Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


“So basically, he’s being an arsehole?”

I sighed and nodded. Oliver was being…dare I say this, a drama queen! I mean, one minute he’s all happy and then the next he’s giving me attitude. So he’s a bipolar drama queen. And he’s the oldest one! Isn’t he supposed to be like super nice and mature. That’s what boot camp was for, wasn’t it? I think it turned him into a diva. Yup, defiantly turned him into a diva.

“Look, Christopher. I think…ugh, you know what. Never mind. I’m probably just making this more than what it is”

Vicky shook her head and paid for the tickets. We were finally at the amusement park, obviously. What else would she be paying for tickets? Well, other than the movie theatre but helloo, we were talking about going to the amusement park. But anyways, back to what was going on.

“Tell me!”

I looked at her, puppy dog eyes and a pout on my face. She laughed and ran towards the Ferris wheel, me close behind her. She gave the man four tickets and he grunted, making sure it was four before letting us pass by. Did he really have to do that? Its four dude! Not no freaking ten tickets. I rolled my eyes as I passed by and we both giggled, running towards the blue gondolas. It was meant for four people for each one, but we sat in an empty one and closed to the door, implying that we were going to have a private conversation.

When the ride started, Vicky looked over at me and gave me the okay-tell-me-what-happened look. I bit my lip and looked down. Everyone was starting to get smaller and smaller each time we went higher. I was buying time. And Vicky knew that.

“Christopher Starr! You tell me what fully happened between you and Oliver or I swear by God, I will throw you off the ride”

My eyes widened. She would do it too.

“I don’t believe in God, so ha.”

“Okay then, I swear on everything that makes the gay world go round that I’ll throw you off the ride. Happy?”

I huffed and looked at her.

“Well okay, I was sitting down right. And well I started acting like the Joker and stuff, and like Oliver said I couldn’t be him. Sooooo I said that he should be him cuz he can be kinda mean sometimes and that I would be cat woman. He laughed and said I couldn’t be her either cuz she’s a girl and I’m a guy. Then I sat on his stomach and he pushed me and that’s when he started acting all weird. So I sat up on his lap and he turned red for some reason and then told me to get off before rushing into the bathroom. And I -”

Vicky held her hand up, signaling me to stop.

“Okay so this is what I got from your rant. One, you started ‘flirting’ with Oliver. Second, you sat on said boy’s lap. Third, you got him horny. The end.”

“Flirting? I wasn’t flirting!”

Was I?

“Okay hun, yes you were”

I groaned, sitting up when the ride came to a stop at the bottom. Vicky and I walked out, me being a little slow. Vicky sighed and grabbed my hand, pulling me outside. We passed the guy again and he looked at us suspiciously.

“I hope you guys enjoyed the ride. Next time bring a condom”

We looked at him weirdly and kept walking. Uh, okay? Vicky smiled and giggled.

“Aha, I think I screamed at you to loud”

“You think!?”

We looked at each other and laughed, before walking towards the Tilt-O-Whirl. You know, those rides where the little thingy is shaped like an apple or some kind of character and you have to turn the wheel in the middle to make it spin? Yah, that’s a Tilt-O-Whirl. And if you haven’t been on one, then you’re missing out. Sadly on this one, the person who runned it made us ride with two other people.

“Man, I wanted one for myself”

Vicky pouted and walked up to the apple and let out a silent gasp. I looked at her confused and looked in and my mouth almost, almost fell wide open. The two extremely sexy god sculpted sex on legs looked over at us and each of them smiled. I blushed and poked Vicky. She snapped out of her thoughts and quickly got in, sitting down next to the brown haired guy. I looked at her and walked to the other side of the apple and sat down next to the one with black hair. Then the ride started.


I looked at the brown haired guy as he dragged the ‘o’. Vicky looked at him too and bit her lip.

“Uh, hi.”


I huffed as they started to get into a conversation, leaving me and the black haired piece of beauty alone. I sneaked a peak at him and he looked bored. His black hair made his skin look paler than what it really was and his blue eyes stood out.

“I feel like a third wheel.”

I blinked back into reality and faced him.

“I know right! Damn Vicky, why does she get to hook up with someone at an amusement ride.”

I pouted and send daggers at her, and of course, she didn’t notice. The guy laughed and now he didn’t seem quiet bored.

“I agree. My brother wasn’t so ecstatic about bringing me here anyways. This is what he came for, that pervy bastard.”

“Um, does that mean she has to be careful around him?”

“Kinda, yea”

My eyes widened and I tried to get Vicky’s attention. The black haired boy looked at me with curiosity before laughing again.

“I’m kidding you silly goose. He’s not like that”

“Ah, you’re mean!”

He chuckled and started to spin the wheel around. To say that he wasn’t strong was a huge understatement. I mean, those things are like super hard to move! And he did it easily.

“Holy shit! You’re strong”

I covered my mouth instantly. He looked at me and smiled.

“Yah I know. I’m Derik by the way. And that’s Michael, my twin brother”

“I’m Christopher, Chris for short. And that’s Victoria, Vicky for short”

He laughed a bit. I looked at him, confusion written all over my face.

“What’s so funny?”

“You both have very fancy names.”

I smiled. Hey we do. We all got off the ride, walking together and somehow along the way, me and Derik ended up holding hands. Vicky looked back to say something but stopped when she saw us. She giggled a little bit and poked Michael. He looked back and shook his head, letting out a chuckle. Me and Derik blushed before glaring at them.

Suddenly I heard Vicky gasp before she stopped beside me. She got close to my ear and moved her chin towards the right of us. I looked over to the right slowly, trying not to make it obvious, and saw….Oliver standing there staring at us. I sucked in a breath and pretended I didn’t see him there. He was holding an ice cream cone while he walked with some girl with very colorful hair. He seemed to be talking to her and she turned our way.

“What is he doing here?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Holyy Mother Fuckeen Craaap!!
This is probably the longest I've ever written!
Aha, okay actually no but still. ^^

o; and its my bday tmr D:
and its 420 -___- I dont smoke >:o and its Hitler's bday D:
u.u so I'm called a crackhead and a spawn of hitler ...

Oh and Yaaah, I've got a co-writer xO
And I wont get tired of her ;O so ha c; lol
Noooow if you want more chapters: Comment or Subscribe? c: