Status: Just Starting . (:

When I Mentioned Blue All You Thought Was Colour


Rebecca died on the first day of summer vacation. Call it tragic, call it whatever you like, I don’t care. But, I guess I’m getting ahead of myself.

Rebecca Eames was far from average, except if you counted her looks. She had long light brown hair. She wasn’t even lucky enough to get blonde. She was remarkably thin and had nothing but bumps on her chest to call breasts. She was the girl you never noticed, but I guess that’s a bad way to describe her, seeing as you’ve never noticed that girl. She’s the girl next door, without the attraction. She was innocent to say the least. Never had a smoke, she didn’t want unsightly wrinkles or premature death. She never drank how was acting a fool attractive anyway? She never snuck out, who was she supposed to see? She never stole, why would she? Her father was filthy rich. You’d think that she’d be especially popular and stylish what with her money and all, right? Wrong. Her mother died giving birth to her, so she had grown up basically alone, making her awkward and pale. Plus, dads weren’t great for fashion advice.

But average Rebecca would become a Spontaneous, Fun, Cute, Sexy, Hardcore Rebecca in a matter of seconds. All it took was a glance. A glance from someone totally not her type. A wave, a smile from a boy. A boy with long, dark hair, a tattoo on his wrist, and striking blue eyes. Yes, that’s all it took to change Rebecca, that and a little black beauty.
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; This is just an intro . I think my problem with getting bored with stories can be easily fixed . From now on I am going to update every day .

Comment , subscirbe ? Remember , this is just an intro , but I think it came out quite well , don't you think ?

Yay , for new laptops . :D