Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


Damn him. I looked back and frowned. Why mom? I don't want him to come along! He'll probably just bitch about stuff. Ugh, somehow I don't even regret him going to boot camp anymore.

"So where exactly are we going?"

"Didn't you hear me tell mom? Two of my friends invited me to go watch some movies."

I heard him scoff. He's been doing that lately, now hasn't he? I gritted my teeth and turned over to look at him. He stopped and raised an eyebrow.

"Look, if you're going to be an ass around my friends, then leave. I don't want to deal with your prissy shit right now. Just because you just got out of boot camp doesn't mean I'm going to be all sympathetic for you."

He smirked. What!? That....! Ugh, he irritates me!

"I was being serious Oliver."

"I know. That's what makes it funny."

I groaned and kept walking. Vicky had told us that we were going to meet up at the park, which was about five or six blocks away from where we live. It really isn't that far but when you're walking with someone like Oliver, it makes it feel like eternity. Especially when he's asking really stupid and pointless questions.

"So how's life with mom? Are you some kind of mommy's boy or something?"

I breathed in and ignored him. Just pretend he's not here Chris. He's not here

"Hey, I asked you a question."

"Oliver, I've got a question for you. Isn't that camp supposed to make you more likable and well mannered?"

"Do you honestly think I'll act like that towards you? You got a whole other thing coming if you even thought that."

"Oh trust me, I would never think that with your attitude."

"My attitude? Am I annoying you?"

No fucking duh! Did you just notice that?

"Of course not dear brother. Why would you be?"

My voice reeked of sarcasm. I really don't care if he gets mad at me. The rest of the way was rather quiet. He just kept glaring at everything we passed by. I think he has anger issues.


I smiled and looked over at Vicky.


"Ugh, you took forever! I thought you were gunna leave us hanging."

She ran towards me, squealing, and gave me a giant bear hug. I smiled and hugged her back. I swear this girl can pass for a fourteen year old! Age just never touched her. She let me go after a while and waved at someone to come over. And on cue, Claud came out from behind a bush. What the hell was he doing there?

Sometimes I wondered how the two of them ever got along. Vicky was the loud person, someone who loved meeting new people. Claud was the serious one, but not the kind that was all up on your face and mean about it. He too liked meeting new people to talk to. But I bet both of them are going to regret meeting Oliver.

"Hey. What took you so long?"

"Nothing really. Mom just told me to bring along my brother with me."


Vicky chirped in surprised. She looked behind me and her eyes widened at the sight of Oliver. She quickly ran to him and stood next to him.

"I didn't know you had a brother Chris. Why didn't you tell us before?"

"He never came up."

Oliver glared at me and rolled his eyes afterwards. Yah bitch, I don't care about you either.

"Thanks for showing off how much you love me, little brother."

Claud looked at me. I shook my head and walked up to the other two.

"You're welcome. He can be a bit grumpy Vicky, so be careful around him."

"Grumpy? He looks like a giant plush toy!"

Oliver's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Haha, plush toy? You mean the kind that look like they're going to murder you in your sleep? Because if you mean that kind, than yah, he's defiantly a plush toy."

Claud smiled and came over.

"So are we going to watch some movies or what? I don't exactly want to see any sibling arguments right now."

Vicky nodded and jumped on Claud's back.

"Let's go already. You two took long enough. We're going to miss everything."

"What movie are we even going to go watch?"

"Gulliver's Travels! I've been dying to watch that movie!"

We stared at Vicky.

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this was a giant fail.
I was hoping it to be pretty long or something.
I'm not really in the mood for typing today though. I didn't get any sleep yesterday. And yah I mean like no sleep what so ever. It sucks. Yah, I suffer a minor case of insomnia. I hate getting no sleep.

I actually want to go watch that movie.
It looks interesting. :o
But who knows.

Thanks to those who commented on the last chapter :D
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