Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


"Oh nevermind. I hope you enjoy you're breakfast, lunch, and dinner all in one sitting."

I rolled my eyes and looked away from Christopher, who was beginning to walk away. Until mommy dearest stopped him.

"Now now, that's no way to talk to your brother Christopher. He just came back from a very difficult trip. Can you at least try to be nice to him?"

I smirked.

"Yah sure, whatever mom."

I could hear the sarcasm dripping off his words. Hm, and I'm the asshole?

"Good. Now help me finish."

"Shouldn't Oliver help you? I would think you would want to spend some quality time with him since you haven't seen him in a while."

No, say no.

"You know, that's a good point Christopher. Come here Oliver, it's time you learned how to cook anyways. Unless you already know how."

I glared at Chris, who smirked back before leaving the kitchen.

"So do you know how to cook?"

"Sort of. They taught us the basics over at camp. Not enough to be an expert though."

"Well that's good enough. You dont need so many skills to cook in my kitchen."

I sighed under my breath. And here I thought I wouldn't need any of the things I learned at camp. Guess I was completely and utterly wrong. I should of payed more attention.


"No, Oliver. Like this."

"Ugh, that's what I've been doing the whole time. I'm just not cooking material mom."

"I can see that. So much for basic skills saving you."

I dropped the spoon I was holding into the batter. Damn this! Quality time huh? More like failing time.

"Hey mom."

Christopher walked into the kitchen, holding his phone in one hand and shirtless. I stared at him as he sat down on the table. He had abs, not the kind that showed off that he worked out, but the ones that were just slightly visible. His ribs were sticking out just a bit, making him look thinner than what he already was. I suddenly had the urge to touch his soft looking skin.

What the fuck are you thinking Oliver!? He's your brother!

I mentally slapped myself and looked away.

"What is it hun?"

"Claud and Vicky want me to go and watch a movie with them. Just giving you a heads up that I'm going."

"Okay. Can you do me a favor and bring Oliver with you?"



"Please Chris. He's causing me pain here in the kitchen. He's not much of a cook."


"Oh thank you."

Christopher smiled at her and left the room, me following close behind.

"You know I rather stay at home."

"Then stay. It's not like I want you to come with me."

I scoffed.

"That's some nice way to talk to your older brother."

"Same to you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another short update by my good old iPod xD
I know, I'll update a long chapter next.
Imma use my computer tomorrow so maybe I'll update ;D

Comments please? ;3