Status: In the process of revising. Active soon :)


Chapter 3

Sam's POV:

Running on four feet was exhilarating I have to admit. You feel so free and alive. The 3 o'clock patrol was by far my favorite patrol time. The weather was perfect this time of year in La Push. For the first time in awhile, my mind began to wonder to Natalee. I pushed her out of my thoughts after more guys joined the pack. I didn't want anyone to know about her, and it killed me that I felt that way. She was my sister for God's sake!

My thoughts were interrupted when Jared and Paul came into my head.

"Yo boss what up?"Paul asked me.

"Oh just clearing my head, I would ask you what you were just doing, but I don't think I wanna know."I said back to Paul laughing. I knew that he had just got done 'doing the deed' with his flavor of the week.

"Damn straight I did!"He joked back. Obviously he didn't care that he had a bad boy rep.

"You're sick dude. What are you going to do when you imprint?"Jared said to him extremely disgusted.

"I'm not going to imprint so get off my ass dickhead!"Paul barked back at him.


"Guys! Calm down now! Paul get off your high horse and Jared leave him alone. Worry about yourselves!"I yelled and I interrupted their highly immature conversation.

"Yeah yeah boss."Paul said smirking.

I swear to God, if he wasn't a pack brother I would kick his ass! My anger was washed away as I smelled my fiancee's amazing cooking. I looked at the boys and without even having to say anything, we raced back home. I won obviously because hey, I'm the Alpha!

We got to my house and phased in the backyard. I patted both boys on the back as we walked in the house to my amazingly beautiful fiancee Emily.

"Hey babe." I said to Emily as I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her neck.

She giggled, " Hey hunny! The pork roast, mashed potatoes, corn bread, and veggies are done. Will you call some of the boys in to help set the table?"

"Of course! EMBRY, JARED, PAUL! COME SET THE TABLE!" I yelled in my Alpha voice.

Almost immediately a herd of footsteps came into the kitchen. Embry grabbed plates, Jared grabbed cups, and Paul grabbed silverware and napkins. Just as they set the table, Quil, Seth, and Leah walked in.

"Hey hey brotha's! Just in time for food!" Quil came in with his never ending happiness.

All the boys pilled food on their plates and just as we were about to eat, the hone rang. Are you kidding me? I'm starving and was just about to eat!

I sighed extremely annoyed and walked over the the phone.

"Hello?" I said seriously hoping this was extremely important cause if it wasn't, I will be pissed.

There was silence. I turned to the table and Emily right as she mouthed 'Who is it?'. I shrugged my shoulder in response.

"Um...hello?" I said even more irritated than I was before.

What the hell is this? Some kind of stupid prank? I started shaking and the boys started to laugh. I heard Emily whisper scolding them and they stopped.

" Hey Sam uh it's your sister, Natalee." I heard a soft, girls voice say.

I was shocked. Natalee? My little sister Natalee? Even after all these years I still recognize her voice. So innocent, just like her. Or I would hope so! If any guy lays a hand on her I swear- I cut of my mental rant and came back to reality and the situation I was currently in. Im on the phone with my little sister. What do I say?

"Oh hey Natalee! I didn't expect a call from you. Actually why are you calling me?" I replied confused, but it came out very rude. Shit.

Wow trying not to be rude didn't happen. The boys and Emily looked at me confused. Paul mouthed 'loudspeaker' Loudspeaker? No I couldn't do that! They cant find out! Natalee and i hung out with the guys before at the bonfires, but we were little. They dont remember her at all. At least i think so. I dont want them to find out about her just yet. Abd i definitely dont want her to find out about us. Im sure both Emily and the pack would be mad that i never told them about her. But this could make explaining easier. So I clicked the speaker button.

This is going to be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's chapter 3 :) I hope everyone likes it! I'm having surgery tomorrow so updating might be a little slow for the next couple days. I might take the opportunity to write lots if chapters if I'm feeling up to it. Again thanks sooooo very much for all the feedback, readers, and subscribers that I've gotten! It's greatly appreciated! If you have any suggestions or anything like that feel free to tell me :) and I tried to put a banner and it didn't work. If anyone wants to help my retarded self I would like it lol

Not sure if I already mentioned this, but this story is based off the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift. I think it's perfect for the story so yeah :)

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