Status: In Progress

Tea for Two

Chapter Eight

The optional morning skate had just ended, and I found myself sitting at my stall freshly washed and staring blankly at the phone that hadn’t received a message or a call from a particular tea fanatic. I looked around the room at the few guys who turned up thankful that only TK, Flower, Max and Sidney they where currently occupied talking about the Halloween party Max organized at Diesel later tonight. I looked in the trainers room where Geno and Letang where getting physiotherapy on there injuries.

I pulled up a familiar contact, pressing the call button for the twentieth time since I had dropped her off at her apartment after I asked her to be my date to the charity event. I was getting worried about her, I had asked Sid if Loz had heard from her but he informed me that Loz was currently in Boston with her sister Gisele and her New England Patriots husband Tom Brady. I let out a frustrated groan as I heard it go to voicemail and I left another pathetic message of her to call me when she received it, before throwing the phone angrily into my bag.

“You okay?” Tyler said as I walked past him towards my car, I looked towards one of my best friends who jumped at my appearance. “What happened?” he asked curiously.

“I haven’t heard from Lizzy since Tuesday, I asked her out. Like on a date,” I said laughing when I mentioned date. “I don’t date Tyler. I was so happy she said yes, and then she does this shit,” I said running my hands through my growing hair. “I don’t know, I don’t think I can do this. I’m going to see if she is at home, and I will see you later okay,” I said walking out to my car.

“Don’t worry Staalsy, there will be plenty hot women at the party tonight, to occupied your troubled single-orientated mind!” I heard Max laugh as I exited the locker room.

I slid into my truck, driving towards her house. Bounding up the stairs towards the apartment he had only been in a handful times before. I banged several times on the door that held the bronze numbers 4B, but got no reply. I slid down on the door feeling helpless, I didn’t know when I had become high strung on her, but I know I didn’t like her. I wonder if this was her subtle way of telling me she regretted saying yes. I composed myself as I heard the door down the hall and an elderly woman stepped out and walked to the elevator.

“Are you looking for Miss Simms?” she said looking down at me, and I simply nodded. “I saw her leaving on Tuesday evening, she had a few suitcases and looked like she was in kind of a hurry,” she said and I thanked her as she walked slowly to the elevator. I stood quickly making my way to my car suddenly more excited for Max’s party.


“I can’t believe he asked you out?” my sister asked as she lay on her bed and I changed into costume. I had been here since Tuesday, shopping with my sister for dresses. By Wednesday I realized I had left my phone in my apartment, and I had no way of contacting anyone in Pittsburgh. I had been thinking about Jordan all week, but I had been so excited about finding the perfect dress for the evening I hadn’t thought of other methods of communication. “I know I couldn’t believe it myself. He offered me his credit card, I think I acted a bit to bitchy when he did,” I said zipping up my dress and looking in the mirror. “Does this look okay?” I said stepping into the room in my costume.

“My, my you will definitely be the Queen of someone’s heart tonight!” she said standing up and spinning me around. “I better watch out, they might drop me for you for the show!” she said giggling and I slapped her arm playfully blushing at the same time. Tonight we were going to Angels and Kings, my sisters was good friends with Pete, and therefore it was expected that we would be there. We had decided to do the whole Alice in Wonderland theme, I was going as the Queen of Hearts, and my sister was going as Alice.

“I miss Jord,” I said sighing sitting next to her on the bed. “Can you believe I left my phone at home? I sure as hell cant,” I said falling onto my back. My sister laughed, “Eliza, I can totally believe you would forget your phone. Remember that time we where going to France and we had to catch a later flight because you left your passport at my apartment?”

I heard a knock at the door; Karina was in the bathroom finishing off her make up so I walked to the door looking through the peephole. I let out a loud squeal, flinging open the door and into the arms of the costume clad man behind it. He let out a loud chuckle spinning me around before placing a kiss on the top of my head.

“Nice to see you too sis,” he said laughing and pulling me in for a tighter hug. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in Singapore!” I said exclaiming, a permanent smile etched onto my face. See my brother Marcus and I always have had a good relationship, he was what you would call a geek. He was smart and had commonsense, which made him so successful at his job. Two years ago he moved to Singapore where his company based their work, and he spent the majority of time travelling around that region. “Surprise!” said Karina joining in the family festivities.

An hour and a half later our driver pulled our white hummer up to the entrance. I looked out the tinted windows at the small red carpet that led from our car to the entrance of the club, it was lined with flashing camera’s all eager to see who would turn up to extravagant affair.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and all I could see was Jordan. A smile ignited my face and for the first time at an event like this I felt like I could do this. Sliding out of the car, I stood flashing my best smile and linked arms for my sister and brother as they exited behind me. All of us smiling and posing for the camera, she posed and blew a kiss at one of the cameras, her over confidant personality thankfully taking the attention away from me for the tiniest of moments.

“Who’s your friends!” yelled one of the paparazzi to my sister; she grabbed hold of my arm and putting a kiss on my cheek. “This is my sister Eliza, and my brother Marcus,” she said proudly causing me to blush again but still smile. “We’d love to chat boys, but the party awaits!” she said strutting into the club, both Marcus and I hot on her heels.


The party at Diesel was in full swing, there where scantily clad women everywhere and my costume was getting plenty of attention. Since Lizzy had disappeared TK and I decided that we would go as Maverick and Goose. I had lost count of how many drinks I had as I a girl dressed as Betty Boop grinded against my crutch, it was good to feel like old Jordan again. Sidney was glaring at me.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, pulling it out I noticed it was a message from Marc.

Hey bro, never guess who I ran into at AK47. Karina Simms, AND her hot sister! Check it!

The message was simple and effective; I stopped dancing and waited for the picture to come through. She looked amazingly sexy, I should never of expected anything less from her. The picture was surprisingly good quality for a bar and I could tell she was the Queen of Hearts, but I could feel my pants tightening from the cute top hat she wore. My eyes shifted down, until her waist where a hand was wrapped around. That’s the first time I noticed him and I filled with rage. In my clouded judgement I looked down at Betty Boop and smiled. If she wanted to play that game, fine.

“Hey,” I whispered loudly into her ear. “Lets take this back to my place,” I said and with that, old Jordan was back.
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So sorry I haven't updated this in awhile. Been focusing on my contest entries, which you can find on my profile (including a geno 5 shot, with probable sequel at at later date).

Eliza's costume
Karina's costume
Marcus's costume

Thanks to
Ultraviolet Light
Janet Crosby