Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


My. Fingers. Hurt. Like. A. Bitch!

I swear I’m never, EVER going to play the guitar again. Well okay that’s a bunch of bull but still, talk about ouch! I sighed and let myself fall unto Oliver’s bed as he ordered the pizza. He clearly instructed not to use my hands for a while. At least its only going to be for a little while. I hope.

“Okay, I ordered the pizza. Actually I ordered two because I’m not a vegetarian.”

I gasped and put my hands up to my chest, in fake surprise.

“Really? You’re killing all the poor little animals and eating them up! You’re so mean!”

Oliver furrowed his eyebrows and put one hand on his hip and the other in the air.

“Oh hell no gurl fren! I eat what I want to eat.”

He then snapped his fingers in a zig zag motion before laughing. I pouted and looked away, giggling at his stupidity. I heard him chuckle before jumping on his bed next to me. I ‘oomfed’ when he his arm when around my head, on purpose.

“Oliver! Stop, your armpits smell bad!”

“They do not! Why you gotta lie to me like that?”

He exclaimed, rubbing his pit on my ear.


I shot up from the bed and ran towards the door. I looked back and glared at him, sticking my tongue out at him in the process. His eyebrows raised and he got up, heading towards me. As soon as he started running, I busted towards the stairs, going two steps at a time. I looked behind me and saw him going three steps at a time.

Damn him and his long legs!

I laughed and ran into the living room and hid behind the couch. I bit my lip as I heard him walk into the room I was currently in. He was trying to labor his breathing as he started looking around. I held in my breath as he came closer and closer to the couch. As he was coming up behind it, I crawled to the side of it, making it look like I wasn’t hiding there.

“Fuck, I thought he’d be here”

Oliver whispered. I bit my lip to keep from laughing as he walked out of the living room. As quick as a ninja (cuz I’m a ninja like that, yea) I tipped toed out of the living room, watching for any sign of Oliver. Coast Clear. I kept tip toeing when suddenly the doorbell rang. I yelped and turned around, only to slam into Oliver himself.

“So here you are”

I huffed and ran to the door, opening it. The pizza had arrived. I took them from the man and ran into the kitchen giggling as Oliver paid for it. He came in shortly putting the change into a jar that we kept. Mom said it was for my college tuition. But anyways, back to what we were talking about.

“Where the hell did you hide?”

Oliver asked, sitting down on a chair. I shrugged and bit into my slice of pizza.

“Behind the couch”

“Uh, no you didn’t. I looked there and I couldn’t find you”

I smiled and went to the refrigerator, taking out a can of coke.

“I was. Its just that your blind”

Oliver rolled his eyes and munched on his pizza. Then the door bell rang once again. I looked over and tilted my head. Who could it be? My big brother sighed and walked over to the door. I walked up behind him and smiled when I saw who was standing outside.


I ran towards him and gave him a giant hug. He laughed and hugged me back. My chest felt like it was going to explode from happiness. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside the house towards the kitchen where Oliver had already sat down.

“Want some pizza Derik?”

I asked him as I sat down in my spot. He nodded and took my slice, biting into it and smiling again. I pouted as he kept eating it.

“That was my slice you dork”

“Yes, key word, was”

I play punched him and grabbed another slice. Before he could reach and take it, I bit into it and looked away. Derik whined and grabbed my chin, pulling me towards him. I didn’t notice how close we were till our noses touched each other.

“You have a little bit of pizza right here”


I asked, feeling my face turning a bright red. Derik smiled and flicked his tongue on the side of my lips.

“Right there”

He answered, his voice a bit husky. Suddenly we heard someone cough. Oliver was looking at us, well me, and was glaring daggers at Derik, who only smiled and grabbed his own piece of pizza.

“I’m going upstairs, call me down if you need me”

Oliver mumbled. Seriously, what’s his problem?
♠ ♠ ♠
D: i'm sorry for taking forever to update
its just that my internet has been fucking up a lot
and my dad wont switch company cuz of blah blah blah

<.< eeh....well i hope this makes up for it, even though its short

QUESTION TIME xO: What do you guys think of Derik?