Status: Week-long hiatus :'( Will update this Friday 1/14/10

I Can't Stop Digging the Way You Make Me Feel

How Many Days 'til Christmas Vacation?

The alarm clock went off the next morning at 6:30a.m. Emilie sat up, rubbed her eyes, and reached over to hit the snooze button but instead, Katie took hold of it and threw it across the room, making it break into tiny pieces.

"Well, this year's off to a good start." Emilie yawned

Emilie stretched her arms and back before she finally stood up. She stretched again, grabbed her uniform and shower stuff, and went into the bathroom. She quickly showered, put on a bit of makeup, put her hair in a messy bun, and changed into her uniform. She then walked out of the bathroom and the first thing she saw was a sleepy-eyed Alyssa, falling back asleep as she was tying her tie.

“Come on Lissy, wake up! We’ve got a long day ahead of us.” Emilie said as she hit Alyssa’s knee

Alyssa yawned and finished tying her tie. Emilie put her pajamas in her trunk and put all of her books in her bag. She then grabbed her wand and pointed it at the alarm clock. It shook for a split second and then returned to the nightstand, completely put back together. Fifteen minutes later, when Katie and Alyssa were ready, the girls headed downstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast. They grabbed their schedules from Professor McGonagall and sat down at the Gryffindor table and Emilie scanned her schedule.

1:40-3:00…Defense Against the Dark Arts
3:10-4:20…Ancient Runes

8:00-9:20…History of Magic
11:00-12:20…Care of Magical Creatures
3:10-4:20…Muggle Studies

“It’s official. My classes suck. Swap it.” Emilie groaned

Emilie, Katie, and Alyssa did a three-way trade and quickly browsed through each others schedules.

"Well, at least we have all of the boring classes together." Katie said

"I smell another year of passing notes in class." Emilie smirked

"Maybe this year, Alyssa will wise up and join us instead of taking notes this year."

Alyssa rolled her eyes as gave Emilie's schedule back. Emilie then suddenly felt the presence of two figures sit down on either side of her.

"Morning, ladies." Fred said

"And how are we today?" George said

"Well, Katie broke the alarm clock this morning. What does that tell you?" Alyssa replied sourly

"Someone's cranky." Fred mumbled

"You would be too if you had the classes we have today." Emilie said, handing Fred her schedule. He looked at it and a humorous smile spread across his face.

"What?" Emilie asked as Fred passed her schedule onto George

"Well, what do you know? It looks as though all three of us have Snape today." George smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief

The lightbulb switched on inside Emilie's eyes and she smirked along with them.

"All right, I'm a little bit happier now. You guys know what we need. We'll put it together during break and have it all ready for Potions."

"Excellent." Fred and George said in unison

Emilie finished her breakfast, waited for Katie to finish, and then the two girls stood up and grabbed their book bags.

"Are you two going to class already?" Alyssa asked

"Yeah, we're going to get seats in the back of the room. McGonagall's less likely to have you demonstrate spells if you're in the back because she doesn't want to walk all the way to the back of the room so it gives us a better opportunity to not pay attention." Katie explained

"Yeah, what she said. Fred, George, meet me in the common room after first period so we can get the stuff ready."

The twins simply nodded and went back to eating. Emilie and Katie walked out of the Great Hall and headed towards Transfiguration while Emilie told Katie all about the prank they were going to pull. They were the first ones in the Transfiguration classroom and because of that, they were able to grab seats in the very back corner by the window. Not even five minutes later, people started pouring into the classroom.

"Flint has Transfiguration with us?" Katie said in disgust

"Wasn't he supposed to graduate with Wood's class?" Emilie asked

Katie nodded and scoffed in repulsion when Marcus Flint sent a toothy smirk and a wink in the girls' direction. The bell rang promptly at 8 and McGonagall started off the class talking about the O.W.L results, what they mean, and what the class was to expect for the year. She then started talking about non-verbal spells and Emilie and Katie let the only half-listening begin. Emilie's mind wandered and for some reason, it wandered over to George.

'Well, what about him?'

'He looked good at breakfast this morning.'

'He looks the same as he always does.'

'Meaning he's always been good-looking but you didn't really notice it until now. And ever since you saw his half-naked bod, you've begun to like him a little bit differently.'

'Have not.'

'Have too. Give it time and you will realize that I, your conscience, are wiser than you think.'

