Blood and Bonds

Unexpected Attack

It all happened so fast that I didn't see it coming. One minute I was standing in the doorway that held my Kazekage lord, and the next I was pinned to the wall with a death grip on my throat. I look up, only to see a set of eyes that are unfamiliar.

"Let him down, Kabuto." The Kazekage commands, laying a warning hand against the four eyed freaks arm. I glare at the stranger with deep hatred.

"But my lord!" Kabuto says, looking at the Kazekage with worried eyes.

"I may have a use for this boy. We cannot afford to exterminate something that could become a useful tool." The Kazekage says, shaking his head with a bit of a warning to his voice.

"Yes." The four eyes says as he releases me. I fall to the ground, coughing in an attempt to get the air to return to my lungs. He looks down at me. "You should feel lucky that the lord decided to spare your life!" He says with deep hatred in his voice. I glare at him defiantly.

"No one is the lord of me but myself!" I say as I get to my feet. They both look at me with complete surprise.

"Well, you're sure a spunky one, aren't you?" The Kazekage says as he motions to the four eyes. The next thing I know, something hits the back of my neck, knocking me out.

I wake up, only to see a familiar face.

"Brother?" I ask, completely confused at what I'm seeing.

"That's right, little bro. Can't have you dying before your purpose has totally run out." The man above me says with a strange smirk on his face. I flinch away at just what his words implied.

"You wouldn't dare! The whole village would be after you!" I say, glaring at him with horrified eyes.

"And that's supposed to affect me in some way?" He asks, looking down at me with a raised eyebrow. He runs a finger down my face. "Do not worry. I plan on saving that till we're in a better place." He says in a suggestive voice. I shake my head.

"Get away from me!" I shout, pushing him away from me.

"Very well, but I shall return for you, my dear little brother." He says as he stands up with a look of determination on his face that makes my blood run cold. Before I can react, he disappears.
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Yet another Naruto Story. Just to let everyone know before you get too many chapters into the story. This is going to be a yaoi, aka, boy on boy story!
