Blood and Bonds

A New Team

I sigh as I walk into the Kazekage’s office after having talked to Temari about the plan that they’re planning on using during the Chunin Exams.

“Did you get the full details from her on how it’s going?” the Kazekage demands as he gets to his feet. I look at him with irritation clearly written on my face.

“Your lack of confidence in me is extremely irritating!” I say, collapsing into the seat across for the seat that the Kazekage sits in.

“Good.” the Kazekage says with a grin on his face. I look at him strangely before sighing as I give up the attempt at understanding just what the hell is going on. He looks at me for a moment before he disappears. I freeze instantly as I feel him grab ahold of the skin on the back of my neck.

“Forgive me, my lord.” I say, exposing the part of my neck that’s covered by his palm. I sigh internally when I feel his hand disappear.

“All is forgiven. Just don’t do it again.” the Kazekage commands as he walks back to his seat. He collapses into it, and looks at me intently.

“What is it, my lord?” I ask, looking at him with worry filled eyes.

“I wish for you to go to the Chunin Exams and compete in them.” the Kazekage commands in a no questions voice. I bow my head slightly.

“I shall my lord…err…” I say as I get to my feet before walking around so I’m standing right in front of the Kazekage’s feet. I bow down on one knee, and lower my head. After a moment of thought, I look up at the Kazekage with unsure eyes. “My team is not together anymore. What shall we do about it?” I ask, before looking back at the ground.

“Do not worry. I have already created a new team for you. They shall be arriving within the hour.” the Kazekage says as he waves toward me. “I have something for you to do until they arrive.” he says with a strange glint in his eye. I look up at him again.

“What is it, my lord? I’ll do anything!” I say, determination in my eyes. He chuckles as he gets to his feet, and walks to his window, and looks out it.

“I want you to show me what it is that Temari and you talked about.” the Kazekage commands before turning back to look at me. I lower my head before walking forward. I sigh as I kiss his hand. He flinches as the memories invade his mind. After a moment, he removes his hand from mine, and walks back to his desk.

“Is there something not to your liking, my lord?” I ask, a worried look covering my face. I watch as he adjusts his white robe and white and blue long and wide hat.

“No, nothing is wrong. It went exactly how I wanted it to go. Now, abo-“ he stops as we hear a knock on the door. I look toward it with surprise for a moment before looking at the Kazekage as he raises his hand. “Enter.” he commands in a stern voice. I step back a few steps and go down on one knee. I hear the voices of a female and another male.

“So nice of the two of you to decide to join us!” the Kazekage says with a strange note of irritation to his voice. I look up at him with surprise before lowering my head as he turns to look at me. “Luka, if you will.” he commands. I stand up with my head still toward the ground. “Raise you head.” he commands.

“Yes, my lord.” I say as I look up at the two people standing in front of the Kazekage’s desk. My eyes widen as I take in their appearances. “Introduce yourselves!” he commands.

“Very well, I guess I’ll start.” the guy with the red hair with a black strip through the front and icy blue eyes says. “My name is Ayden. I’m 13 years old and am currently a Genin.” he says as I examine his striped undershirt with black coat on top as well as his baggy black pants with his right leg wrapped.

“Well, guess it’s my turn!” the girl with the brown hair and blue eyes says. “My name is Ember. I’m 12 years old and am currently a Genin.” the girl says with a smile on her face. I examine her plad clothing and arm warmers, as well as the strange thing in her hair that looks kind of like something a maid would wear.

“Well, guess I’m the last one.” I say with a demonic grin on my face. They both look at me in surprise as I bow slightly, causing my white front hair to fall slightly in my face. “My name is Luka. I’m 13 and am currently a Genin, although I rank in at a Chunin.” I say with a strange note in my voice as I run my hand through my back hair, which is black. They both look at me strangely as they examine my clothing, consisting of; a black undershirt that has about three or four belts going across it, my beaten up overcoat that goes down to the ground and about half way down my upper arm, my belt on my neck, my red arm covers that have three or four belts holding them on both my arms, and my 2 foot sword that is currently on my back.

“Okay, Luka. You can knock that shit off now!” the Kazekage commands. I look over toward him with my eyes lowered.

“Forgive me, my lord.” I say, bowing. The Kazekage grins as he turns toward the other two.

“I wish to speak to the two of you for a moment.” he says before turning back to me. “You are dismissed.” he says. I bow once again.

“I thank you, my lord.” I say as I walk out the door, past my new teammates, shutting the door behind me.
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Sorry it took so long to get this one up ^^, I just really didn't have any insperation to write it...