Status: active; I'll update as often as possible.



The car was flying faster than a train on a railroad, running from a dinosaur, and drinking Monster. I stepped on the gas, the music blaring, and Vinnie and myself singing along with it. It was dark, not midnight dark, but late afternoon dark. The houses were just a blur from the speed of the car. But then again, everything was. My vision was blurry, and my words weren’t coming out right. I couldn’t speak clearly, or ask Vincent what was going on. I reached for the radio volume, unable to find it. It continued to boom, as I began to realize that something was wrong. I hit the brake, and waited for something to happen. My waiting was useless, nothing was changing. I took my foot off the gas pedal, as I began to panic in my haze. Again, my actions were hopeless. I couldn’t do anything to stop the vehicle that would inevitably lead me to my death. I called out for help, for any kind of recognition. My words came out in a slur. I took deep breaths, and turned the steering wheel with as much concentration as I possibly could while still completely diluted. As the vehicle turned, I could make out a figure, getting closer and closer. As the overwhelming feel of horror washed over me, I realized that I was heading for it, dead on. And I whispered as clearly as I could under such corrupt manners, “Rex.”

I stepped out of my car, into the school parking lot. It was the very week before Christmas vacation, and the first snow was fresh on the ground. It was fluffy by the looks of it, unfortunately not good for making snowballs. Only a couple inches, but when it doesn’t snow until the last week of December, we all learn to appreciate it. Kids and friends, and people I didn’t know where kicking it around, and throwing it at each other. I wasn’t in the mood for any celebration. I rolled my eyes and locked the car, walking towards the large building that has held me hostage for the past two years, and next two to come, which would surely be the death of me. I walked cautiously, trying to avoid slipping on the ice and snow and falling. The sun was in and out, taking turns hiding behind the clouds. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the snow was melted by the time school got out. My efforts to stay standing were wasted, when multiple clumps of the shite fluffy ponder landed on my head and distracted me as I stumbled and failed to keep my footing. I sat on the icy ground, looking up at my attackers, who were laughing quite obnoxiously at my display.

Being friends with these people, I had learned to never be embarrassed, and just laugh with them. My friend, Tessa gave me a hand to help me up, a devious smirk on her face. I took her hand, and pulled her back down with me. The bell rang, and we all remained standing and sitting around laughing at each other and talking. I was helped up by Rex, my best friend. We all made quick unofficial plans for over vacation, which would most certainly fail, said goodbye, and walked off to class knowing very well we’d be seeing each other again multiple times throughout the day.

My name is Kiyann Frost; I’m 15 and a sophomore at Blue Hills Regional high school. I have a mom, dad, and a little brother. My favorite color is red. I lead a normal life, happy moments, sad moments, lies, and secrets. We all have them. My friends are my world; I’d do anything to make them happy, even if it means lying about something that means the world to them. Cause sometimes, the truth isn’t what it’s said to be. Sometimes, it’s better to tell a lie and save the pain and betrayal, then to tell the truth and let everything come crashing down. Long story short; My name is Kiyann Victoria Frost, and I have a secret, one that leaves a large gaping hole in my perfect life, one that would ruin absolutely everything I have worked towards keeping, and earned the harder way. It would surely and inevitably destroy my life.
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Oh heeey (; It's soo short, I realize that. But it took forever, not even kidding.