Status: In Progress

Tea for Two

Chapter Ten

I’ve flown from New York to Sydney, Australia but that flight seemed short compared to this particular flight. The flight had been agonizingly slow, and I had turned to my usual source of comfort. To any of the other passengers it looked as if I was just drinking a nice hot cup of green tea. This was no ordinary cup of green tea, it had a decent amount of vodka in it making it refreshing and calming at the same time.

My iPod was playing and I found it rather fitting that it was currently playing “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter. I was glad I was in First Class, and made a mental note to thank Marc next time I saw him, I closed my eyes briefly wishing the plane would just hurry up and land whilst wondering if he was thinking about me as much as I was thinking of him. My thoughts where interrupted by a hand on my shoulder and the stewardess informing we where making our final decent to Pittsburgh. I placed my iPod into my handbag, grabbing my compact out and dusting a fine powder on my face. My hair was a mess, and I hated that the new airline rules prohibited me from carrying my dry shampoo.

As soon as we taxied into the gat and where allowed off I rushed out the door with my overnight bag on my shoulder. I searched the crowd for a familiar face, Marc had called Sidney to inform him of my plans and he said someone would be there to pick me up. I was relieved that it was Vero, and I rushed into her arms hugging her tightly. “How is he?” I said, my eyes tightly closed trying to will the tears away.

“He’s not real good, he is having surgery at the moment,” she said and I nodded. I pulled away and saw another person standing nearby smiling at me. She walked over and pulled me into a hug, “You must be Eliza. I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Bianca, I’m Zbyněk Michálek’s wife,” she said smiling.

I nodded before turning to Vero who looked nervous, “Marc is in the car waiting for us. We’ve been trying to call you for days, why wont you answer your phone?” she said and I could tell she was annoyed. I took my time replying as we weaved through the crowded airport and I was then thankful Marc had stayed in the car. Reaching the door I ran my hand through my hair before replying, “I left it at home, I was trying to get in contact with one of you but of course your numbers are unlisted.”

“Yeah, Jordan has been…” Vero begun, but seemed to be lost for the English word. “Jordan has been a complete douche, at first he was all hopeless lost puppy but he deserved to get his hand broken,” Bianca stated catching both us girls off guard, I saw the black escalade parked in front of the door and slide into the back seat next to Bianca.

“What do you mean Jordan’s been a douche?” I said looking towards Vero in the front, and I knew I wasn’t going to like what I was about to hear.


My eyes fluttered open but I quickly closed them after being blinded by a white light. My throat was dry and itchy and I wanted nothing more to have a drink of water but my churning stomach made me think otherwise. The familiar post surgery wasn’t new to me, only a few months earlier I had been here in the same place. I felt numb but I was aware that was from the anaesthetic, the nurse looked over to me and asked the standard questions before checking my observations.

This continued forever ten minutes for an hour, before I felt my bed being wheeled. The next time my eyes opened was when I heard hushed voices, a voice I hadn’t heard in so long. I let out a groan and the voices stopped; I looked around the room and noticed how crowded it was. Flower and Vero sat cuddled up on a chair, Max asleep on a lounge with Kris sleeping on his shoulder, but the last people I saw hurt the most. On one the chairs near the window sat Evgeni, and in his arms snuggled nicely was my Lizzy. She was frowning, but smiled at something Evgeni whispered into her ear making the sick feeling in my stomach grow.

“Thank god your awake,” said an unfamiliar voice, and I looked towards the door where a vaguely familiar girl walked in before lunging her arms around me. I am sure I looked panicked, I looked to Sidney and TK who where standing at the door with amused expressions on her face.

“Baby, you left yesterday morning without saying goodbye, I was so worried!” I looked over to Lizzy who looked shattered as she buried her head deep into Geno’s shoulder.

I studied the blonde who was now on the edge of my bed, if it wasn’t for the obnoxiously red lipstick that graced her lips I wouldn’t of recognized her. She was Betty Boop, my one nightstand and I didn’t even know her name and I had no idea why she was here. Betty Boop turned out not to be a random hook up, her black wig disguised her well and I realized I had fallen into a trap of an old flame. “Can I have a minute alone with Lizzy?” I said, the team left the room and Geno exchanged a few words in Russian to Lizzy before she kissed him on the cheek and he left.

“Where did you disappear to Lizzy?” I asked frowning when she took a seat in the farthest corner from my bed. “I told you last week I was going to New York to get some dresses sometime soon,” she said looking out the window. “I was worried about you,” I said softly, she still didn’t look at me. “God dammit Lizzy look at me,” I said raising my voice, and noticing the tears in her eyes for the first time.

“I’ll look at you in the god damn eyes when you deserve it. I’ll get Gemmy, I am sure she wants to get back to her boyfriend,” she spat, before storming out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally an update! Sorry for the length between updates, have been working hard on a few contest entries which can be found here.

Speaking of contests I have my own running at the moment. That can be found here

Thank you to the following for commenting:
Ultraviolet Light
Janet Crosby