Status: Week-long hiatus :'( Will update this Friday 1/14/10

I Can't Stop Digging the Way You Make Me Feel

All's Fair In Love And War

"What is up with the teacher's suddenly allowing us to go to Hogsmeade? At the beginning of the year, they let us go once." Emilie asked as she, Fred, and George walked into the school from the courtyard after another successful day at Hogsmeade

"Yeah, it was right when we needed more supplies. And now they're letting us go every two weeks and we have an overstock of supplies and nothing to do with it yet." Fred said

"It's like they knew." George added

Emilie laughed as she took her gloves off and stuck them in her pocket. Though March was considerably warmer than February, there were still windy days that made it feel as though it was still winter. The three of them walked up the Entrance Hall stairs and started making their way towards Gryffindor Tower, but a sleazy voice stopped them.

"Well, well, look who it is."

Emilie, Fred, and George turned and saw Marcus Flint, accompanied by a fellow Quidditch player called Montague, stood a few feet away, smirking widely.

"You know, Arden, I thought you would've come find me by now, especially since your worthless boyfriend here now has to beg for money from other people." Flint smirked, referring to the bets that the three of them had been taking

"Piss off, Flint. We've got nothing to say to you." Emilie scowled as she grabbed George's arm and started walking again

"Whoa Weasley, you've got your girl speaking for you? Is that the way she is, always telling you what to do? I know I wouldn't mind her telling me what to do."

Emilie rolled her eyes and she felt Fred and George tense up. Emilie looked between the both of them, seeing identical angry faces. It didn't suit them and Emilie hoped she would never have to see their faces like this ever again.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that." George threatened

"What are you going to do about, Weasley?" Montague spoke up, looking between Fred and George

"Nothing. They're not worth our any ounce of our time." Emilie said. Fred and George nodded and saw Flint and Montague approaching them

"Come on Emmy, you don't need him. He's pathetic and worthless. Let's go have some fun, just the three of us." Flint emphasized him and Montague rather than Fred and George

That was the final straw for George. He suddenly lunged forward and tackled Flint to the ground. Fred tried to pull George off, but then Montague attacked him, leaving Emilie standing between two different fights. A crowd started to form as Emilie tried to think of what to do.

"Fred, George, stop!"

Knowing it would be easier to get Fred off of Montague, Emilie pulled him off and took her wand out of her pocket, pointing it at Montague.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Montague's body froze instantly and Emilie turned to Fred, who was sporting a couple of scratches.


Emilie nodded and turned to where George and Flint were fighting. Emilie watched as Flint punched George's jaw and sent him to the ground. George stood up again and pushed Flint back into the wall hard, but Flint retaliated quickly by punching George again. Emilie and Fred rushed forward and together helped pull George off of Flint and away from the two Slytherins. As they pulled George away, Flint swung again but instead smacked Emilie right across the face, sending her to the ground. George attempted to get free from Fred's grasp, but Fred managed to keep his hold on him. Emilie stood up from the ground, her face throbbing, and began walking away.


Emilie had had enough of Flint insulting herself and Fred and George. She turned back to Flint and punched him in the eye, which sent him down to the ground clutching it and groaning in pain.

"That's enough!"

Emilie, Fred, and George turned and saw McGonagall rushing towards them, a horrified look on her face.

"What on earth is going on here?!"

"Weasley attacked me first, Professor! It was uncalled for!" Flint started shouting

"Shut the hell up, Flint, it wasn't uncalled for!" Emilie shouted back angrily, her right hand still throbbing from the punch

"Be quiet, Miss Arden. Twenty points will be taken from each of you. Now get back to your respective houses. Immediately."

Fellow Slytherins who had come around to watch the fight unfreezed Montague and helped both him and Flint back to the Slytherin common room. Meanwhile, Fred, George, and Emilie walked back to Gryffindor common room in silence, all three still fuming mad. The minute they walked in the portrait hole, Alyssa gasped and stood up from her homework covered table.

"What happened to you three?! Oh god, you're bleeding!" She exclaimed, examining Fred's face

"We got in a fight with Flint." Emilie said

George finally got himself out of Fred's grasp and stormed away, brushing away Emilie's hand on his arm. Emilie watched him go and sunk down onto the arm of the couch.

"I can't believe this happened." Emilie muttered

"Me either. That was a pretty good punch, though." Fred smiled, patting Emilie on the back

"Thanks. I had a lot of practice when I would wrestle with you and George."

"Speaking of, he's probably de-stressing himself with a shower. You should go see what got into him."

"Oh, I've got a pretty good idea." Emilie said as she stood up.

"When you're done talking, come back down. We've got to test some products on ickle firsties. That should cheer us up."

Emilie sent him a thumbs up and walked up the stairs to the boys' dormitory. She knocked on the door and opened it a bit, seeing Lee Jordan walk towards the door.

"Hey Lee, is George around?"

"He's in the shower. I heard about the fight. Bastard got what was coming to him." Lee smirked as he walked past.

Emilie weakly smiled and shut the door behind her. She sat down on George's bed and waited for him. As she waited, she examined her hand, noticing a couple bruises forming around her knuckles. Emilie heard the water turn off and a couple of minutes later, George emerged from the bathroom, fully clothed with his hair sopping wet. He made eye contact with the girl sitting on his bed and sighed heavily. He walked over to his bed, sat down in front of Emilie, and Emilie pulled him into a hug.

"What's gotten into you, George? I've never seen you like this, not even during Quidditch season." Emilie asked softly, rubbing George's back

"His comments are getting worse and he actually grabbed you this time, Emilie!"

"Well, I won't let him do that again, but you once told me not to listen to what he says. There's something else bothering you." Emilie said

"He called you Emmy."

