Status: If only.

Promise You Love Me?

They meet.

Gerard walked slumishly too the bus, bozed over from alchol and singing. He thumped against the van, lighting up a cig before going inside. Laughter came from the left, leading from the now open double doors, Bert, Quinn and Jepha came walking out, opened beers, in their hands. Gerard smiled and looked forward again. Jepha and Quinn were motioned too go inside by Bert's hand. He came around Gerard's left side and leaned against the bus, " You guys were really good out there." Gee smiled shyly, almost embarresed he payed attention to them while in the back room, "thanks.. Want a ciggarette?" he asked almost choking on the words from nervousness.
"Yeah sure"
Gererad turned too look at Bert, lighting the end, inhaling the deep drag. He smiled.
"You guys were good too" Gerard finally said what bert was waiting too here.
Bert looked back, he had those eyes that could look straight through you and figure out everything that you were. "I guess, but i'll take the compliment, Thank you"
Bert examined Gerard's body without him noticing. He was tall, bold, sexy and yummy. Bert wanted too touch him, kiss his lips, telling him how much he wanted him.. He looked down, unoticeably and saw he was growing an erection. He shifted position's and laughed.
"So, you guys are sharing a tour bus with us? Hopefully, we can all have are own bunk's, if not, i'm sharing with you" Bert smirked and opened the door and left the hot weather too gerard. Gerard fridged his eyebrow's.. thinking what Bert meant... Bert was attractive, medium height, hair that fell right above his shoulders, and thin lips. He liked it.
He flicked out his ciggarette and went inside. He opened the door too frankie proping his feet on the table, quinn sitting beside him, awfully close, and mikey in his bunk, passed out. Bob and jepha playing cards, ray watching, and Bert changing. They all looked at Gerard, waiting too see who is sleeping together. Bert winked at Gerard as he looked at him, suspiciously.
He cleared his throat " Ray and Bob, bunk together. Mikey will get his own I guess, quinn and frankie. and I guess me and Bert, sound okay?"

They all nodded in agreement. Bert smiled and went too go lay down. Gerard didn't know why, but he was excited too lay next too Bert..
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I haven't started the next chapter, because I want too see if anyone actually likes it.
Comment <3
xoxo Abbie.