Status: In Progress

Tea for Two

Chapter One

“Now Dolly I want you be on your bestests manners okay,” she said placing the rag doll in the seat. She carefully placed her brand new china cups around the table before pouring the cold brown liquid into the cups. Hot water was off limits. She looked over and saw that Barbie was ready to join us. I put her in her blue convertible before driving her to the site of the tea party and putting her in her seat.

The tea party was being held in the centre of the large white playroom. In the centre of the room, she had dragged the large circular table to the middle of the room, had placed a yellow tablecloth on top and in the centre a jam jar filled with yellow daisies. Everything on the table matched perfectly, from the tablecloth right down to the small cupcakes she had helped her mother make the night before.

“Eliza, we are going to go now. Mary will be in the kitchen if you need her,” said her mother rushing over in her evening gown kissing the small girl softly on the head, Mary was the nanny that looked after her when her parents where out socializing. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” she said softly looking into her eyes, noticing the flash of fear that crossed them at the mere mention of going out to a public function. “Okay, we’ll be home to tuck you in,” she said before kissing her head again before rushing out the door. Little did they know the small girl would later be diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder, and although it would be controlled through medication she still would never live the life her parents and siblings did.


22 years ago today I was born to proud parents, Dr Robert Simms and his beautiful wife Patricia. I grew up with my older sister Karina and my older brother Marcus in Moon Township, a suburb of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. Life was relatively perfect; well at least in my eyes. I never had to attend the stupid charity functions my parents dragged my siblings too, not that I wanted to go. I often ended up in the bathroom crying and hyperventilating until my parents found me and took me home. When I was 12 the reason to my strange behaviour was diagnosed as social anxiety disorder, and although it was controlled by medication my parents always respected my wishes to remain at home.

After graduating high school I had no desire to continue my education, so instead I spent several years living in England with my mother’s sister who taught me everything there is to know about tea. I arrived home six months ago to my new condo and a new business, thanks to my parents. My business was a specialty teashop, where I sold various loose-leaf teas, tisanes and also offered high tea to a small group every Friday.

But this Friday was all about me, I had left my assistant in charge of the shop and there was no high tea today. Instead I spent the day at the spa with my mum and sister who where preparing me for tonight. Tonight my few close friends where taking me out to celebrate, meaning I would be stuck sitting in the corner drinking my cocktail watching them have fun dancing whilst I was trying to keep my nerves in tact.

I farewelled my mom and my sister took me back to my place to pick out my dress and to work her magic. She was a make up artist by trade but modelling was her profession and she often encouraged me to take up the profession, but I was content with my life. After much prodding, colouring and whatever else those brushes did I was ready.

I pulled on my red satin dress, and black pumps, before walking out to the lounge room where my sister was holding a Japanese Slipper cocktail. “Happy 22nd Eliza, here is too a fantastic night.”

“I am nervous Kez, I haven’t been out since the incident,” I said biting my lip. Ah, the incident a glorious time last year when I went out with my sister after New York Fashion Week, and I ended up having one of the worst anxiety attacks of my life when the paparazzi surrounded us outside a club. Anyways, we don’t talk about the incident.

“Don’t stress Eliza, you took your medication this morning right? We’ll get a few more glasses of this liquid courage and you’ll be fine,” she said, and I didn’t quite believe her. “Come on Eliza, it will be fine. Pittsburgh isn’t New York, and plus this club is really exclusive. They know how to treat their special guests, you’ll have fun I promise.”

An hour later we where making our way downstairs, to the lobby where a car was waiting for us. When we made it to the club there was already a line up, a group of tall guys walked in fist bumping the bouncer on their way past, saying something about good luck this season. Apparently Kez knew the bouncer; she hugged him before pulling me into the crowded club. We made our way up to the VIP section where we where greeted with a loud yell before being engulfed by a group of hugs from my closest friends.

I went and sat in the corner, Kez ordered another round of drinks before slowly two by two the girls left eventually leaving just Kez and I. I looked at her smiling when I noticed her smiling and checking out a man at the bar, him and his friend where both looking our way smiling. “Go get him Kez, I’ll be fine here.”

I looked down at my drink, and then pulled out my phone from my bag checking the time. It was only 11pm, and I was already bored and wanting to go home. I clicked on Tetris and begun to play a game to pass the time. In actual fact I hated clubbing, the music was getting to me and all I wanted to do was go home. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I didn’t notice that the man who was chatting to my sisters next conquest had made his way over and placed a new cocktail in front of me.

“What’s a pretty lady like you sitting by her self?” he asked sliding in the booth next to me. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I felt myself shrink into my shell. Why was this gorgeous man sitting next to me, let alone talking to me. “I’m Jordan by the way, did one of the boys invite you here for my birthday? Cause I really think you’re the best present yet,” okay, he stepped over the line.

“Excuse me Jordan, but I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but your disgusting. How dare you imply I was some kind of whore your buddies brought you, and as a matter of a fact I really do not give a fuck about your birthday. I am supposed to be celebrating my birthday, but now,” I said placing down my drink and picking up my purse. “I think I am going to go,” I said sliding out of the booth and making my way to the door.

“Wait,” he said grabbing my wrist and spinning me around. “I am sorry, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I didn’t even get your name.”

“Eliza Simms, and your Jordan...?” I said, and I saw him scrunch his face up a little.

“Staal…I,” he said rubbing the back of his neck, “You don’t follow Ice Hockey do you.”

“No, I don’t follow many things,” I said finally taking a good look at his face. He was tall, although I was the tallest of my siblings standing at 5ft 11 he still towered over me. He had the most brilliant blue eyes that instantly set me back into panic mode. “I, um have to go,” I said racing out of the door, hoping in a cab and texting Kez telling her where I went and sorry I ruined another night out.
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First chapter of my new story, have actually got ten pre-written chapters but I want to update my Jonathan Toews story before updating this again. I have once again been inspired. Lucky for you guys :)

Tell me what you think please