Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


“You’re it!

I laughed and tagged Derik in the arm.

He gasped in surprise before going after me. I ran into the kitchen and crawled under the table like the dumbass I am. He came in shortly and spotted me right away. He smirked as he crawled under there with me. I bit my lip and crawled away, only to crash into a chair. I yelped as he towered over me, his lips going to my ear.

“You’re it…”

He whispered.

I pouted, making him chuckle. I looked at him and made a fishy face before feeling his lips connect with my own.

“That’s two down, one more to go.”

Okay, so you’re all probably like ‘what the hell! they kissed? twice!?’ Well you see, we got bored and decided to play tag. Buuuut! We got bored, again, and decided to make it more ‘fun’ if you catch my drift.

“That’s not fair! The chair got in the way!”

I whined, getting from under the table.

“Your fault for going under there.”

He argued.

I humphed and crossed my arms. Derik laughed before looking at the clock.

“Hey, I have to go. Its almost one.”

He sighed.

“One? Already? Crap, Oliver is gunna be pissed at me.”

I freaked out.

Why didn’t he tell me to go to sleep? Where the hell did Oliver go? Wait, where to fuck is my mom?

“Oliver left. I thought you noticed him walk out.”

Derik stated, tilting his head.

“He left?”


This time it was my turn to sigh, why would he leave? Without telling me anything?

“Sorry I have to go. I would stay with you but Michael can be such a bitch sometimes.”

Derik explained, rubbing the back of his head.

I nodded and walked him outside. A car was in the driveway and he started to walk towards it but stopped, coming back to where I was.

“Um, Chris?”

I looked up at his eyes and ‘hmed’.

“Can I ask you something?”

He asked, looking away shyly.

“What is it?”

I asked.

He sucked in some air and looked straight at me.

“Will y-you, uh crap. Um, will you b-be my…boyfriend?”

He stammered out, his cheeks turning a light pink. I stared at him in shock. Derik bit his lip.

“I mean, you don’t have to be. We can stay friends if you want. Its not like I want you to, wait, I do but its, its your choice and I’m not going to like force you and well -”

I pressed my lips on his, cutting him off from his rant. He kissed back after a while, our lips moving in sync with one another. Damn he’s a good kisser. We pulled away, panting.


He asked.

I smiled.


He grinned and kissed me again, before getting in his car and driving away. I stood on the porch, staring after him, a hand on my lips.

(Next Morning :D)

I woke up feeling like I was on cloud nine. Yesterday was simply amazing. I found the note that Oliver had left and decided to leave him alone. I yawned and crawled out of bed, stretching my arms out. Both my shoulders made a popping noise and I sighed in content. Quickly, I made my way towards the shower, doing my daily routine. Shower, put boxers on, jeans, and when I felt like it, a shirt. Oh and my hair. I can never go without doing my hair.

I walked down to the kitchen in my black skinny jeans and white v-neck shirt. The room was empty, just like before. Suddenly, the phone rang, making me jump ten feet into the air. I picked up the phone after I settled my heart down.


I talked into the phone.

“Christopher! I’m so sorry I’m not home. One of the tires on the car popped and I ended up staying at your Aunt’s Stela’s house. Remember her? But anyways, is Oliver there with you?”

My mom rambled.

“Mom, its okay. And no. He went out to a friend’s house yesterday and he hasn’t came back yet.”

I told her, walking back into the kitchen.

I smiled as the memories from yesterday came flooding back.

“What? He left you alone?”

My mom screamed.

“No, not really. A guy friend of mine came over.”

I told her, making myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

“A guy friend? Who?”

She asked, suddenly interested.

“Derik. We met him and his brother at the amusement park.”

I explained.

“Okay, at least you weren’t home alone. Did you guys use protection?”

I almost chocked on my small breakfast.


“What? I need to know. It better had not happened on my bed.”

My eyes widened.

“Mom! We didn’t do anything! And plus, we just started going out yesterday.”

I said, my voice getting lower and lower.

“You have a boyfriend? Aww, my little Chrissy is growing up! So when am I going to meet this lucky kid?”

She quealed.

She’s defiantly a little kid on the inside, I swear.

“Yes mom, I have a boyfriend. And don’t call me Chrissy. You know how much I hate that name. Plus, you can meet him whenever you want. You know that.”

“Well that better be soon. Hey I have to go and fix the wheel. I’ll be home later today. Tell Oliver to get his ass home and to learn how to cook.”

She chuckled.

“Kay mom. Bye.”

I said before turning around only to bump right into Oliver.

And wow…if looks could kill.
♠ ♠ ♠
.___. School Testing Schedule

- Mon, Wed, Fri: periods 1, 3, 5 (2 hours long each)
- Tue, Thur: periods 2, 4, 6 (also 2 hours)

So knowing that, I had Spanish yesterday for two whole hours
And I decided to write Spanish. -_____-' I had to translate the whole thing
But anyways c:

:O looks like Oliver is jealous!! He should've stayed at home ;D