Status: Hiatus?

Enchant Me, Please


Uh, well that was weird...

I sat down on the couch, pouting. Oliver was still in the bathroom doing who knows what. Maybe he is getting sick. But he seemed fine before. Eh, why must big brothers be so confusing. And so after what seemed like forever, he finally came out.


He looked over at me, smiled a bit, and then looked away.

"Ollie? Are you okay?"

"Ya, I think I might actually be coming down with something."

He sat back down on the couch and didn't even look at me. Is he mad at me?

"Um, Ollie...."


"Are you mad at me?"

Oliver sighed and looked at me. I stared back while biting my lip.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I dunno. That's why I'm asking you"

He shook his head and got up, heading towards the stairs. He stopped halfway and looked back at me.

"I'm not mad at you. I just need some time on my own for a while."

And with that, he kept walking. I heard his footsteps and then a door closing. Suddenly my pocket started vibrating, making me jump.

From Vicky:

Heyy!! :DD
Wanna go to the amusement park? o:

I sighed.

Suree. I need some time outside u.u.

D: What happened? You seem down in the gutter...

I'll tell you when we get there... :T
Wait, when aree we goinqq?

Now fuuh >:o

o. o Kay...I'll be there in 20.

20?!! D:<

well Duuh!! ;O I dont live right across the street from there -___-

w.e <.< just hurry

I smiled a bit and ran up my room, grabbing a shirt, some jeans, and of course boxers before slipping into the bathroom. Must. Be. Clean. I turned on the water, and waited till it got warm. After it did, I discarded off all my clothes and quickly got in.

10 min later~ xO

I jumped out and dried myself. I slipped on my clothes and ran back into the room, putting on some socks and my vans. I went to my drawer and took out my trusty blow dryer and hair straightener. Yah, I gotta look my best. After doing my hair, I smiled at myself and ran out of my room.

I looked over at Oliver's door and sucked in a breath. I walked over and opened his door slightly. He was laying down on his bed with his eyes closed and with his ipod playing in the background.

"Oliver? I'm going to go out. Tell mom Imma be with Vicky when she comes back, kay?"

He opened one eye and looked at me, nodding.

"Where are you guys going?"

"To the amusement park"

"Hm...have fun"

He closed his eye and continued doing what he was before. I closed his door and walked down stairs, heading towards the kitchen. I took twenty dollars from the savings jar and walked out the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just noticed...Christopher is the youngest out of all the characters o. o
And its my story! How the hell do I just notice it like 11 chapters after!? -___-'
See..that's how much of a fail I am. Bleeh P:

Still looking for someone to co-write this story with me. Any takers? o:
Comments? Subscribers?