Status: In Progress

Tea for Two

Chapter Two

Despite what I try my body clock always wakes my up exactly at 6:59am. That was the same this morning, despite not getting home until two in the morning from my birthday party. Today was no different to other days; despite only having three hours sleep. Even though I had gotten home just a little after midnight I had stayed up until three replaying every moment of last night. Evaluating everything my choice in clothing as well as my actions to see how I could of attracted the attention of the man. I came to the conclusion I might of over reacted in a bad way to the sudden attention, so in future to prevent unwanted attention I would be picking out my own outfits.

My head throbbed from the lack of sleep, and the constant criticising of myself. I shook my head trying to clear it before starting my iHome and beginning my morning routine. It was precise, and if it didn’t go to plan my day was going to chaotic at least in my mind.

It started with getting up, stretching before looking out of my bedroom window at the Pittsburgh skyline. I then selected a dress from my work side of my closet before heading to the attached bathroom to shower and do my hair and makeup. I then brushed my teeth, and after rinsing I opened the medicine cupboard, put a small pink tablet in the palm of my hand before swallowing it with water. If per chance I was running late, taking my medication was generally the thing I forgot to do. Hence why it would get chaotic. After finishing in the bathroom, I turned on Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” and poured myself a bowl of cereal making sure I was finished before the song ended. I poured a cup of OJ, drinking it entirely in one breath before popping a piece of gum in my mouth and putting on my coat of choice. I was superstitious and I have had the same routine for almost a year, since one morning I so happened to do this routine and had a full day without freaking out.

After exiting my building I walked down the street trying to hail a cab, but it looked like today I was going to have to walk the four blocks to work. Considering her shop was in a street with virtually no kerbside parking and the Chinese restaurant behind her usually took her space it was pointless to take her own car. She was enjoying the stroll to work, laughing inwardly at the people who where lined up outside Starbucks looking dead prior to their morning coffee. She past the bakery and bought a croissant, before heading down two doors to her shop, placing her key in the door when I heard a person clear their voice behind me.

I turned around, to notice Jordan and another man standing next to him. They where both in suits, Jordan’s grey suit with grey blue tie made him look smart. His friend who was shorter then him had longish curly hair hidden underneath a beanie. He too wore a suit; it was a navy suit that was obviously tailored just for him. He too wore a blue grey tie. I let out a groan as I pushed the door open and changed the sign from closed to open. I placed my bag behind the counter; hanging my jacket on the hook before realizing the terrible two had followed me inside.

“Please, if would really appreciate if you would leave if your not going to purchase anything,” I said politely as I turned on the large boiler before picking up a large cast iron oriental tea pot and begun fixing it up to hold a hot cup of chai tea. I looked over and saw Jordan looking at me whilst his friend was looking around the shop causing my cheeks to burn red.

“You have some really awesome stuff, my mother would love it,” his friend said. I smiled at his compliment before taking a quick look at him; of course his friend would be Sidney Crosby. I might not follow hockey but I was not as dense as to no know who the face plastered around the city was.

“Thank you, I import a lot of my tea ware from Britain. Do you drink tea?” I asked pouring water slowly into the teapot, letting the fragrant aroma of chai ignite my senses.

“I’m more of a coffee kind of guy,” he said smiling walking over to the counter, Jordan still standing lamely by the door. “But if I am not mistaken that is chai?” he said unsure of himself, his questioning face made me smile, and nod as I placed the honey and soy milk in.

“It is. Would you two like to try?” I asked, both of them nodded. “Take a seat and I’ll bring it right over. Whilst the tea brewed I placed three cups delicately on a serving board, and the teapot on and carefully taking it over to the table. Placing the cups in front of Jordan and Sidney I poured the hot liquid in their cups before my own, before shyly picking my own cup back up and walking behind the counter with it.

“I feel terribly rude that I have nothing to offer you to eat. My co-worker Laura usually brings in cupcakes from her parents bakery. But she will be late today,” I explained, not looking at them but out the window. There was no need for them to reply, as they sipped their tea.

“You didn’t tell me your sister was Karina Simms,” Jordan said, causing my head to snap in his direction.

“I didn’t think it would matter to a big shot like you,” I said annoyed that he brought up my sister. What she did was her prerogative; I had no issue with her modelling, even if she chose to do it in scantly clad underwear.

“Well when you have to try and explain to a Victoria Secret Angel that her sister isn’t out celebrating her birthday cause I was a dick, yeah it matters. The side of my face is still sore from the slap she gave me, and I am pretty sure Max is out for revenge for ruining his night.”

“It’s not my fault, are you enjoying your tea Sidney?” I asked and smile crossed his face, and Jordan frowned jealousy evident that I knew who his friend was and not him.

“So you do follow hockey,” Jordan said angrily.

“No. Sidney’s face is pretty much everywhere, it’s hard to miss him,” I said smugly.

“You’re a real bitch, has anyone told you that?” he asked, causing me to freeze what I was doing. The last person who called me a bitch was my ex-boyfriend, for not so valid reasons.

