Bleeding Tears.

Bumping into no normal person.

He was a lier. A Player. A cheater. Everything you don't want in a guy.
But, on the other hand. He was charming, humorus, and had a certain thing to him, that made you want to get near him.
But, the closer you go to him. The more your heart would hurt. Bleed, as I'd like to call it.
It would, bleed out tears.

His name? - What was his name? You ask. It was Chase Mathews.
Let me tell you this, he was quite a catch. He had jet-black hair, with sparkling light brown what looked like hazel eyes, with sparkling pale white skin.
His looks made you want to speak with him. But, once you did - you just couldn't stop.
It was like a drug. He was like a drug. You we're addicted.
- ♥ -
12:15 a.m.
"Come on...almost lunch..." Molly was chanting looking at the clock, not listening to one word the teacher was saying. Molly - was an' adorable, unbelieveably short girl. But, don't let her looks get to you, she is - a fighter, and can get nasty. - She was non-other than my bestfriend.
"Molly, shut the fuck up." I muttered, to her beneath my breath.
She turned her gaze on to me, and turned back to the clock, and continued to stare.
"Three...Two..." Molly was saying, grabbing her stuff in her arms.
"One." I spoke, and we both doged for the door.
Molly made her way through the crowd of people, but I on the other hand ended up bumping into someone. And, it wasn't just any old normal someone. It was Chase Mathews.

♠ ♠ ♠
This is based on a true story, ~ but bumped up with some more interesting stuff. :D
Anyways, Comments?
Should I continue or not?