Emilie sighed and pulled back, looking in George's eyes. They were full of anger and sadness and he looked ready to cry.

"I gave you that nickname when we were seven. Nobody else calls you that, not even Fred or your mum."

"It's just a nickname, George."

"No, it's not. It's the nickname I gave you when I developed a crush on you." George looked away, blushing slightly. Emilie felt her heart swell so much that it almost constricted her breathing.

"George, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."

George looked up and saw Emilie's brown eyes glistening. He then leaned in and kissed her so passionately and lovingly, putting everything he felt into that kiss. Emilie was taken off guard but kissed him back nonetheless. His tongue ran along her bottom lip and Emilie willingly opened her mouth, allowing him to explore her mouth and hers with his. A minute later, they both pulled away, slightly breathless.

"I love you, Em. I'm so incredibly in love with you." George whispered, his eyes still closed and his nose still touching Emilie's. She smiled and blushed a million shades of red, and pecked his lips.

"I love you, too."

"Happy Three Month Anniversary."

"You remembered? I mean, I didn't think that you would forget but---"

"I know, and I wasn't going to do anything big, but I wanted to after what happened. What a nice thing to have on our anniversary, huh?"

Emilie chuckled and put her hand on George's cheek, gently stroking it with her thumb.

"You are the most incredible, amazing person I've ever met. I don't care about the fight anymore. Besides, the cut on your lip is really kind of sexy." She smirked, tracing her thumb over the cut on her boyfriend's lip. George smirked and growled playfully, making Emilie laugh.

"Oh yeah, definitely sexy. Now come on, Fred still wants to test our products out on the firsties and I think that could really cheer us up, not that I really need it anymore, but still."

Emilie stood up and held out her hand. George took it and started walking, but George pulled her back.

"I love you." He said again, his face beaming with incredible happiness

"I love hearing you say that. And I love you too."

Emilie opened the door and she and George walked downstairs hand-in-hand.

"Nice battle wound, George." Fred said, admiring the cut on his lip and the bruise that began to form on his cheek

"Thanks. I'm kind of proud of it." George said, smiling down at Emilie. She smiled back and then turned to Fred.

"Do we have everything?" She asked

"Yep, including the fixed version of the Nosebleed Nougat."

"Oh god, let's hope that works. Should we try that first or last?"

"Last. I'm looking forward to seeing the Ton-Tongue Toffee results."

Emilie nodded and grabbed a couple of the candies and went over to a line of four first years.

"Okay, thanks for volunteering, guys. For doing this, you will forever have discounts at Fred and George's joke shop. Now, the first product we'll have you test is called Ton-Tongue Toffee. They'll make your tongue swell, however, you'll still be able to breathe, so no worries."

"These better work. We spent all of our O.W.L study time to perfect these...and then had to perfect them again." George muttered

Emilie gave the first years the toffees and they ate them. Within seconds, their tongues swelled up to ten times it's normal size. With a simple wave of Emilie's wand, their tongues went back to normal. The twins high-fived. They then came forward with the Puking Pastilles and gave them to the kids. While they did that, Emilie went to Alyssa's table, where she was still doing homework.

"Have you talked to Katie lately?" Emilie asked

"Nah, she's been sleeping all day. I think she's caught some twenty-four hour bug. She'll be right as rain tomorrow."

Emilie nodded and looked over at Fred and George, who were laughing, smiling, and conversing as though nothing bad had happened that day.

"It's incredible how the twins are always so happy, even in the worst of times."

Alyssa looked up and over at the twins and then back at Emilie.

"You look incredibly happy, too. You're like a woman in love."

Emilie smiled to herself and didn't respond. Alyssa looked up from her homework once again and scoffed.

"Oh my god, really?"

"Hey Em, come here! We're doing the Nosebleed Nougat!"

Ignoring Alyssa's question, Emilie moved back to her spot in-between Fred and George.

"Ready?" She asked

"Ready." The twins said in unison

The first years put the purple half of the candy in their mouth, which made their noses begin to bleed. After wiping the blood off their face, they put the orange piece in their mouth. Fred, George, and Emilie waited. A couple of seconds later, the noses stopped bleeding.

"Yes!" Emilie exclaimed

"Alright first years, off you go. Thank you for your time." Fred said, waving off the first years

The first years scurried off and Emilie, Fred, and George made themselves comfortable on the couch, completely satisfied with what they accomplished.

"I can't believe it worked." George said after a moment of silence

"I can't believe we fixed it. But what did we fix?" Emilie asked

"I have no idea, but we'll dissect them later to figure it out." Fred said

"These will definitely have to go in the Skiving Snackboxes." Emilie smirked

"Coming to you in September."

Emilie smiled and patted the twins knees.

"This is the start of your business, boys. You should be proud of what you've created."

"What we've created, you mean. We couldn't have done this without you." George said

"It's actually a really good thing you weren't recruited by the dark side at the World Cup." Fred winked

Emilie kicked his knee and sighed.

"Forget whatever happened today. This is all that matters."

"Well, above others." George muttered

Emilie smiled as George intertwined his fingers with Emilie's and brought her hand up to his lips. Despite the fight, Emilie had never been happier than what she was then, with both the boyfriend she had fallen madly in love with and the pranks which would someday make Fred and George Weasley a household name.
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I will not be able to update this story at all this week :( I've got a TON of homework coming my way plus a HUGE paper to write that's due Friday. I will get the next chapter up on Friday night though, I promise!!

Thanks for sticking with me!!! Please continue to read and comment what I have so far...and maybe even share some things you'd like to see....I'm starting to run out of ideas!!

-Kaitlin Xx