One More Weekend

I Want It That Way

”Attention students and teachers, it’s time for your afternoon announcements. Detention will be held today in Mr. Locke’s room A-12, beginning promptly at 2:30. Don’t be late. Monday is Senior spirit day-all seniors are asked to wear school colors; Purple, Black, and White. Also, students that are T.L.E.’d for Monday’s College prep presentation are to report to their first hour class and wait for your pass to be signed by your teacher. This message is only for seniors: If you haven’t bought your prom ticket yet, do so soon! We’re running out, and fast. And if you haven’t purchased your cap and gown for graduation, you won’t be able to walk with your classmates-school regulation. All juniors……”

And that’s where I stopped listening to the announcements. I did have my ticket to prom. I did already have my cap and gown fitted and purchased and sitting in my closet along with my graduation outfit my parents made me buy. And as I looked at Andy sitting next to me, I knew he was thinking the same. Been there, done that.

Tessa turned around in her seat and smiled. “I think Will is going to ask me to prom!” she said. My best friend since whenever had been dreaming of dating (or at least going on one date with) William Beckett ever since we’ve met them. I smiled, though my mind was saying, Keep dreaming-he’s an ass when it comes to dating you. She really did deserve better than William most of the time.

”Keisha Carolin, if you’re on campus, please come straight to the front office at the bell. “ I sighed; my mother was at it again. She was always calling the school to make sure I was in class when the final bell rang, all because I got caught skipping geometry once back in sophomore year. It was all Tessa’s fault!

“Ke’s in trouble!” Andy whispered. I smiled, rolled my eyes, and hit his arm lightly. He always tormented me like that. He just stuck his tongue back out at me while Tessa sighed and rolled her eyes. These are my friends; the freaks that only understand each other. Except for William; he’s one complicated creature.

A few minutes, funny faces, and practical jokes later, the bell rang. I picked up my Nirvana messenger bag and stood up, being shortly followed by Andy and his NOFX bag, and then Tessa and her really old Ozzy Osborne bag. “I’ll meet you guys out at my car,” I said, walking ahead of them out of the classroom. I smiled at the usual acquaintance as I made my way to the office. Most of them were juniors or sophomores that one day hoped to be just like me; the coolest freak in this joint.

Barrington High was mine, until May and graduation came. And then Tessa and I were off to Nebraska for more education.

I stepped into the principal’s office and sighed, leaning against the door post. This wouldn’t take long; it never did. “I’m still here. Can I go home now?” I asked. Mr. Tucker looked up from his desk and smiled. His wrinkles showed his age like a map did the Earth’s surface. Mr. Tucker held out his hand, and I rolled my eyes again. He wanted to waste my time by making me sit so he could lecture me about something my mother would repeat at home.

“Miss Carolin, I’ve been noticing a positive change in your grades this semester. Looks like you won’t need a tutor any longer in order to graduate, if you keep it up,” he said. I sighed. The only reason I’d let myself flunk last semester was because the guy that was supposed to tutor me was the guy I used to have a crush on. But then he did start tutoring me, and all he wanted in return was sex, sex, and more sex. Being the goody-goody girl that’s only had sex in her whole life once with someone that moved away three days later, I quite tutoring and gave up any hopes I’d had on that kid, then brought my grades up again.

“Yeah, yeah. Surprised? I’m a desperate senior that wants attention because, and I’m quoting every teacher I’ve ever had in this school, “The world revolves around me!” I only let my grades down to get close to Robbie, but then I realized he was a total ass that’s a complete jerk to the female species and I brought my grades up. Happy?” Yeah, I remind me of Julia Stiles’ character in 10 Things I Hate About You sometimes, too.

Mr. Tucker sighed in agony. I always did this to him; if he kept me more than two minutes after the bell, I’d bite his head off with my wits. “Please, Miss Carolin. Can we have a civil talk without you’re smark-alec remarks?” he asked. I smirked.

“Civil to me is where anyone can say what they want, when they want. Thank you for your time, Mr. Tucker,” I said, standing up and turning around. I marched right out of his office, a smile strong on my face and my head held high. Yeah, I always did that.

“Keisha!” I heard. I looked behind me to see Adam, the guy that’s newest to the group, coming down the hall to me. He seemed to be in a hurry, and when he finally caught up to me, he was out of breath and heaving. “Hey, Keish! Why are you here so late?” he asked. By now, on any ordinary day, I would have darted out of the school and been half way home in my nice and old Saturn Vue. Yeah, my parents bought me a used Saturn vehicle.

“Tucker wanted something from me that I just couldn’t give him,” I said. It was fun playing with Adam’s head; he was always so jealous of anyone that looked at me funny. And so I giggled when he made a disgusted face. “Kid, I keed! Mr. Tucker wanted to bicker at me because I finally brought my grades way up, you know?”

Adam shook his head, obviously not knowing just what I was taking about. But when you’re me, and you’re the freak of the school that every one wants to know, nothing really makes too much sense to anyone outside of other freaks. Adam just….wasn’t on my freakiness level just yet. “Need a ride home, kid?” I asked. Yes; I always called Adam Kid, due to the fact that he’s the youngest in our ever-growing group.

Adam shrugged. “I missed my bus, and my license is suspended until June.” I smiled, grabbing his arm lightly and pulling him out to my car. Andy was already standing by his usual seat-the passenger side, as Tessa was the back passenger seat. Best friend or not, both of us knew Andy would beat her down for the seat next to me. It was obvious he favored me in a way that no one else would or could.

“Adam’s hitching a ride with us today,” I said sweetly. Tessa smiled a bit; Andy didn’t seem to notice. Even if the two of them were friends around each other, when I was in the picture it was like world war one, and Andy was U.S.A. while Adam was Germany. I ignored Andy’s….ignorance, and headed around the front of my car to unlock the doors and slip into my seat. As soon as I slipped my key into the ignition, I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys started playing, and both Adam and Andy started laughing.

“Really? I hate to tell you this, Keish, but Nick Carter was arrested for assaulting a girl,” Andy said. I shrugged and pulled out of my parking spot, singing the lyrics to one of my all time favorite songs ever whether the boys liked it or not!

“You guys are just jealous that you don’t have a super hot boy band with super hot boys like Nick Carter!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that I promised I’d re-write my old sisky story and repost it, but I was picking my brother up from his Washington DC trip whilst listening to One More Weekend by The Academy Is and got this great idea. So, this is what’s going to be taking I’ll Get Over You, I Know I Will’s place until further notice. I hope you all like it!