Status: Inactive

Smile for the Camera

Her job wasn't like most teenage girls.

Blaire's job was easy enough. She showed up, got to wear pretty jewelry, strutted down the red carpet in designer shoes. All the while she smiled and posed for pictures while remaining the arm candy of Justin Bieber.

It's quite interesting to be the fake girlfriend of a Hollywood heartthrob, especially if he doesn’t like you at all.
  1. Prologue
    We've all unknowingly signed up for something bad before, literally and figuratively.
  2. Bitter First Greetings
    Reality and impressions aren't always the same, and sometimes not as nice as you would like.
  3. Heated First Date
    Behind every lovely pretty park scene is a dark shadow.
  4. Just Another Day
    Everybody says to make sure you don't grow up too fast, but what if growing up fast is a job requirement for a popstar.
  5. Help, Please
    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  6. The Snappy and Deep Conversations
    It's amazing we all have exposure to the same words, yet we all speak differently.
  7. Backstage Has Snacks
    The way you look or act can seem like nothing to somebody, but the world to another person.
  8. Brain Freeze
    Like a brain freeze, sometimes the sweetest memories can hurt your head in regret.
  9. And it Begins
    Different faces and places never really matter, some things are just repeated and you can already predict the ending of the story. But sometimes, something new can change the ending.
  10. The Emotional Event
    The view is always different from the outside, but that doesn't mean it's better on the inside.