One More Weekend

Prom Dress

Early Saturday morning, my phone was ringing. I was still asleep when someone had decided to call me, even though every one of my friends knows that I sleep in on weekends. So I groaned and turned over, grabbing my phone with my eyes still closed. I flipped it open and moaned a, “Hello?” into the receiver. All of the sudden, there was screeching.

You told Andy you’d go to prom with him?!” Tessa was up this early? She usually rolls out of bed at the same time that I do.

I sighed and ran my hands down my face, holding my phone to my ear with my shoulder. “Yes, Tess. Man, it’s fucking early. Why are you calling me now?” I sighed and rolled over in the opposite direction, looking down at my floor to pick up my slippers and step out of bed.

“Because you finally made your decision, and you picked Andy! I didn’t think you were actually going to listen to Renee!” Why did she sound so surprised? I yawned, stepping around my bed into my bathroom. I took one look at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. “He’s your best friend. Aren’t you just a bit worried that something’s going to ruin that?”

“Tess, you’re my best friend. If going to prom doesn’t work with Andy, then I’ll take the consequences head on. We’re going to college in the fall so who cares? If I wanted to, I could leave the boys behind and never see any of them ever again.” Why was I being so nonchalant about this? Sure, I was risking everything I’d ever have, or had, with Andy. But why did I not care if I never saw my boys ever again?

There was silence for a moment as I turned to make sure I had a towel. “Can I come over?” she asked quietly. Suddenly, I knew she was talking about her issues with William rather than me picking Andy for my prom date. In any case, she was probably going to bring over her prom dress, and force me into mine. We hadn’t shown each other what dresses we’d picked out; we agreed a surprise (at one point or another) would be more exciting.

“Of course, Tess. Get your ass over here now, before someone eats you alive!” I giggled as she did, making sure to sit on my counter so that I wouldn’t fall over. I’m….not the most graceful person.

“Good. I’m bringing the dress. Be prepared.” That was all she had to say before Tessa hanged up the phone, and before I put my phone on my counter and headed into the shower. I smiled as I washed my body, making sure to be clean enough to slip into my light blue dress. Another reason I needed Tessa over: I needed her to tell me if I should get the pink undertones in my hair dyed blue. (Yeah, pink undertones.)

I let out a long breath as I stepped back out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body. I could hear my mother talking downstairs, and I knew Tessa had made it just in time. She knows I hate getting dressed and undressed then dressed again; it’s mostly the reason I went to the mall in my pajamas when I had to find my dress.

Tess’s footsteps trudged up my stairs until she burst into my room and threw her dress on my bed. “Hey bitch, guess I made it before anything flashed.” Yes, she’s always that odd. But I giggled and rolled my eye anyway, seeing as I really couldn’t care less what Tessa said. She’s my best friend; anything she says is like both gibberish and completely understandable English at the same time. “Where’s yours?” she asked. I smiled and walked into my little closet, still wrapped in my tan towel.

I pushed some of my shirts and pairs of jeans back, struggling to get to the back of my closet. So I wasn’t the cleanliest person, sue me. Finally, I found my dress and smiled. It was corseted at the top, the poofy from the waist down, reminding me of an eighties dress more so than a modern dress. And I loved it. Apparently, Tessa did too. She was standing across from me with her mouth hanging down, her eyes wide. She’s thrown her dress on my bed by then, so she just hurried to my dress and took the end of it in her hands.

“Oh my gosh, Keisha! Andy’s going to keel over at prom when he sees you in this!” I smiled and looked down at my dress, thinking the exact same thing. It was truly a stunning dress and just the thought of me wearing it made Prom seem even farther than it really was. “Fuck that, I’m going to keel over when you win Prom Queen!” I raised my eye brow; weren’t her and Andy the ones that nominated me in the first place? “Because, in that dress, there is no way someone is going to beat you.”

I smiled again, handing her the dress so that I could at least close my bedroom door and put some underwear on. When I came back into my room, Tessa thought she wasn’t allowed to see me wearing next to nothing, so her hands were over her eyes as she shoved my dress at me. “Change before I move my hand.” I rolled my eyes but took the dress anyway; there wasn’t a point in arguing with Tessa. Her word was God’s word, like when she decides to nominate the freak for Prom Queen, everyone has to go through with it. Even the freak mentioned above.

So I slipped my dress on, trying as hard as I could to get the zipper in the back up. When I couldn’t push it up anymore, I turned around. “Tess, I’m mostly dressed. Just uncover your eyes and help me with the damn zipper!” Soon enough, I felt her hands trying to pull up the zipper. When it was finally done, she grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. I heard her gasp and when I looked up at her, her expression gave it away.

“You-oh my goodness, Keisha, this is crazy! You look amazing! I swear, if Andy doesn’t die when he comes to pick you up, he’ll die when you win Prom Queen!” Hadn’t she already said something about Andy dying when he sees me? It’s bad enough that he’s slightly more than crushing on me and I know about it, but….him dying? Andy just keeling over the instant I walk down the stairs of my own house made me laugh, or at least the mental image of it did.

“Tess, I can’t look that good, can I?” She looked at me as if it was incredulous that I asked the question I had asked. So I kind of got her point; Of course I looked that good. I should have known. So instead of waiting for her to respond, I just blushed a but and sighed. “I knew it was too much. Stupid poof.” I sighed and turned towards the bathroom again, only to be pulled back by Tessa.

“Shut the fuck up, Keisha! This is prettiest dress I’ve ever seen, and it is by no means too much!” she said. I sighed again and hit her arm only to say, “Kay, thanks. Now it’s your turn! Get in there and put on that dress of yours!”
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I'm really trying to update this as often as I can!