Status: In Progress

Tea for Two

Chapter Eleven

“I’m Gemmy, Jordan’s girlfriend”

When Vero told me I didn’t believe her, I didn’t want to believe her because that had meant everything between us was a lie. I looked at Marc and basically pleaded with him to tell me she was joking with me, but his normal upturned lips where pursed into a line as he told me what he knew. Apparently Gemmy was well known to the group, her and Jordan had a thing going several months ago. Nothing too serious apparently just casual dating, no one had seen her for months until Halloween and apparently they were getting reacquainted on the dance floor.

Vero was practically begging me not to go, and wanted Marc to take me home but I needed to see this for myself. I instantly regretted it when I walked into the room, and saw a woman who could rival my sister’s beauty sitting on his bed holding his hand the final piece of my heart had shattered. She looked up at me confusion written on her face, before realization hit and she stood up walking towards me.

“You must be Eliza, I’m Gemmy. Jordan’s girlfriend,” she said pulling me into a hug. I smiled politely nodding before asking how the surgery went. “It went well, I’m sorry how do you know Jordan?” she asked.

I think that was the moment where the tiny shard that was left of my heart shattered like a piece of plexiglass. I opened my mouth to form words but nothing came out, thankfully my favourite Russian came to my rescue. “She my girl, aren’t you Krasivaya,” said Geno pulling me into a hug, and placing a kiss at the side of my mouth. “Oh cool, I love meeting new WAGs! Well I am in need of some caffeine anyone want to come for coffee?” she asked and I shook my head. Tyler and Sidney followed her out, leaving a sleeping Max and Kris, a loved up Vero and Flower and Geno and I. I stared out the door at Crosby, I wonder how long he had known and he was now the biggest traitor until proven innocent.

I am sorry, I had no idea honestly,” Geno whispered in Russian, before pulling me down onto his lap in a chair near the window. “He asked me out on a date, and he has a girlfriend Evgeni. Do you know her?” I said softly, my tone flat as he pushed a piece of hair out of my face, I heard a grunt come from the bed but I chose to ignore it. A frown fell onto my face and Evgeni noticed it, he pulled me in closer before whispering into my ear “He is stupid for doing this to an amazing girl like you. You are all real, and your nails aren’t dangerous in bed,” he said winking causing me to smile, I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing but that was impossible. Kris and Max awoke, Kris pushing himself far away from Max upon realizing where the position of his head lay.

That’s when she re-entered the room, “Thank god your awake,” said her annoying southern accent as she practically leaped through the door and into his arms, he looked somewhat panicked before awkwardly returning the hug. I looked over to Tyler and Sidney, you could tell by the looks on their faces they were enjoying watching him squirm uncomfortably. “Baby, you left yesterday morning without saying goodbye, I was so worried!” she said kissing his cheek, I felt tears form in my eyes as I looked at Jordan and I saw he wasn’t denying it. I could handle him having a girlfriend, but knowing that he had been sleeping with, it was so much worse.

“Can I have a minute alone with Lizzy?” Jordan croaked Gemmy looked at me oddly before nodding and leaving, every one else left with exception of Evgeni who still held me tightly. “Do you want me to stay?” Geno asked casually again pushing my hair behind my ear. “If I need to go I’ll come out and get you okay, thank you for offering though,” I said kissing him on the cheek before he left. Jordan was the first to speak breaking the tension, “Where did you disappear to Lizzy?”

His question although simple annoyed me, probably because I had mentioned several times this last week I was planning on visiting my sister and buying dresses for a few functions coming up, I told him this as I sat in the chair furthest from him that was previously occupied by Flower and Vero. I saw him frown at my action and I kept my gaze looking out the window.

“I was worried about you,” he said softly, I refused to look at him he was everything I thought he was. A womanizer and a disgrace of a man. “God dammit Lizzy look at me,” he yelled causing me to jump from the sudden change of tone. My eyes watered and I tried to will the tears away to no avail.

Cranky with myself I snapped out of my self-pity I was currently in and decided to stand up for myself. “I’ll look at you in the god damn eyes when you deserve it. I’ll get Gemmy, I am sure she wants to get back to her boyfriend,” I said before walking out of the room. “You should go back in Gemmy. Evgeni take me home I need to pack.

