Merry Christmas

Thanks, Santa

“Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!”

“Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!”

Feeling a heavy weight sit on my back and start jumping a little I groan pulling my self closer to my pillows.

“Come on gets up!” the voice came from the weight from the little creature sitting on my back.

“Guys,” feeling the bed shift I peek out from the pillows noticing that Jimmy sat up pulling the two kids to his lap, “its only 5:30 can you guys wait a little bit longer to get up.”

“But daddy Santa came last night. He left presents!!”

“And lookie he ate all of his cookies and he drank all his milk! Like you said he would.”

Sitting up myself I take notice to the two kids in Jimmy’s lap. Max is holding up an empty plate, the one the kids left out last night with the cookies on them for Santa. Then looking to Jonathan I notice in his hands he is holding on to a large present that has a green bow on top holding a tag with his name on it.

“See a present for me from Santa!” Holding the box close he smiles, “It’s for me I have been a good boy.”

“Guys come on lay down,” moving over to make more room between the two of us the kids let the plate and present down and crawl in between us. “How about we wait half an hour.” Picking the stuff up I set them on the floor and cover the kids up.

“Then my and mommy will take you guys down to see what Santa left.”

“But we-“

“Want to-“

“Go down-“

“Noww! Please mommy, daddy please.” Once they both say this they hold their hands in a begging position.

Having the two of them finish their sentences still seems weird but it adds to their cuteness which then they get away with a lot more.

“Guys half an hour, or I will call Santa and he will come back and take all the gifts he left.”

Smiling I shake my head laying back down under the covers I watch the two boys between us to see what they would say.

“Okay we sleep we sleep.” Jonathan curls up against Jimmy and closes his eyes.

“But I want to go down stairs for gifts! Mommy pleases, please.” Feeling Max wraps his arms around my arm I smile pulling him close.

“Later baby I promise. Mommy’s sleepy.” Kissing his head he finally gives in and snuggles into me and falls asleep a few minutes later.

Smiling I look over at Jimmy “Merry Christmas babe.” Jimmy leans over the kids and kisses my lightly.

Sitting up I feel the cold air wrap around me as I shiver. “I don’t understand how they can just fall back to sleep like that.” Stretching I look over to Jimmy and see him getting up.

“Well they probably did not sleep since Santa was coming.” Smiling he throws a shirt and sweatpants on before slipping on his slippers.

Smiling, I pick up the plate and the present and head down stairs with Jimmy following, “I hope they like what Santa brought them.” Setting the plate on the table as I walk by I head towards the tree.

“I think anything they get will work hun.” Jimmy goes over and turns on the coffee marker and starts it up.

“And I hope Santa likes the gifts he is getting.” After I turn on the tree lights I walk over to get my coffee. “Mhhm it smells good.”

Smiling Jimmy pulls me over to the sofa and pulls me into his chest setting our coffee on the coffee table in front of us. “And his sexy little helper should like her gifts.”

Blushing I burry my head in his chest as it raises and falls as his laughter fills the room. “You are too adorable you know that. After all these years you still are embarrassed.” Kissing my head he turns the TV on turning to the music channel.

Sitting here just relaxing with Jimmy was a very rare thing to find now with us. It was usually he had hockey, hockey related things or now since the twins came four years ago they have been keeping us on our toes running around having us chase them through the mall even though we said to stay with us and in their strollers but that’s what little boys do I guess. Maybe about 15 minutes pass by with us just cuddling while soft Christmas music can be heard from the TV.

“I miss these days.”

“What days?” having him kisses my head again he rubs my arms.

“These days where is just us relaxing, with peace and no worries about anything at all.”

“Yea but if we always got these days you would miss the kids messes.” Smiling he laughs, “speaking of the little devils.”

The sound of feet running feet across the floor reach the stairs as the two boys run down that steps.

“PRESENTS!!!!!” the two little monsters run into the living room pushing each other trying to reach the tree first.

“Move I wants to get there first!”

“No me I gets there first.”

Before they can get any farther Jimmy speaks up. “Guys knock it off NOW.” Giving them a stern look from him the kids stop and run over to us and jump on us.

“Can we open Santa’s gift now I want to open now!”

