Status: In Progress

Tea for Two

Chapter Fourteen

“Don’t you think he is too young for a commitment like that?”

“I know he love’s you, but is he in love with you?”

“I dunno Lizzy, you’ve only known him for three months. Are you knocked up or something?”

“I always thought you would end up with one of us hockey players, just not him”


The words of my friends had haunted me since we had left Vero’s house, we had checked into the hotel. I laid staring at the wall engulfed in John’s arm, he had been asleep for hours but my mind was in overdrive and wouldn’t shut off. We had met with my parents earlier this evening at a restaurant down the street, my mother was excited that both her girls where finally getting married however my father didn’t seemed to be impressed with how fast things where going. It was like everyone important in my life had joined a side like that twisted Twilight novel, instead of a dead vampire or a hairy dog people where Team Jordan and Team John. Dad, well Dad was just on Team you’re my baby girl and I don’t want to lose you.

I didn’t sleep that night; I spent the next day at my shop drinking tea in a daze. I went to the game in a daze, said goodbye to John who was returning back to New York with a sweet kiss and then went back to the hotel. I was staying in Pittsburgh for a week to catch up with Lauren, something John wasn’t too happy about I was doing it anyway. He just wasn’t good with the whole being apart thing, which I thought was cute.

Deciding to go out tonight with everyone was my first mistake, Lauren had invited everyone out to Diesel to celebrate my engagement. I stood in the bathroom of my hotel curling my hair meticulously, my make up already done to perfection. I released the last section of my hair before carefully running my fingers through the beautiful curls, satisfied with my work I went back into the room to study the two options I had for tonight.

Option one was a modest black strapless dress that cut off just below the knees, although it was one of my favourite dresses it definitely wasn’t clubbing material, that left me with the second option. The second option was a gold sequined dress that Karina insisted that I pack despite it being quiet revealing. Let’s just say the only thing stopping my boobs falling out was a shit load of tape.

I had just secured the last of my dress when there was a knock at signalling that Lauren had arrived to pick me up. I quickly put on the gold stilettos and picked up my clutch that had everything I needed before slipping my room key in it and opening the door.

“I’ll be right with you Loz, I just got to get my coat, and do you think this is a bit much?” I said turning around to see her eyebrows raised. She was dressed in something very similar, but I couldn’t help but ask, “Is it that bad?”

“Since when do you dress hot?” she said smiling, “Girl you look amazing!” she said spinning me around causing me to laugh. “No wonder you bagged the younger man, your smoking!” she said and I playfully slapped her arm.

“Come on, Sidney got us a limo for tonight you don’t need a coat,” she said walking towards the door. “The guys will be joining us a little later,” she said smirking and I nodded. I threw my jacket back onto the bed and made our way down the elevator and across the lobby ignoring the looks we were receiving. I slid into the limo, making sure that I wasn’t exposed to the world before doing so.

I looked around and there was Vero, Oksana, Bianca and Jules who I learnt was Max Talbot’s semi-serious girlfriend. The car started to move when Oksana pulled out a bottle of Stolichnaya and some shot glasses. “I know not real good in car moving but fun no?” she said, before pouring a shot and giving it too me before passing one to rest to the girls. “To Lizzy!” Vero said before dropping back the liquid. I’m not sure how many of these shots made my way into my stomach, but soon enough the bottle was empty and we where making our way into the club. Loud dance music filled the club as the girls guided us to the VIP area where Marc-André was waiting.

“Ladies you all are looking ‘ot tonight! Especially you Liz,” he said winking at me. “What are we all drinking?” he asked before waving over a waitress. We placed our orders and soon enough our drinks where in our hands and then down to our stomachs.

Max and Sidney where the next to arrive, sliding into the booth next to the girls. I excused myself for a minute and walked over to the bar to escape the love fest that was currently happening. I sighed as I sat on an empty stool, and ordered two shots of vodka. I felt a callused hand touch my back and I froze, almost scared to turn around.

