They Call Her Shadowfire


"Get out of here, Monster." A plump and short woman said, she was in her early forties, venom dripping from her voice.
"Gladly, but I'm no monster." A seemingly young teen said standing up from her chair. the young girl was a mutant, and her parents had just caught her practicing one of her powers, they were horrified that their daughter wasn't normal. she walked to the room that she shared with her youngest sister and grabbed her large black backpack, it was already packed. The teen tended to follow the boy scout rule of always be prepared, and left her cell phone before heading to the door and put on her steel toed hiking boots. She walked out the door and never looked back. she also had her purse with her, it had small essentials and things that she couldn't fit in her pack.
The girl made her way to the trail that would take her to town, it was a new moon that night, something she and her friends loved.
The next day she went to the library to book a train ticket from Seattle to New York, when that was done she went to the local bakery and bought a doughnut, she then went and waited at a metro stop that would take her into Seattle.
That same day she walked out of the court house she had, had her name changed to Takiko Kathleen Tsukishiro. if her mother didn't want anything to do with her then why keep the name she was given by that same person? her train left early the next morning, so she hung around Seattle and avoided the cops when it came night fall.

"Thank you for riding with us and remember Amtrack for all you train travel needs." An automated voice said over some loud speakers as Taki left the train.
"Welcome to the Big Apple." She mumbled to herself as she exited the station. She stoped for a second to count her money, she only had enough for an over priced hot dog. "Great I'm short on cash." She grumbled and chose a random direction to walk in. Turns out she chose the direction that lead to the shadier parts of New York...The parts of New York that could get anyone into trouble if they're not careful.
"Hey you, White girl." Some street thug said as he stepped in her path.
"Yes?" She asked mildly interested as to why he had stopped her.
"You look like you know where your going. There's a problem with that." He informed her.
"oh? How so?" She asked, surprised.
"This is my Street and you haven't paid to walk here." He explained.
" I was unaware of a toll for streets. I really am just passing through and don't intend to come back, so please, will the both of you let me pass? I don't want trouble" She asked, acknoledging the man behind her.
"How did you know I was here? You didn't even turn around." the second thug asked.
"I could hear your clothes rustling and I heard your footsteps." She told him, looking back at him. 'Not to mention the fact that you reek like B.O.' She thought as she looked him over.
"Doesn't matter, fork over what cash you have and you can be on your way." The first thug said showing her the handle of his gun.
'If this guy's packing chances are the other one is as well...Let's hope I get lucky and don't have to use my powers.' She thought and walked up to the first thug, making it look like she was reaching for her wallet. When she was close enough she punched him in the nose, kneed him in the stomach, elbowed him in the middle of the back, and poped his arms out of socket. the second thug seemed to be shocked at what she was doing, until his buddy screamed bloody murder that is, then he reacted by pulling out a gun and prepared to shoot. Kat was in a survival mode and used what she had available, which was just her old house keys (she simply wore them out of habit), she knew that she couldn't swing the chain fast enough to act as a shield and so she ran at him with the intent of using her keys to do some damage to him. He tried to shoot her, like his buddy was screaming at him too, however she dodged (just barely, his aim was shaky so it was slightly easier to accomlpish) and when she was close enough she swung her chain at him. Her keys and his face made contact, leaving him with deep gouges in his left cheek, he cried out and dropped the gun so that he could better grab his face. Taki kicked the gun under the nearby dumpster before closing what little distance was left between the two and breaking his nose. Sirens were heard then and Kat snapped out of her survival mode, she was in shock of what she had done...She had never been in a street fight before and yet she had beaten up two thugs with guns in a matter of ten minuets. They had thought that she was helpless and she had proved them dead wrong, almost effortlessly.
"Alright what's going on here?" A cop asked, having his gun at the ready.
"These two thugs tried to mug me and I deffended myself, officer." Moon stated plainly, a still slightly shocked look on her face.
"The call told me that there were gun shots, where's the guns?"
"One's under the dumpster and the other is in his pants." She told him, indicating the thug on the ground.
"Bitch." The second thug spat at her as he was being hand cuffed and exsamined by the paramedics. They also popped the first thug's arms back in place.
"Exscuse me m'am, but what caused these gouges?" One of the paramedics asked Taki.
"My old house keys." She replied, showing him her keys to prove it.
"Did you do all this damage by yourself miss..." The cop asked.
"Tsukishiro. And yes I did, officer Taylor." Taki replied, reading his name patch. the two thugs grudgingly murmered in agreement.
"I see, are you visiting New York?" He asked, noting her accent.
"Naw Sir, I ain't got no home a' the moment." She explained to him, her accent changing to a southern one.
"Where were you from originally?" Taylor asked her.
"Western Washington." She told him, her accent making her sound Austrailian now.
"Then why does your voice keep on changing?" He asked her.
"My accent never set in, so I pick up accents quick and I constantly have to deal with my voice changing all the time." She explained, her northwestern one coming back and sticking for a while.
"I see, well stay out of trouble and find a place to stay." He told her in a fatherly tone, he had to have kids.
"Will do officer." Taki told him and walked off, she hadn't wanted to press charges and it looked like those two thugs had been in the system before so she let it go.