“Please we waited like you said we behaved. I want to open the big present!” Jonathan runs over to one of the large gifts sitting next to the tree.

“I think that one is for Max. John can you see what the tag says.” Smiling I feel Max crawl off of us and goes to the present.

“It says,” watching him squint at the paper I let a giggle slip past my chapped lips.

“It’s my name it’s my name!!” Max starts jumping up and down and rips the paper off.

“Hey I am supposed to tell them that.” Sniffling Jonathan crawls over to me and into my lap.

Even though the boys look exactly alike, the brown hair, light gray blue eyes, the real mini version of their father, they are different. Max the oldest one by 23 minutes has this tough guy act. He does what ever he wants and doesn’t really care what we say he will go against what we say anyway. He always makes his brother feel small yet if someone says something about him will be there to defend him He always wants to meet new people and will never shut up when he meets someone new telling pretty much his whole life story. While Jonathan on the other hand is just like me, shy and sensitive. He takes everything to heart. He is very shy when he meets people and likes to just cling to either my leg or Jimmy’s leg to make him feel better. He never disobeys unless some how his brother got him into something. He also always seems to want to cuddle when his feelings have been hurt like right now.

“Oooh look look! I like daddy!!!” Max tries to open the box full of hockey equipment. “I wanna go out and play!! I wanna be like daddy!”

Holding Jonathan close I rubs his back as Jimmy chucks, “But buddy look at all over your other gifts. Open them first then we can go outside.” Standing up Jimmy walks over and picks up and gift and hands it to Jonathan. “Here buddy open this.”

Smiling Jonathan takes the green box he had earlier this morning and ripes off the paper. “ It’s a doggy!!” pulling the pillow pet out of the box he holds it close. “Santa gots me a pillow pet!!” smiling I set him on the ground and watch him hold the dog close and runs off to find the rest of his gifts.

“And for Santa’s sexy wife.” Jimmy plants a kiss on my lips and places a gift in my lap. “There are others but I want you to open this one first.”

“Not until you open one of mine.” Getting up I walk through the pile of wrapping paper the two have thrown on the floor as they open their gifts smiling with eyes bright and happy. Picking up a green wrapped gift and one with snowman on it I walk back over to him and place them in his lap. “For you.” Smiling I sit down and watch him pull open the wrapping.

Laughing Jimmy smiles, “Now I can take pictures of how stupid the guys are on trips.” Holding the box to his new camera he takes it out and snaps a picture of me.

“JIMMY!” covering my face as he tries to take more he laughs and turns to take a few pictures of the kids to show the team.

“Thanks babe.” Setting it down he goes and opens his other gift. Taking his time opening this one he finally pulls out the gold chain with a ring connected on it. “wow Ali this is amazing, what are the stones for?”

“Well one is my birthstone; the one next to it is yours and then the Mat and Jonathans. One for each of us, and in the inside all of our names are in it.” Smiling at him he leans close and places his lips to mine pulling back slightly.

“Thank you babe this is amazing. I will always wear this. This will be my good luck charm.” After placing the necklace around his neck he kisses me again and he pulls me close. Till we are interrupted by Max and Jonathan squeezing them in between us making gagging noises.

“That’s gross.” States Max.

“Mommy has cooties.” Jonathan wrinkles his nose.

Shaking his head Jimmy goes and makes kissing noises at the two of them as they freak out and go back to their toys.

Giggling I looks down at the gift in my lap. “This looks like your mother wrapped it for you.” Looking up at him I see there is a pout on his lips.

“I wrapped that myself thank you very much.”

“What ever you say babe.” Opening the gift I unwrap it slowly and look inside to find a small black velvet case. Looking up at him he nods his head and I open it up slowly to find a leather pandora bracelet and a gold star bead “Its beautiful. I was looking at this! Thank you.” Looking up I smile brightly.

“Merry Christmas Ali. I love you.” Leaning over he places a soft kiss to my lips smiling and pulls me close.

“I love you too.” Smiling I put the bracelet on watching Max and Jonathan run around with their toy guns chasing each other. The perfect Christmas with the family. What more could I even ask for this is the best Christmas ever. Thank you Santa.
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kinda sucks. let me know what you think please!!!!!!!

Jimmy's ring and Ali's bracelet and star charm