Status: Just Starting . (:

When I Mentioned Blue All You Thought Was Colour


Rebecca was flying through the air, mingling her soul with the clouds. She could see everything from the sky. She saw the top of her house and next to it, Bert’s house. She soured until she found the lake behind her house. There was a cliff that broke off suddenly and sharply. If she were to fall off it, she would land face down on the jagged rocks and crashing waves below. But Rebecca wasn’t afraid, she was free. No longer in a substantial body, she wouldn’t even fall. Then the sky lit up red and it started flashing and beeping.

Rebecca rolled out of her bed and banged on her alarm clock until it shut off. She hated mornings almost as much as she hated school. As she got dressed in her normal school uniform consisting of an awful green plaid skirt, button up shirt, and black camisole, she tried to recall her dream. All she remembered was flying above her house and feeling free for the first time in her life.

“Bye, Dad.” Rebecca called to the kitchen where she heard the sounds of gurgling coffee and sizzling eggs.

“Don’t you want breakfast?” He stuck his head around the corner.

“No, I’m running late. I’ll pick something up on the way.” She smiled and walked out the door.

The truth is, Rebecca didn’t believe in eating except when necessary, which meant when she was about to faint. So she got in her indistinct silver Honda, and drove to the closest Starbucks. She ordered a Vente Peppermint Mocha Latte’, Soy Milk, No Whip. Rebecca really did pride herself on her body. She may be invisible, but she knew she had a great body, outside of her boring, too baggy clothes.

When she got to school, the whole day passed by in a blur. She took notes in Trigonmetry, took a test in Physics, and got hit in the face in P.E. Finally, she was in her 7th period, English. She was happy to hear they would be watching a movie. That was until she saw an all too familiar face talking to the teacher in the back on the class.

“Class, this is Bert. He’s a new student here at Pencey Prep, and I want you to welcome him as such. Now, Bert, take a seat anywhere in the class. I believe that there is an empty seat behind Ms. Rebecca Smith. That seat will be your assigned seat for the rest of the year.”

I stared at Mrs. Ingles in shock. There had to be at least 5 other empty desks in the class, and she had picked the on right behind me to have Bert to sit in? Was the universe out to embarrass me?

Bert sat behind me, and as the movie started he immediately took out paper and pencil and started writing.

Wow, a deligent student? Rebecca thought, Who would have thought?

That’s when a paper flew over her head and onto her desk. It was folded into a neat square and read “Becca” in sloppy writing.

Rebecca sighed and opened the note, it read,

Meet me in the parking lot at 3:15.

Rebecca crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. She acted aggravated, but she knew she would meet him, even if she wouldn’t admit it to herself.
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Sorry I haven't updated, midterms .