Leaving Pittsburgh probably wasn’t my brightest idea in my short life, especially when I owned my own business and apartment. Other then my stint in Britain this was the biggest move of my life to date. When I rocked up on my sisters doorstep only a two days after leaving New York she was shocked. Partly because it was 5am when I knocked on the door, and partly because of my spontaneity. My phone had vibrated non-stop for three days, the only calls I took where those from Evgeni, Vero and Marc Staal.

I had settled into New York quicker then anticipated, my sister offered me a job as her ‘assistant’. Though when I asked her what my actual duties would entail she told me she already had an assistant who took care of her business and I was to there to “de-stress her and keep her smiling”.

So to comply with her orders I found myself sitting next to my sister with a green mask was pasted on my face as a women cut, filed and painted. My sister was telling me how we would be heading to the airport after this to pick up her boyfriend Caleb. He was flying into town for watch the Victoria Secret show that was tomorrow, and since I had RSVP several months ago with a plus one Karina was trying to find out who I was bringing. “Come on, please tell me,” she whinged. “If you must know, his name is John,” I said, she looked at me surprised “What?”

“You’re not bringing Marc?” She said shocked and I shook my head. “He offered to take me but I thought that would be weird, he is going with Henry and. He introduced me to John though,” I spoke as I closed my eyes. “Oh he is a hockey player? Does he play with Marc? Wait… does Marc know about this?” she asked, got to love my sister the snoop.
“No, he plays for the other New York team. John Tavares, he only got drafted like last year and no Marc has no idea. John was supposed to be on the west coast playing some games but he has been suffering headaches and the team doctor said he should stay home since he just got over a concussion.”

“Only drafted… how old is he?” she asked, a smile graced my face. “He just turned twenty,” I said, you had no idea what that did for my ego. “Nice, my little sister is into the younger men! We’ll make sure you’re looking dashing!”


It hadn’t even been two weeks and I was going insane, I kicked Gemmy out of the hospital the moment Lizzy left furious at myself for not saying something sooner. As soon as I was discharged caught a cab to her apartment, I knocked and waited for a few minutes before realizing it was a Friday and she would probably at work. I walked ran the two blocks from her apartment to the shop, puffing as I entered the shop only to find Dom standing behind the counter. He informed me that she had moved and Loz had taken over as store manager.

Today was the day of the Victoria Secret Fashion show, and whilst the boys where in Boston playing I was here in New York to try and win her back. Pulling pulled my dark blue satin tie that would match her dress to its rightful place; despite buying a dress for this event Lizzy apparently demanded to buy a new one and dragged Marc to do so. I paced back and forward in the hallway, looking in the mirror making sure I looked okay. “Dude, calm down,” Marc said laughing as he came out of his bedroom in his suit, “It will be okay, trust me.”

We walked downstairs where the limo was waiting for us; it had already picked up Marc’s teammates. We arrived at the red carpet; Marc smiled saying that she was already there and my stomach flipped with nerves. I got out of the car posing for some photos with my brother and we slowly made our way to the entrance, thankfully not many of the reporters cared that a group of ice hockey players where making an appearance at such an event. We were meters from the giant pink Victoria Secret splashback where everyone was getting a photo taken when I saw Lizzy with a group of guys. I recognized them as the Kings of Leon; Marc had told me that her sister had been dating the front man Caleb for several months so I wasn’t worried about her being with them.

I nudged Marc, and nodded my head to where she was standing as the boys she was with posed for a group picture. “I’m going to go say hi,” I said, before he patted me on the back for good. On my way over I noticed we weren’t the only hockey players attending the event. The stood John Tavares speaking with reporters just a few meters away and I made a mental note to go chat with him later. I was just within reaching distance of Lizzy when she moved towards the splash back, from the corner of my eye I saw John excuse himself from the reporters and attach himself to Lizzy for photos.

“Okay Jordan, no need to worry he could be just a friend,” I said to myself in my head only for my heart to be crushed when he kissed Lizzy softly on the lips. In that moment I knew that winning Lizzy back wouldn’t be as easy as I thought.
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There are still TWO spots left in my contest that can be found here. No more spots will be added once filled.
Thank you for all who've commented and subscribed. The next one will fast-forward several months, sorry if that annoys anyone.