"Miss Arden, would you care to demonstrate?"

Emilie snapped out of her trance and saw McGonagall looking at her. She looked around and noticed that everybody else was looking at her, too.

"I'm sorry, what was the spell?"

"Pay attention next time, Miss Arden. Five points from Gryffindor."

Emilie blushed slightly in embarrassment and started paying attention. Katie looked at Emilie weirdly because of her dazed, confused, yet happy expression but Emilie just shook it off.

"Your homework: I want an essay on the dangers of transfigurating objects with non-verbal spells. One foot long."

Everyone groaned as the bell rang. Emilie and Katie got up from their seats and headed swiftly towards the Gryffindor common room. When they got there, they saw Alyssa in the arm chair talking to George, who was sitting on the couch. Emilie huffed in frustration and plopped down next to George.

"How many days until Christmas vacation?" She asked sadly. George sensed her frustration and put a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"Transfiguration that bad?" He asked

"Well, McGonagall definitely got stricter. It's the first day and she gave us a foot long essay due on Wednesday."

"On what?"

"I dont know. I wasn't paying attention and I got caught and she took points away."

There was a loud thumping on the stairs and everybody turned and saw Fred, holding a brown sack full of dung bomb-looking capsules.

"Let's get these fireworks loaded." He smirked


The entire break period was spent making sure everything was ready and that nothing was missing. Emilie ripped off a tiny bit of one of the Gryffindor banners and she, George, and Fred started taking little tiny threads and placing them inside the capsules.

"Hang on a second, won't Snape just make the fireworks disappear?" Alyssa thought out loud

"Ah, we've already covered that. If Snape tries to make them disappear, they'll just multiply. and make the Gryffindor decorations stick all the more." Emilie smiled, using her wand to seal the fireworks

"Emilie's kind of a genius in case you didn't know." George said, placing the fireworks into the bag. Emilie smiled to herself and as soon as the bag was full with fireworks, she placed it in her bookbag just as the bell rang. The five teenagers smirked as they walked out of the common room and headed down to the dungeons. Nothing was said, but then again, nothing was needed to be said. Snape watched the students as they filed into his dungeon and when he saw the pranking trio, he sneered while they smirked. Emilie picked a table to sit at and George sat down on her left while Alyssa and Fred sat down at the table at Emilie's right. The bell rang again, signaling the beginning of class, and the dungeon door slammed shut.

"The seats you are in now will be your permanent seats for the year unless you are moved." Snape sneered looking directly at Emilie, Fred, and George. Emilie put on her best innocent face, which caused George to start laughing. Snape glared at them and George became quiet.

"Today, you will be concocting the Draught of Living Death. Turn to the person sitting at the same table as you and meet your new partner."

Emilie turned to George, who was facing her with his hand sticking out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He winked

Emilie laughed and shook his hand. "The pleasure's all mine."

George took his hand away and opened his book. He and Emilie scanned the ingredients and then Emilie got up and walked to the cabinet with Fred.

"We'll set them up when we return the ingredients, so make the potion quickly." He whispered

Emilie nodded as they grabbed the ingredients. Emilie brought them back to the table and started cutting up the sopophorous roots while George set the cauldron up. She put them in, along with the other ingredients, and then George stirred the potion counterclockwise, then clockwise, seven times counterclockwise, and once clockwise. He paused and then repeated it. The potion turned to from lilac to black and then it was done.

"Wicked." George exclaimed

Emilie put some of it in a flask and brought it up to Snape's desk. Snape tested it and looked at her suspiciously before marking her and George down for a perfect score. Emilie went back to the table and stole a look from Fred, who nodded. She went into her bookbag and grabbed the bag of fireworks while George gathered up the ingredients. She discreetly handed Fred and George some fireworks as she passed them and she also placed fireworks around the room as she put the ingredients back. She sat back down and caught George's eye, which had the mischievous glint in it, and he nodded. George then looked over Emilie's head at his brother, who also nodded. With a flick of their three wands, the fireworks went off. People screamed when they first heard them, but were cheering as they filled the room. Snape, getting more and more mad by the second, tried to make them disappear. The fireworks exploded and the whole room looked like the Gryffindor common room. A shot came from the end of Snape's wand and everyone who was cheering and laughing immediately quieted down.


