The Best Friend

There are pros and cons in my situation.

The pros include knowing everything about him: from the story of why his family moved from London to the United States, to his hideout in their basement, to the teddy bear he used to love when we were kids, to the types of girls he likes, to every embarrassing social blunder, and yes, even his underwear, I know by heart. He's comfortable with me, and never asks me to leave him alone. I'm close to his parents and I come over almost every day, which makes me practically a part of the family, except that Pierre still hasn't asked me to marry him. (Hey, a girl can dream!)

The cons? Well, it's just that I could never tell him how I feel. Unless I'm willing to risk every bit of our friendship to know if he feels the same. And since I already know that he doesn't, well I'm confident to keep things as they are. Come what may, I was his best friend. Even if that's all I'll ever be.
  1. One
    Hope wasn't lost to humanity, I should tell you.