“You look amazing tonight Lizzy,” said a voice, and I turned around and looked into the familiar blue eyes.

“Thanks Jordan,” I smiled genuinely for the first time in awhile.

“Can um, I buy you a drink?” Jordan asked whilst I downed my two drinks, liquid confidence filling my veins. “Sure, I’ll have a sex on the beach,” I said bending over the bar and telling the bar tender before turning to wink at Jordan. I could see him visibly gulp as I moved closer to him motioned him to move his head down. “I’ll be back at the table okay.”

I made my way back to the table, my head already feeling the effects of alcohol and I knew this next drink would be it for a while. I slid in the booth, leaving enough room for Jordan to slide next to me. Soon enough the couples of the group migrated to the dance floor leaving Jordan and I at the table. “Move,” I said nudging Jordan to make room for me to move. “I want to dance,” I said smiling as he moved a little. I scooted past him and I felt his hands brush along my thigh causing a shot of electricity to surge through my body.

I walked through the crowd as the song changed and as soon as I hit the dance floor I felt the same calloused hands on my back. Turning around I saw Jordan looking down at me, those same blue eyes that could melt my heart. This was beyond wrong, the feelings that I was feeling where not acceptable from an engaged woman.

I turned around and he pulled me closer to him as my hips swung to the music, I shut my eyes and let the music guide me as I rested my head on his muscular chest. “I’m going to head out,” I said seductively, the alcohol in my system now clouding my judgement. I walked over to Loz and told her where I was going; she hugged me before continuing to dance with Sid.

As I got to the door I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me outside, smiling when I noticed it was the blonde man I had been dancing with earlier. We hopped into the next cab that came our way, and months of sexual tension begun to unravel.

It started with him placing his hand on my thigh, inching higher and higher I boldly placed my hand over his tightening pants causing him to let out a soft groan. His lips moved to my rough lips, crashing down on them like his life depended on their touch. His tongue begged to for entrance and soon we where engaged in a frantic make-out session in the back of the taxi. The taxi pulled up at the hotel, Jordan paid for the cab and we managed to stay apart until reaching my room.

The door opened and closed swiftly, he had picked me up and was walking me over to the bed as our tongues danced dangerously.

He placed me softly on the bed and his hands rubbing softly the skin that was so freely exposed. His hand lay dangerously close to my breasts as if he wasn’t sure to continue, and I moved my body slightly so he was now completely cupping my left breast. He sat me up to undo the tie at my neck, pulling my dress down and exposing my breasts, things where heating up fast and I could honestly say now I was not thinking about John at all.

“God Lizzy, your so beautiful,” he said kissing my lips, moving down my jaw, neck before taking one of my erect nipples in his mouth. I couldn’t believe this was happening, and I felt myself getting more and more excited and intoxicated by his scent.

Our passion level continued to climb, and I grabbed him by the head and said, "You are so sexy." At this point he was grinding his pelvis into mine, the sensation of his jeans was overwhelming and I withdrew my lips from his and said, "I want you."

With that we both began tearing off our clothes.

I lay down in front of me wearing only her skimpy black lacy thong. He slid them off like and expert slid them off of me and slowly spread my legs. Next thing I felt his tongue between my lips, as he performed the most frenzied oral sex I had ever experienced. I came within minutes, and I couldn’t believe how beautiful he had gotten in this moment. “I love you Lizzy,” he said breathlessly and a smile broke out across my face “I love you too Jord,” I said pulling him down to meet my lips again. I felt his hardened length pressing again my opening, “I love you,” he said again before pushing into me. A moan escaped my lips as I felt him enter me, both of us groaning and moaning as he thrust into me numerous times until we both reached our peaks. He placed a soft kiss on my lips, telling me he loved me again before dreams quickly took over reality.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lizzy's Dress

phew FINALLY!!!

okay tell me if you like it okay :D