Snape returned to his desk and finished grading, his face still red with anger. Fred, George, and Emilie merely sat in their seats, silently laughing to themselves until their faces were red.

"That was awesome!" Emilie whispered

The bell rang a couple of minutes later and as everyone hurried out of the dungeons to go to lunch, Fred, George, and Emilie walked proudly up to Snape's desk.

"You think this was funny?" He hissed

"Yeah." They all replied in unison

Snape stood up threateningly and towered over the three teenagers, a dangerous look in his eye.

"Don't think I'm letting you off easy because it's the first day. Detention, 8:00 tonight. Be here."

Fred, George, and Emilie nodded and walked out of the dungeon classroom. As soon as the door shut behind them, they laughed victoriously and high-fived each other. They walked up to the Great Hall and as soon as they entered, sixth years from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff started applauding. The trio sat down at their respective table and Katie and Alyssa looked at them, shaking their heads.

"It's official. We don't deserve to share a table with you." Alyssa said

"Congratulations, I do believe you've surpassed last year's end-of-school prank with your first one of the year. I can't wait until this year is over to see what you come up with."

The trio looked at each other and didn't say a word. All throughout lunch, people came up to them congratulating and commenting on their wonderful prank. When lunch was over, the trio headed towards Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Emilie sat between the twinsand immediately put her feet up. When Flint entered the classroom, the twins' happy faces turned grave.

"Why is Flint here?" George asked

"Because he's apparently illiterate and didn't leave last year like he was supposed to." Emilie answered simply, looking at her chipping nailpolish. Fred settled into his seat but George remained standing, still staring down Flint.

"George, sit down. He gets pleasure out of getting a rise out of you too, especially after last year." Emilie tugged on George's arm until he sat down. Two minutes later, Moody limped inside and slammed the door shut. Everybody became quiet and nervous.

"Now, according to your last professor, you've covered dark creatures, how to fight them off, and how to protect yourselves against them. It is the Ministry of Magic's insight that I teach you the most dark and dangerous curses there is. Now, this is a sixth year class, so you will be seeing each spell. Starting with the Unforgivable Curses."

Emilie glanced at Fred, who looked just as nervous and excited as she did.

"Now, who can give me the name of an Unforgivable Curse. You, in the back." Moody barked, pointing at Emilie

"The Imperius Curse." She answered

"Very good. The Imperius Curse."

He limped over to the window and took out a spider. Emilie shuddered. She hated spiders just as much as Ron did.


The spider shuddered then went in any direction Moody told it to go. He put it over peoples heads, on their uniforms, and crawling up their arm. Everyone was laughing.

"You think it's funny, don't you. What would happen if I put the curse on you and made you drown yourself?" He growled. Everyone shut their mouths.

"This curse is all about total control. You-Know-Who uses this curse on witches and wizards to do his bidding. But what happens when they come running to the Ministry and are accused of murder? Is the Ministry going to believe they really were under the Imperius curse?"


"Another, another."

"The Cruciatus Curse." Flint said, showing off his disgusting trollish teeth

"The torture curse. You don't need any knives or torture devices if you can perform this spell. Crucio!!"

The spider in front of him started to twitch uncontrollably. Emilie looked down at her hands, unable to watch the torture anymore, even if it was on a spider.

"Not nice, not pleasant." Moody spoke quietly into the quiet classroom. He set the spider down onto his desk at the front of the classroom and Emilie looked back up.

"Which one of you can give me the last Unforgivable Curse?"

Nobody raised their hands or shouted out the answer. Moody looked around the classroom and then pointed his wand at the spider.

"Avada Kedavra!"

There was a flash of green light and the spider dropped dead in a millisecond. There were stifled cries and dry sobs. Emilie glanced around the room and noticed that Fred and George's faces were blank and colorless.

"There's no way of blocking it and there's no way of reversing it once it's been done. There is only one person in history who has known to have survived it and I'm sure you all know him."

The bell rang and people rushed out of there. Emilie, Fred, and George grabbed their bags and walked out of the classroom at a normal albeit disturbed pace. They got to the top of the Entrance Hall staircase and looked at each other.

"Good feeling's gone." Emilie said in a shaky voice

Fred and George nodded as the three of them went their separate ways to their next class.
♠ ♠ ♠
Four in one night? I really don't have a party plans got cancelled so I'm staying up til midnight on my own :(

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-Kaitlin Xx