Not Because of You

I like...

I like the movies you forced me to watch, not because of you, but because they’re good movies.
I like the idea of a tall guy, not because of you, but because I always have.
I like guys who are involved with the military, not because of you, but because of Jessea, who would replace the idea of a prince charming with a soldier.
I like the silver chain you got me, not because it was from you, but because it is nice jewelry and all of my others broke.
I like the clothes you used to wear for jazz band concerts, partially because of how you looked in them, but also because I think it’s nice when people dress up.
I like the positive feelings of the year I spent with you, partially because I loved you then, but also because I like the feeling of somebody really caring about me.
I like the memories we have, but I don’t really like you that much anymore.
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I wrote this about my ex. I've slowly realized that he's not the best out there. 6 foot 5 sickly trumpet players who can't handle sophomore honors English are not the best I can do. But it's a good learning experience.