Status: In Progress

Tea for Two

Chapter Nine

The multicoloured lights flicked on and off in time with the loud pop punk music that was being emitted from the band on the stage. Marcus and I stood casually by the table we secured drinking the almost fluorescent punch that they were serving. I was having a great time, and was surprised at how well I was handling the overcrowded club. I reminded myself to buy Jordan something nice to thank him.

“Who is he?” Marcus asked snapping me out of my thoughts; I smiled sheepishly before telling him Jordan’s name and how he was helping me. “He seems really nice. Why isn’t he here?”

“Oh he is a hockey player in Pittsburgh, he is getting ready to start his season,” I said glancing over to my sister who was talking animatedly to someone she had introduced to me earlier as Gabe, he was the front man for some band she was friends with.

The band on the stage finished their song stating who they where before dispersing into the crowd, most likely to their girlfriends or to the alcohol that was flowing freely from the bar. I looked over to a table where there was a group of guys all sitting; they didn’t look like they fit in with this scene at all. One of the men caught my eye he looked strangely a lot like Jordan, however with red hair. I knew I had been caught staring when a smirk ignited his face and he nudged his friend.

“What you looking at?” I heard Karina beside me who was now peering over my shoulder trying to take a glimpse of the men at the booth. The Jordan look a like eyebrows rose, same with the men around them and they filed out their booth making their way over to us. Standing up you could tell they where some sort of athletes.

“Sean!” my sister said hugging one of the guys, it didn’t surprise me that my sister knew him she knew everyone. He hugged back before stepping back and giving her a once over. “Karina, you definitely know how to gain attention,” he said smiling. “Oh my friend Marc would like a photo, his brother is a fan and wont believe that he has actually met you,” he laughed at the poor man blushing.

“Group shot?” she said and he nodded pulling out his iPhone, Karina stood next to me, my brothers arm wrapped around my waist in a protective manner there was no way he wanted his littlest sister to be touched inappropriately by one of these guys. Marc took a photo, smiling before sending it too his brother. He still intrigued me, and I caught myself staring again.

“Lizzy are you even listening?” Karina said again breaking out of my trance. “I said this was Sean, Marc and Henrik. They play for the New York Rangers, the hockey team. I was just telling them how you know a few of the Penguins,” she said smirking and I blushed.

“Yeah sort of,” I said blushing even more. “What do you mean sort of,” Karina said laughing. “She is practically dating Jordan Staal,” she said causing the red haired boy to spit out his drink catching us all off guard.

“You’re Lizzy!” he said with a massive grin before pulling me into an awkward one-sided hug. “I’m Marc, Jordan’s brother,” he said smiling and then a sense of relief washed over me. “Oh! Hi,” I said enthusiastically smiling. “We were just about to leave, if your not busy tomorrow come to the game. I’ll leave tickets for you at will-call,” he said and Marcus answered for all of us saying we would be there. We said our goodbyes before both me and my sister looked at him,

“I haven’t seen a decent ice hockey game in years. Cut me some freaking slack,” he said defending himself. “I’m actually getting kind of tired, you want to head out?” Karina said, shocking both my brother and I. “Okay I am bored, and I know you two losers are too quiet to tell me your bored. Lets just go to my place and we can have an early night and spend tomorrow doing brunch!”


The buzzing noise pulsated through my head, intensifying the pain of the dull headache I was currently nursing. I slowly opened my eyes looking towards the alarm clock and silencing the noise. I found myself cursing, annoyed that Sidney and coach thought it would be a fantastic idea to have practice the day after Halloween. I went to move out of bed, but was stopped by the arms of a naked woman who wore that classic post sex smile. I felt my stomach flip and suddenly I felt nauseated and I knew it wasn’t from the excessive amount of alcohol I had consumed last night, but instead it was an emotion that was new to me called regret. I ran my hand through my hair as I thought about the picture Marc sent me; I wanted to know who that guy was and why she had s easily given up on me. I shook my head of her trying to focus on hockey, as I stormed out of the apartment.

I had virtually forgotten about Lizzy until I hit the locker room and was met cat calls, I was a little confuse why until I got to my stall and found a blown up picture Lizzy, Karina and mystery guy. “She speaks French, looks ‘ot in stockings. You better keep ‘er or it wont be just Geno you ‘ave to worry about,” Kris said patting me on the shoulder before heading into the training room to begin his physiotherapy. Sidney walked out glaring at me as I put my under armour on and got dressed.

“You know my rules Jordan, smiley face!” Flower said grabbing my cheeks and pulling them upwards to form a fake smile. I pushed him away, which caused him to trip over a bag with him landing face first into Sidney’s crutch, even that couldn’t bring a smile to my face. “Come on,” he said quickly sitting himself on the bench putting on his goalie gear. “Even I laughed at that,” he said smiling causing me to snap.

“I would be smiling if Eliza didn’t just leave for four days and not answer he phone. Why would I be smiling when she clearly went to New York to hang with her sister and obviously some guy she is into,” I pulled out my phone before showing them the picture Marc had sent me. “Obviously she isn’t the girl we thought she was,” I said, the locker room went quiet before they burst into laughter.

“Jordan, that’s her brother!” Tyler said laughing, the laughter stopping when I am sure the colour out of my face. I had royally fucked up, “You didn’t do anything stupid did you?” Sidney asked I shook my head indicating no hoping everyone would believe the lie. I had almost gotten away with it before fucking Talbot walked into the locker room with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Jordy nice pickup last night,” he said sending me the thumbs up causing Sidney’s head to snap my direction. I sat in silence praying he would stop right there. “A definite 11 out of 10 in my opinion, good to have you back on the scoring team,” he said chuckling, and me just wanting to get out of there.

“Alright boys hurry up and get suited up, practice starts in five minutes sharp!” Coach said before heading out to the ice. I quickly pulled on my skates, grabbed my stick and waddled out the ice.

I started doing laps up and down the ice before Alex and TK joined me. Tyler was the first to speak up, “Are you going to tell her?” he asked casually. The simple question was enough to anger me, and I decided to shake it off and skate to centre ice to begin my stretches.

Today it seemed like Crosby had it out for me, I didn’t blame him I would be working me hard to I deserved it. We where running some plays when I skated over to the bench for a drink of water, I took my glove off something I wouldn’t normally do and sprayed the water into my mouth. “Jord heads up,” I looked up in enough time to see a puck flying my direction and without thinking I dropped the bottle and reached out for it. The sickening crack is what reminded me of my missing glove, and I winced in pain. Rupper skated over to me apologizing as I shook him off heading down towards the trainers room, team doctor in tow.

“We’ll need x-rays, but I am sorry it looks like it will be a few more weeks before you make your debut.”


We sat in a secluded restaurant, there where currently five of us sitting around a table. Sean and Marc had joined us for lunch after their morning skate; Marc was trying to get to know me as well as divulging details of his brother’s antics as a young child. We where halfway through lunch when his phone rang, he answered and kept looking back to me causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

“That was Mum, Jordan is in hospital and needs to have surgery on his hand,” he said causing me to stand suddenly, I looked at my siblings for approval for the non-spoken question and they nodded. “Come we’ll get your things, and I’ll book you a seat on the next flight to Pittsburgh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two updates in as many days, this is sort of a filler. Setting up for the next couple of chapters and what not.

Thanks again to those who have read, subscribed or commented. This is a 10 star story cause of you guys, and I love you for it. I'm not one to ask for comments, but I am not feeling much love, if ten of the 80 subscribers would comment that would be awesome. Your comments are what keeps me motivated!
Thanks too:
Ultraviolet Light
Janet Crosby