Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


So he did blame me. Even if he doesn't anymore, he still did.

I bit my lip and threw myself on my bed.

"I did think it was your fault before but now I know it's not."

What does he mean by 'now I know it's not.'? Was that what he was thinking about earlier? If it was my fault?

"Christopher! The food is finally finished!"

I looked at my mom. She had the look of a happy puppy on her face. I giggled and stood up. I swear that woman is a child on the inside.

I followed her to the kitchen and noticed that Oliver was already there. I sat quickly in my place and grabbed a spoon and a fork. Oliver looked at me in confusion.

"Why do you need both?"

"Cuz I'm hungry."

"Why don't you just grab a spork? Its both the spoon and fork together"

"Cuz I'm a pimp! Be jealous nigguh!"

Oliver's eyebrow shot up and our mom looked back at me.

"What are you babbling about Chris?"

I smiled innocently.

"Oh, and you wish you were a pimp."

I pouted at Oliver.

"You're mean."


He gave me a plate full of spaghetti and my face lit up. I quickly dug my fork in it, spinned it around, and stuffed it in my mouth. What can I say? My mom's spaghetti is amazing! When I looked up, both of them were staring at me in surprise.

"If someone else saw you eating like this, I swear they would think I don't feed you right."

I laughed a bit and kept eating.


"Christopher Starr! Do not eat with your mouth full."

I swallowed and glared at Oliver. He smirked and started eating his food.

"Now, don't get to full. I made some cake too for dessert."

I smiled and finished quickly. I love cake. No, love would be an understatement. I was obsessed with cake. No lie. I just loved it that much. And mom knew that so she barely made it.


I felt a jab to my shoulder. Oliver looked at me, a slight smile on his lips.


"Why does it look like you're having an orgasm when you eat cake?"

My face suddenly felt hot. I looked away and huffed. I heard Oliver chuckle.

"You're a pervert."

"I'm not the one with the orgasmic face."

"S-shut up!"

"You have something white on your cheek. What were you doing?"

My eyes widened.


He laughed again before petting my head.

"I'm not a dog you know.

"Your point is?"

I glared at him once more, finished my piece of cake, and walked up to my room. Gosh, who would of thought he was a pervert? Actually, now that I think about it, it seems kinda obvious. Great, I have a brother who just isn't an ass but also a perv. Might as well put a giant billboard over our house saying 'Rapist living Here'. I smiled, cuddling my pillow. Wait a second, did he say I had an orgasmic face? My face went red again. I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. Yah, he probably was just trying to tease me about the whole cake thing. Of course, duh. He obviously couldn't mean it the other way. He is my brother after all. I jumped when I heard someone knock on my door. Oliver peeked in and smiled at me.

"Can I come in?"

I nodded and sat on my bed, indian style. He walked in and looked around, taking my room in. I smiled. My room was rather different from his. How? Well I had painted the walls a bright sky blue and then I painted on that. Oh, did I mention that I love to draw? No? Well, yah, I do. Its one of my passions. Also, cake wasn't the only thing I was obsessed with. I absolutely loved stuffed animals. I had a least 50 or more of them in my room and another 50 somewhere in my closet. I just loved sleeping with them. My room was neat and bright while Oliver's was dark and messy.

"You're such a neat freak Chris."

"I'm not! You're just not used to seeing the bottom of a floor."

He glared at me.

"Well you can't blame me for saying that. You're room is messy as fuck!"

"Don't curse. Its bad manners."

"Says the one that curses all the time."

Once again he glared at me before the both of us burst out laughing. He has a sexy laugh.

Why the hell did I just think that?

Cuz it's true.

No its not. Shut up!

I blinked back to reality. Oliver was staring at me with concern written all over his face.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded quickly and sighed. I looked at my brother as he grabbed one of my sock puppets and sat next to me.

"Hey there."

He made a weird, squeaky voice. I bit my lip, trying to hold back a laugh.

"My name is Banana. I'm a sock monkey. I love my name! Don't you? I can keep saying it. B a n a n a n a n ..don't you just looooove that?"

I giggled. He's such a weirdo. He chuckled and put the puppet down on my bed.

"That's the last time you'll ever see me doing that."

“Good, cuz that was creepy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I swear this took me about 4 hours to finish.
I was getting way to distracted with other things. o-o And I started reading this awesome story while writing this one. Drop Dead. This is so addicting! Its a must read story ;D

My internet stopped working right when I was trying to see the preview of the story. So when I rebooted it, everything was erased and I had to write the whole thing over again. That took me 1 hour more. So I spent 5 hours on this chapter alone. So sad v_v

But anyways, I have another question pondering around in my mind.
Who's manlier? Christopher or Oliver?

Comments? Subscriptions? ;D
P.S: I didn't notice i spelled 'orgasm' wrong o___o i fixed it xD