled,” You do know we eat there, right?” I arched an eyebrow.

“You act like you don’t eat with plates. We eat with plates at this house, right?” I asked desperately, nearly falling off of the table top. He almost fell over laughing, even though I was being completely serious. John gripped the counter for support as he caught his breath.

“Yes! Of course, we use plates,” He muttered while he put the milk back in its rightful place at the back of the fridge. I slid off of the table, with a yawn and murmured, “Good. That’s terrific news. We’ll have to talk about it some other time though. I’ve got to get ready for school!” Believe it or not, my excitement was not fake.

* * * * *

“Are you sure you want to go through with this?” John asked, as he pulled up alongside the front of McKinley High school. I gave a brave nod and gave a quiet sigh.

“I’m not a little kid, John,” I grumbled, taking in a deep breath. He nodded. I smiled in satisfaction. At least we agreed on something…

“Your right. You’re not a little kid. If you were, you would be begging me to take you home,” John smirked. The smile fell from my face and was replaced by a glare.

“Pick me up at three o’clock,” I reminded him before slamming the car door shut and starting towards the school doors. My teeth chattered as I flung the doors open. An overwhelming smell of musky cologne, sweat and scented lip gloss blasted me in the face putting me into a coughing fit. Not the most pleasant aroma. It was quite toxic actually…

I slipped and squeezed past people blindly making my way through the school in search of the principle’s office. Finally I was able to find his office with the help of a school map that was posted on some teacher’s door. I stumbled into the front office, accidentally bumping into a bitchy looking student aide.

“Oh, shit. I’m sorry…” I stammered, but she refused to even glance my way and stomped her Barbie self out into the hallway. A grown lady about my height skipped up to me and introduced herself.

“Hello. I’m Mrs. Ross. You are the new student, aren’t you? Well, of course you are I haven’t seen you a day in my life! I will be your Vice Principle for the rest of the year. The Principle is in there, Deary,” She rambled with a cheesy grin on her face the entire time.

I nodded and shuffled up to the door, giving it a light knock. A tall jolly looking old man with a white beard answered the door. If I hadn’t of known any better, I would have thought that he was Santa Clause. “Come in! Do come in,” He exclaimed giving a cheerful laugh. Holy chizz. Maybe my new principle is Santa Clause!

I held back a smile and restrained from laughing as I took a seat in front of his desk. His office was dull and dreary, nothing like his attitude at all. He took a seat across from me and handed me my schedule. I glanced down at it then back up at him. “Thank you,” I muttered and skimmed over my classes.

“I am Mr. Roy! Any time you feel like it come by my office and we’ll chat. Here’s your pass to class,” He said in a rush, shoving the pass at me and shooed me on my way.

I slowly found my way through the school, trying to find my biology class. No such luck came in finding the class room. Just when I seemed out of luck, I came across a group of guys hanging around a locker.

Taking in a deep breath, I walked up to them and cleared my throat. They all slowly shut up and turned to look at me. “Do any of you happen to know where Mr. Davis Biology class is?” I said in almost a whisper. The guys glanced around at each other just before one of them stepped out in front. Every pack needs a leader, right?

He nodded with a smirk. ”Yeah, we know where it is,” He grumbled, his green eyes seemed to stare through me as if he couldn’t care less. I waited for him to continue and tell me where it is, but no such moment came.

“And where would it be?” I asked them in a slow manner, making the hand gestures and all. The leader glanced back at his friends for a moment.

“Guys, doesn’t Mr. Davis teach freshman,” He questioned with an evil smile. His friends nodded. The leader turned back to me and gave me a dazzling smile. “After you, freshman. We’ll take you to Mr. Davis’s room…”He reassured me, slinging an arm around my waist practically dragging me down the hallway.

I opened my mouth to protest. “You know what, I think I can find my own way there, thanks,” I stammered trying to pull out of his grasp, but for a skinny guy he had a death grip. And on that last note they shoved me into a cold dark janitors closet.

“Have a nice first day!” The leader chimed and bounded away laughing.

* * * * * *

The final bell rang and still there I sat in a janitors closet. The door creaked open to reveal the leader dude and his gang of friends. They smiled down at me, but that all changed when one of his followers asked how my day was and got a bloody nose. The group of guys backed off enough to where I could push through and stomp my way outside.

My first day of high school ruined all because of that guy and his friends. Speaking of that guy, he came running after me.

“Wait up! Aw, come on. Don’t be that way,” He grinning catching me by the arm. I shoved him off of me, but for some strange reason didn’t continue walking.

“What the hell is your problem? What in Gods name have I done to you?” I demanded louder than I wanted. He put his hands up and let the smile fall from his face.

“Okay, Okay. I’m sorry…” He muttered with an apologetic smile. I stared at him.

“You are incredible!” I exclaimed. “You shut me in a closet all day with no way of escape and then you expect me to just forgive you because you bat your little eyes and say your sorry.”

“Okay. Fair enough. I’m Ronnie…. And you are?” He asked hopefully. I glared at him and started walking towards the parking lot. He ran to catch up with me.

“It’s none of your business who I am,” I muttered, just now catching a glimpse of John’s car. If I make it there I’m home free. “Why don’t you go do something productive, instead of hassling me,” I said quickening my pace. Just a couple more feet…

John pulled up beside me and I jumped in the car. “Step on it,” I murmured, not wanting to explain the events of my day. Ronnie jumped in from of the car just as John hit the gas pedal.

“I won’t move until you tell me your name!” He shouted above the engines roar. I buried my face in my hands. Why won’t this boy just quit already?

“You’re mental,” I yelled back. He shrugged, not denying anything.

“Fine, you win! My name’s Skivy,” I grumbled. A gigantic smile spread across his face as he jumped back onto the sidewalk.

Why do I have a feeling that his guy is going to be a pest the rest of the year?
♠ ♠ ♠
New story!
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