Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please



I screamed out loud like a five year old kid.

Annalise looked at me strangely and I looked back at her with a cheeky smile.

“What? I get excited when I see ice cream.”

“I noticed.”

She laughed and I pouted.

“Don’t laugh at me! In boot camp, they don’t let you escape the premises. You have to eat some crap they call food and that stuff looks like puke. And trust me, that shizz tastes like puke too. Almost forgot to add that the stench that comes from it makes you want to gag.” I wasn’t joking. The only reason I survived was because some kids out of the camp smuggled food in for a price. Though ice cream wasn’t ever asked for since it was easy to get caught with it.

I acted as if I was choking to death.

“Ew! That’s gross!”

She laughed once again and my laughter followed after.

“But seriously, I’m getting some ice cream.”

I walked into the ice cream store with Annalise following after. Looking into the glass, I swore that I almost drooled.

“Careful Ollie… You look like your gonna piss in your pants from joy at the moment.”

She eyed me carefully just in case that actually happened.

“Don’t worry, I stopped pissing in my pants at the age of three.”

She still looked skeptical.

“If you say so!”

She said in a singsong voice. I looked at her as if to say ‘Really? In public too?’. She shrugged innocently.

“Evil little fairy…”

I murmured under my breath.

“I heard that. Anyway, hurry up and pick your flavor. We’re wasting daylight.”

“All right, all right, Miss Bossy.”

Even with her impatience, it took about another five minutes for me to choose the perfect flavor. In the end, I chose butter pecan on a sugar cone. Yum!

“Do you want me to buy you one?”

“As if. We’d spend another 10 minutes here if I say yes to that.”

Taking my hand once again, she dragged me toward the amusement park.

“Come on!”

Then she ran, dragging me with her.

“Jeez women, you have a strong grip.”

“I know, karate class.”

“Ah, no wonder.”

Taking a lick out of my ice cream, Annalise seemed to notice something that caught her eye.

“Hey Ollie, isn’t that your brother?”

Looking to the direction she was looking at, I noticed that Vicky was flirting with a guy other then my brother. On the other hand though, Chris was talking to a very good-looking guy. Those two boys looked as if they were brothers also. Ugh… I sighed. Don’t get yourself into trouble, little bro. You seem to do that without trying.

Chris then turned to look at me.

At that moment, I slipped my hand out of Annalise’s.

“Yah, that’s Chris…”

I said a bit indifferently but she didn’t seem to notice. Or if she did, she decided to ignore my tone of voice. I suspected that it was the second option though. Either way, she said the next words softly with precision.

“Lets go say hi,”

She smiled softly as if what she said might offend me.

“Come on.”

I nodded reluctantly but followed her anyway.


Walking through the crowd, I hoped that my displeasure didn’t show.

“Hey Chris! I’m Annalise, remember me?”

Annalise greeted my brother cheerfully.

“Hey Ollie’s friend! And yeah, I do now.”

Chris replied just as cheerful. But for some reason, his greeting seemed to be somewhat forced. It might’ve been because he had no idea who Leise was at all but then again, I might just be imagining things.

“Ellos little bro.”

I said causally. He waved but didn’t actually verbally greet me.

“And you are..?”

I asked a bit rudely to the dude Chris was talking to. Christopher shot me a look saying ‘Don’t be an arsehole!’. Stopping myself from rolling my eyes in annoyance, I pretended that I didn’t catch the look.

“Erm.. My name’s Derik.”

He introduced himself while sticking his hand out for me to shake.

“Oliver Starr, this shortie’s older brother.”

I looked over to Chris as I said ‘shortie’ before I connected my hand to Derik’s and we shared a firm handshake. I’m surprised he didn’t flinch from the pressure I was using to crush his hand. Chris pouted when I called him ‘shortie’, but he didn’t say anything. I think it’s because he could feel the tension in the air. Hell, anyone around us could cut the tension with a knife.

“Delighted to meet you.”

This jackass replied politely.

“Same to you.”

I said as we had a stare off.

I didn’t like this Derik dude. He gave me a bad vibe. His hair was too dark to be natural, his eyes had a glint that made me want to shove my fist down his throat and make him choke on it and well, living in an isolated place for seven years made me a very good judge of character.

“Uh… Have you guys been on any rides yet?”

Chris asked, directed the question at Annalise and I so he could break the tension without causing conflict. Derik broke off eye contact and at that moment, I decided to take another lick of my ice cream that was quickly melting.

“Um, not yet,”

Leise answered for me.

“We just got here.”

“What’s the fastest rollercoaster here?”

I asked Chris. I needed some thrill and adrenaline in my blood.

“Well, there’s the Twister, which goes in like a billion loops. There’s another called the Ocean Skies with is pretty fast and at the same time, you get sprayed with water and finally, there’s the Skyscraper.”

Chris stated. This was the first time he spoke to me and only to me since the awkward situation back at the house. Sadly, I still couldn’t think of Chris’ house as mine despite it being my official residence. I bit the corner of my lip.

“The Skyscraper?”

“Yah, it’s the fasted ride here. It goes like,”

Chris started making rapid and almost lightning speeded arm motions.

“I see.”

I said tasting the words in my mouth.

“Heh, for those in favor of going on the Skyscraper say I.”



Annalise said innocently with a smirk.

Chris was the only one who paused to think about it.


I asked with a smirk of my own.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lalala~ Do Ray Mi,
She says that she won't get tired of me,
But we'll see as time goes on.
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