Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


The frown on my face felt permanent as I walked up the stairs to my room. At the same time, I murmured hateful words under my breath. How the hell did Derik know Chris’ address any way?

I swear, he’s like a stalker or something. After all, it’s like ten o’ clock at night.

I wasn’t going to have any fun tonight in that house that night, innocent or not because of the intruder. Quickly deciding that I wasn’t going to mope around stupidly, I dialed ten digits on my phone.

“Annalise here, professional prostitute. For my service, it’s twenty-five dollars for a hand job, fifty for a blowjob, and a hundred for a home run. How may I help you?”

I chuckled at her joke sexual greeting and her monotone voice.

“Hey Leise, it’s Oliver, your fellow prostitute.”

Annalise’s voice changed as it because quite excited.

“Oliver! Why are you calling?”

I debated on telling the truth or not.

“It’s pretty dull around here at the moment. Derik’s downstairs with Chris, which is slightly creepy. I have no one to hang out with.”

I told her the truth. I figured that she was one of my closest friends so why not? The last sentence I said seemed to be depressing though.

“Well, why don’t you come over to my house? The gang’s here right now and they miss you.”

In the background of her words, I heard a couple more.

“Oliver, you need to come over right now. We haven’t seen you since forever so move your lazy arse.” Eliza.

“Give me back my phone!” Leise.

“Just give it back to her, we all know he’s coming.” Sera.

“Whom are you girls talking to?” Reece.

“Oliver, he’s coming over.” Leise.

“He is? I haven’t seen my hoe since forever.” Reece.

“As if, you’re his hoe.” Leise.

“Pwned.” Eliza.

“Owened.” Sera.

“Suckerrrr.” Leise.

I laughed at the layering of voices. Eventually, Leise got her phone back.

“Sorry about that.”

She sounded embarrassed.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. We all know that they’re insane. Um, what happened to Giselle?”

I ask, remember the only member of the group that wasn’t there.

“She moved away last year. Anyway, you know where I live. I have to go now; I think they’re trying to eat my cat. Bye!”

She then hanged up. When did she get a cat? Oh well, whatever.

I grabbed for my jacket that was hanging on a hook on my wall. Finding a post it, I wrote down where I was just in case Mom would come home and wonder where I was. I doubt she’d care though.

To Whoever,

Going to Annalise’s house.
I’ll be back in an hour or two.
Just call me if you need anything.

--Oliver [10:27 PM]

I pasted the post-it on the kitchen table before going to tell Chris that I was going out. He was too busy joking around with Derik in the living room to notice me for the five seconds that I walked into the room and walked out.

Seeing the smile on Chris’ face when I walked into the living room, I felt the room a second after since he was preoccupied. He wouldn’t care. I thought. What in the world was I thinking to make myself believe that he would.

Having nothing else to do, I left the house.

Eight Minutes Later!

Arriving at Leise’s door, I knocked on the door. Within 2 minutes, someone opened the door.


Sera or Seraphina, ran over and tackled me into a hug. Gosh, her grip’s strong. My face reddened from my lack of ability to breathe.

“C-c-caa-n’t in-h-hale oxy-g-gen.”

Sera hurriedly released me.

“It’s just been a long time.”

I smiled and chuckled as I walked into the house.

“I agree.”

I looked around the living room.

“Where is everyone?”

Sera flashed a small smile but didn’t say anything.


The three other people in the house then jumped out from their hiding place. I swear I was about to have a heart attack. Eliza and Leise then gave me a hug. I laughed at the fondness.

“Ladies, there’s enough of me to get around.”

I smirked at my words.

Eliza and Leise released me and they both lightly smack me playfully.


Reece then walked up to me.

“What’s up man?”

Then we shared our secret handshake that ended with a man hug.

After the greetings, Eliza smirked.

“Now the games can begin.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahem, I apologize for the late update.
Right now, I have an announcement to make.
State testing kills innocent people.
That's it. Have a good day now. C;