Status: Look Alive, Sunshine

*** the Whole Wide World

The year is 2019. The earth has ended, and begun again. No one really remembers what happened, except that three fourths of the human population has been destroyed, and what’s left of the earth has been turned into a barren wasteland. Corruption took a vice-like grip on the world. An evil corporation, ironically named “Better Living Industries,” or BL/Ind., rose to dictate the civilians, brainwashing them, and feeding them unnecessary pills to keep them ignorant. Enter our heroes: The Killjoys: Jet-Star, the musical one, Fun-Ghoul, the Ladies man, Kobra Kid, the sensitive one, and Party Poison, their fearless leader. Together, their mission is to bring down BL/Ind. and restore justice and freedom to the world. Sunshine is an “Independent,” or not belonging to either of the parties. She cares about her life alone and the survival of her little sister, Grace. When Party Poison stumbles upon Sunshine, he refuses to release her. But Sunshine will not stand for it.