Status: In the process of revising. Active soon :)


Chapter 1

My heart still aches in sadness and secret tears still flow. What is meant to lose you, no one will ever know - Unknown

Natalee’s P.O.V.

The crisp air nipped my face. The sky was stained with a dark gray color. I was enveloped in an overwhelming feeling of death. Which is fitting since I was at my grandma’s funeral.

RoseAnne Marie Uley was a fighter that’s for sure. Giving up wasn’t in her vocabulary. But hey, breast cancer’s a bitch right? Never in my mind did I think that she would be gone. Forever.

The funeral service was fitting for her personality. I mean, what grandma would want her casket to be brought down while “Bad to the Bone” was playing? I’m going to go out on a limb and say not many. That’s just how grandma Rose was.

Although the service was nice, I had to get out of there. The place was giving me bad vibes. Death can give anyone bad vibes.

I rushed out of the church faster than you could say ‘Ok the service is over.’ I sprinted as fast as I could toward the limo that was waiting for me. This process took longer that I had hoped since I was wearing 4 inch black, leather pumps. Grandma bought them for me when she first found out that she had cancer. She said that if I was going to go to her funeral, I had to arrive in style. She was always into looking good.

“ Ricardo, ready to put your Nascar skills to the test?” I asked as I literally threw myself into the limo. Ricardo liked to think he was Dale Earnhardt Jr. Well the Italian version of him.

“ Always am Miss Natalee Rae.” he said in his gorgeous Italian accent that he had. Everyone called me Natalee Rae, Natalee, or Nat. I personally like Nat. Short and sweet. Just like me.

As Ricardo sped off, I looked out the window in amazement at how many people showed up. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Grandma was quite popular. She owned RoseAnne’s Salon & Spa. Every rich and elite person went there. Needless to say, we were slightly rich.

Our house was about an hour and a half away from the church. My mind began to wonder about my brother, Sam. I missed him. I haven’t seen him since I was 3. In case you can’t put two and two together, it’s been 14 years and I’ve been longing to see his face.

What does he look like? Is he married? Where does he work? What are his hobbies? Does he peel the crust off his sandwiches like I do? Ok that one is weird, but whatever.

And most of all, does he think about me or miss me?

Who am I kidding? He’s probably forgotten all about me.

I do not own any of the Twilight characters. I only own Natalee and any other member that you don't recognize so yeah don't sue or report me.. :)
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