“No they haven’t actually. But since I am a bitch and all, could you kindly leave,” my voice wavering fear evident, and I wanted to avoid confrontation with these two. As if on cue, the doorbell jingled and in walked Laura with several boxes in her hand smiling brightly.

“ Hey Liz, I know I’m early, went to bed early and had nothing better to do,” she said looking at my face, clearly she hadn’t noticed our morning guest. “Liz, are you okay? Okay, breathe slowly calm down girl,” she said as my breaths got faster, and world got hazy.

“I’m not feeling to crash hot Loz, can you handle the store for a few hours? Make sure those two don’t get into trouble,” I said walking out the store, forgetting my jacket and trying to get home.


Early morning practice had always been way to early for my liking. Being at the rink at 5:30am never sat well with me, and I was instantly regretting going out. Although the season hadn’t started, I still had physiotherapy, and a weight session trying to keep up my muscle strength whilst I was out with a foot infection. If I ever saw Subban again, I would make sure I checked that fucker as hard as I could into the boards.

All I wanted to do was head back to the apartment and sleep; last night did not go to plan. I was not supposed to end back at my apartment alone, with a handprint clearly visible on my cheek. But that is exactly that went down. To top of my wonderful morning, Sidney who was driving me back to my apartment decided he wanted to go for coffee. After parking the car we begun walking down the street, looking at the quiet shops.

“So who gave you that lovely bruise on your cheek? Piss off the girlfriend again?” he said casually as we rounded the corner down to the street that had the Starbucks where Sid usually bought his coffee.

“Hayley? No she left me just after the surgery. Karina Simms gave me this,” I said casually, annoyed cause I was fully aware Max would have been laughing about it on the ice.

“I know,” he said smiling, “I didn’t know she had a sister though,” he laughed. I looked up in front of us, and couldn’t believe my luck. I must of pissed the gods off somehow cause standing fifty metres in front of us fumbling around in her purse was the whole reason my face was aching. She was still as beautiful I remember and I couldn’t believe I fucked my chance up majorly.

“Fuck me,” I said under my breath, causing Sidney to look at me. “That’s her there.”

“Lets say hi,” he said smiling stopping just behind her clearing his throat. She didn’t invite us in, but that didn’t stop Sidney inside was a shop different to any I’ve been in before. Inside was a shop was filled with tea; a beverage that I thought was reserved for those preppy British people across the pond. I stood looking at her prepare a pot of tea, she looked up noticing me, obviously annoyed at my presence in her shop

“Please, if would really appreciate if you would leave if your not going to purchase anything,” she said calmly. I turned to leave, but leave it to my Sid to ruin my only escape route thus far. “You have some really awesome stuff, my mother would love it,” he said, the sad part he was actually being genuine and was interested in what she sold

“Thank you, I import a lot of my tea ware from Britain. Do you drink tea?” she said standing awkwardly by the door. I felt like such an idiot.

Somehow we ended up drinking a cup of chai, I wasn’t a tea drinker but I wouldn’t deny how much I enjoyed the liquid that somehow warmed my whole body. It helped that it tasted awesome. I was in a daze, and then word vomit happened.

“You didn’t tell me your sister was Karina Simms.”

“I didn’t think it would matter to a big shot like you,” she said clearly pissed I had brought up her model sister.

“Well when you have to try and explain to a Victoria Secret Angel that her sister isn’t out celebrating her birthday cause I was a dick, yeah it matters. The side of my face is still sore from the slap she gave me, and I am pretty sure Max is out for revenge for ruining his night,” I retaliated, its not like I wanted to say this once word vomit started it was terrible hard to stop.

“It’s not my fault, are you enjoying your tea Sidney?” she asked trying to change the topic, but it didn’t go unnoticed that she knew who Sidney was. Perhaps she did lie to me last night.

“So you do follow hockey.”

“No. Sidney’s face is pretty much everywhere, its hard to miss him,” she said, Eliza 1 – Jordan 0.

“You’re a real bitch, has anyone told you that?” I said, causing her to stiffen up and freeze. Eliza 1 – Jordan 1.

“No they haven’t actually. But since I am a bitch and all, could you kindly leave,” and with that I knew I had one. Our banter was silenced when a girl walked in carrying a heap of boxes towards the counter.

“ Hey Liz, I know I’m early, went to bed early and had nothing better to do, Liz are you okay? Okay, breathe slowly calm down girl,” she said trying to calm Eliza down. Okay, now I started to feel bad.

“I’m not feeling to crash hot Loz, can you handle the store for a few hours? Make sure those two don’t get into trouble,” she said hurrying out the door. I looked over to Sidney, who wasn’t happy with me at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Re-reading this I am not sure about how I feel about this chapter. I wanted to put this out to celebrate Jordan Staal's return to the NHL from injury. It was unfortunate we couldnt get a win though.
Though watching it at midday in Australia in 35C (95F) heat isn't the same as being at the game.
Thank you to the 13 of you who have subscribed, and all who have read. Thank for the lovely comments:
be fearless.

Also would you like polyvore pictures? I do them anyway so i can visulize outfits. Let me know :)

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