Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Jimmy.

December 25th, 2007

The sun peeked through the dark blue curtains that hung from the window. Dark blue was Jimmy's favorite color, so I didn't have a problem with them, even though they didn't match the red and black theme for our room.

I heard giggling from downstairs. I'm sure that's what really woke me up, but the sun had something to do with it, too. I've always had a problem with sleeping with light around me. I groaned and rolled over, only to see an empty bed.

Jimmy would be the first one up on Christmas. A smile fell on my lips. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that he wasn't the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I pulled the covers off and shivered. It was freezing in the house.

"If he turned on the air conditioning.." I mumbled, walking over to the closet. I pulled out a hoodie and slipped it over my head, as I left the room. I walked down the carpeted stairs and walked into the living. I raised on eyebrow at the incredibly huge present sitting in front of the tree. It was probably around five feet wide and tall. It was wrapped in pretty, metallic neon green paper with sparkling green polka-dots on it. It had a big, dark blue bow on the top.

I smiled. My favorite color and Jimmy's favorite color. I walked over to it and saw that there was a card in an envelope. "To my lovely girlfriend, Kate!" It read on the front, in Jimmy's pretty, scratchy writing. I tore open the envelope to find a card with a teddy bear with a Santa hat on. I opened it and smiled.

Katie, Katie, KATIE! If you're reading this, then YES! My plan worked! I'm currently on my way to the North Pole, because Santa excepted me as an elf! I even gave him an application! So, now I get to wear a little outfit and striped tights. Okay, maybe I could do without the striped tights. Anyways, FINALLY! Santa got someone to reach the top shelves and not get a ladder to do so! VICTORY IS JIMMY'S!

So, as my parting gift, love, I left you this ginormous present, in which you'll love. Because, I know you will.

With lots of love and kisses and cuddlings,
You're amazing boyfriend,
You know, the sexy one whose body you can't resist,
Oh yeah, that's ME!

P.S.- I really didn't go to the North Pole. Just open the present, even if I'm not there.
P.S.S.- We're out of peanut butter.. Can we go get some tomorrow? As in, let me go with you to the grocery store? I won't fill up the buggy with useless stuff like always! PROMISE!
P.S.S.S.- It took me FOREVER to think of what to get you, but you'll- SHIT. I'm running out of room on the card. BYE!

My lips curled into a huge grin and I laughed. He always knew how to make me happy. I tore the wrapping off the present. On the box, there was a huge deathbat drawn with the words "Katie Marie Jones-Sullivan" written above it. There was a huge question mark and a smiley face underneath of it.

I opened up the top of box, and Jimmy popped up, screaming, "Oh God! LIGHT!"

"Jesus Christ, Jimmy!" I screamed, falling back on my butt. He looked down at me and smiled. Then, he remember something, and started moving around in the box, only to have it fall over to the side.

"I FOUND IT!" he screamed in happiness, before crawling out of the box. He crawled over to me and showed me a little box.

"Kate, darling, will you marry me? Just asking, because if you say no, that's cool. I want you to say yes though, cuz I love you and all. And you love me. So, you should say yes. But, if you don't, that's coolio. Not really. Say yes?" He looked at me with those pretty blue eyes of mine and I nodded, vigorously, before kissing him.

He grabbed my hand and slid the ring on, before mumbling, "I love you," in my ear.
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:D <3 I love Jimmy.
I really liked writing this.