Status: If only.

Promise You Love Me?

The next day..

Gerard washed his face, he thought too himself, that was the first time he's washed it all week.. He went too the bunk, tiptoeying, everyone else was asleep, but he didn't take the chance of getting yelled at. He pulled back the curtain too bert's, and well now his, bunk.
Bert was asleep. Or so he thought. He carefully, layed next too him, debating wheater he should lay back too back, or face him. He faced him. He looked at his asleep body.. all warm and unclean.. He smelled like alchol.. That was nothing new. He closed his eyes and fell asleep..
"Good Morning, Gee"
Bert smiled as gerard cracked open his eyelids too see Bert close in his face.. He smiled.
"Good Morning, Bert"
Bert climbed over Gerard since he had too lay on the inside, he felt Gerard's morning length touch his thigh, he rolled back over, and giggled.
Gerard knew he felt it, he started too blush. "How embarresing" he said quietly too Bert.
Bert giggled "Oh, everyone has it.. It's cute, like you.."
Gerard looked deep into Bert's eyes "Oh, you think i'm cute don't you?"
Bert looked like a little kid the way he smirked and nodded his head. Gerard wanted too kiss him.. tell him how beautiful he is. He only wished he could touch his body.
Bert leaned forward, getting close too Gerard's face.. Gerard closed his eyes, waiting too be kissed and then opened them abruptly as Bert climbed off the bed and yelled "Let's get a hotel after tonight.. I was cramed last night!" He opened the door then it slamed shut.
Gerard closed his eyes again, and rolled of the bunk.. he was dissapointed.
He put a new shirt on, threw on some smuged eyeliner and went outside.
Bert was propped up against the van, smoking. Frank was fixing mikey's hair while jepha, quinn and ray had a conversation..He looked at them all, getting along and talking. He was excited for the rest of the tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter three is coming..
I need comments too see if people are actually reading!
xoxo Abbie