Fade Away

Maika and Taryn are twins and the best of friends. They tend to be complete opposites in most cases. Just like most siblings, they argue and do all they can to drive each other nuts. They never agree but they wouldn't have it any other way.

But when Maika goes missing, everything changes. There's police searches and more rumors than can be counted. No one knows where is could be or if he's even safe. But Taryn knows. Taryn knows her brother ran away. What she doesn't know is why, and that's what she wants to find out.

Between school and trying to find her brother, Taryn has her hands full. She doesn't know how to balance everything and she feels like sooner or later, she's going to snap. She doesn't know who to turn to. Her friends are busy applying to colleges and planning their futures. So the obvious people to talk to are her brother's best friends.