Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


He kissed me.

He really kissed me.

Well I mean, I guess it doesn’t count like an actual kiss. It was my cheek after all but still, it was lip on skin contact! I could’ve fainted right there but it just seemed to embarrassing. If someone extremely sexy looking kissed someone boring and bland looking like me, they would think its weird. And plus, I just met him. Its not like we’re going out.

What if he asks me out?

I squealed in happiness and hugged my pillow to my chest. We had came back from the amusement park a few minutes after. We even met up with Claud while we were going home. He got all mad because we didn’t invite him but hey it isn’t our fault that he doesn’t use his cell phone as often. Really, he should just use it more cuz he's paying for it, meaning he's wasting his money.

And what climbed up Oliver’s ass and stayed there? He kept glaring at Derik the whole night! Why does he even care?

Oh Shit! I never told him I was gay!

I sighed. Should I tell him? What if he freaks out? Ohmigosh, Ohmigosh, Ohmigosh! I don’t know what to do! Damn, where’s my shoulder angel when I need him. Biting my lip, I sat up and walked out of my room, casually…as if nothing was up. I quickly waddled to his room, pressed up against the wall. I don’t want to bother him if he’s doing something productive. I knocked on his door and waited.

His door didn’t open up.

I huffed and opened it myself, peeking my head in. He was sitting at the end of his bed, looking away from the door, with a guitar in his hand and earphones plugged into his ears. The music was so loud, I could hear the lyrics from where I was. He sang along softly.

“the wax will drip as so as blood
romance is dead and all is lust
you are the water in my lungs
we've lost it”

I didn’t realize I was holding my breathe till I let it out. Wow, he can sing…He stopped singing and started strumming on his guitar, as another song came on. I couldn’t help but to walk in and sit down on the floor. His iPod stopped playing as he started singing, his beautiful voice ringing out from his vocal chords.

“I will await dear. A patience of eternity, my crush. A universal still, no rust…. I love you more than I can ever scream.”

He stopped. I leaned in a bit and he sighed, shaking his head.

“Woah…you sing, amazing”

My eyes widened as my hands flew up to my mouth. Ah crap!

He jumped a bit and looked back at me, his eyes as big as mine but he relaxed when he realized it was me. Quickly he grabbed his guitar case and he was about to put it back where it belonged when I stopped him.

“Um, do you think you could teach me how to play? I’ve always wanted to play but I never got the chance too.”

Oliver chuckled and nodded.

“You could’ve just asked before.”

“Oh well, I didn’t know you had a guitar! You should’ve told me sooner and I would have been all over it.”

He smirked and sat down beside me, his guitar ending up on my lap.


I looked at him as if he was crazy.

“Uh hello. I don’t know how. That’s why I’m asking you for lessons.”

He shook his head and took it back, admiring it before putting it back in its case.

“You’re not ready. But that doesn’t matter. What did you come in here for?”

I quickly remembered what the true reason to why I came in his room. I looked at him and then back down to my lap, where the emptiness was beginning to form from the loss of the guitar. Suddenly, this didn’t seem like a good idea. I felt an hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw him staring at me intently, without blinking. To be honest, it was kinda creepy.

“So are you going to tell me, or not?”

I nodded.

“Um, well, I, uh, I…I don’t know how to explain this okay.”

“Just do your best.”

“O..okay. Uh, I’m not into the same road as you are.”


I mentally slapped myself. Road? The fuck? What does that got to do with girls?

“Ugh! Okay I’m not into the same type of people you’re interested in. I like, um, dick?”

He blinked. Damn, I knew he wouldn’t want to know. Man, now I’m probably going to have to move countries far, far away from him. I bet he’s going to put some type restraining order on me that’s going to keep me from even coming to the United States. I might have to live in Japan. Crap! Oh well I always wanted to learn Japanese. Konichiwa. That’s how you say goodbye right? Or was it…aagh!?

“So, you’re gay?”

I popped back to reality. He was still looking at me with the same eyes as he was before. I slowly nodded.

“Well I like vagina and dick so I guess it doesn’t really matter, does it?”

“You’re bisexual!?”

He laughed and nodded. Oh shit! Guess I won’t have to move to Japan.

“Yea, wasn’t that kind of obvious. I mean, do I look like a straight guy to you? Don’t answer that…”

I giggled and nodded anyways. He ran his hand through his hair and chuckled. He does that a lot, its kinda sexy. No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I did not just think that! He’s my brother for pete’s sake!

“Well thanks for trusting me enough to tell me.”

He whispered.

I smiled and hugged him.

“Thanks for being such a great big brother…”
♠ ♠ ♠
asdfghjkl! D:

I'm gunna cry u.u
We have testing month starting next week and that means less updates.
And I'm starting to fall in love with this story :O ... For once, I have nothing to say P:

Question of the Day (lol):
What is your favorite type of food?
Yah, I know, it has nothing to do with the story but I'm bored. I personally like spaghetti. Its just so French like. Aha, its all those love movies, I swear. They're always (well not always) eating something with noodles in it.