We're Going Down, Down in an Earlier Square?


.:Normal P.O.V:.

Gerard, Mikey, and I found a table in the food court, and I tried to hide them, as they pulled out their huge sunglasses, "Where are we going to eat," I asked, setting my stuff in a chair.

"Well, I'm gonna go to the Chinese place," said Mikey, "I think they have sushi there." I giggled.

"Is that all you ever eat?"

"Dude," Gerard said, "He can eat half his body weight in that stuff."

"Wow," I said, nodded in amazement, "That's pretty impressive."

"Isn't it," Mikey said.

"Yeah... talk about stupid human tricks." Gerard and I laughed, and Mikey hung his head in shame, "Aw!" I go over and hug him, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

"Really," he asked, lifting his head to, I thinking, look into my eyes.


"Good," he smiled, "Now I feel better." I smiled, and I grabbed my wallet.

"Gerard stays and watches everything," I say, before Gerard can say anything, Mikey and I head off to get something to eat. He goes to the Panda Express, and I go to Taco Bell.
I order a chicken quesidilla, a medium sprite, and a small bag of Cinnamon twists. I get my food, and go back to our table.

"It's about time you got here," Gerard said. I stick my tongue out at him, and he smiles. I sat down, and took my food out of it's packages, and started eating.

"Didn't you ever learn that it's rude to start eating when everyone else is getting food," Mikey asked, as he sat next to me.


"Then.... Why are you eating?"

"If I waited, then my food would be old, and cold, and ever so full of mold."

"Did you just quote Spongebob?"

"Yes," I giggled.

"You're such a dork," Mikey shook his head. Gerard came back, beating our time, "Where the hell did you go?"

"Subway," he answered.


We all ate our food, and we talked about the most random stuff. When we were finished, we looked around the mall for a while, going in and out of stores. When it was closing time, we all headed back to the car, to find a group of teenage girls huddled around it.

"Oh no," Mikey mumbled.

"Give me the keys," I said.

"What," Gerard asked, looking scared.

"Go back to the mall entrance, and I'll get the car."

"But it's my car."

"But it's surrounded by girls," I said, "Let me just act like it's my car. When I pull up to the entrance, you and I can switch places, and you can drive home."

"Good idea," said Mikey. Gerard said nothing. He only sighed, and tossed me the keys. They all gave me their bags, and I went to the car.

"Excuse me," I said, as I popped the trunk.

"Who the fuck are you," asked a blond chick.

"My name is Samantha Young. I'm the owner of this car."

"No your not," answered another.

"I'm not?"


"If I'm not, then who is?"

"Gerard Way." I nodded.

"Right, that's why I have the keys."

"But it's his dream car!"

"Dream car. That means not real car."


"Lets just say, I'm a big fan of MCR and he gave a clever idea for a license plate saying. Now will you please back away from my car."

"What a bitch," muttered the blond. The girls moved, and I pulled out of the parking spot. I made for the entrance, and stopped. I got out of the car, and Gerard and Mikey got in.

Gerard closed the door, and took off.

"What are you doing," I asked.

"I want to say 'hi' to the pretty ladies," he said. Slowing down by the group, they didn't stop walking. Mikey and Gerard rolled down the windows.

"Hey ladies," Gerard said, "Lovely night isn't it?" The blond turned to the car and screamed.

"I knew it was Gerard's car!" the girls all screamed, and Gerard took off.

The windows were rolled up, and Mikey and I sat in the back seat. Resting my head on his shoulder, I began to nod off. As I drifted into sleep, images of Pete came to my mind, and I dreamed peacefully. When I woke, I was in a room that I wasn't familiar with. I sat up, and Gerard looked up from the floor.

"Oh! You're awake," he smiled.

"What time is it," I asked.

"Midnight," he said.


"Just turned."

"Oh my god," I smiled. "Where am I?"

"My room."

"Oh." Gerard smiled.

"Would you like to spend the night?"

"Well.... I think I did."

"Good point. Would you like to stay a little longer?"


I smiled. Gerard hesitantly got into bed beside me, and wrapped his arms protectively around me. I buried my head in his chest, and fell back to sleep. Only to be woken again, by angry voices from outside Gerard's door.