Status: If only.

Promise You Love Me?



The fans roared as Bert climbed on stage during Im Not Okay( I Promise) ... Bert smiled and hugged Gerard. A friendly, tight hug. Mikey and the band smiled as they sang together. Gerard looked at bert and licked his cheek, the audience yelped. Bert tackled Gerard too the ground and kissed him harder. Licking his bottom lip in secret.
Gerard snapped open his eyes, and climbed off the couch and ran down too the band room. The guys were getting ready as the fans cheered impatienatly. Frank scurried Bob out of the room and told him too go out there and taunt the fans. Bob did so, as frank ran back too quinn grabbing his "PANSY" guitar, pulling it around his shoulder. "Come on guys, let's go!!" The rest of the band went running out on stage, as the fans cheered "M.C.R"
Bert came and gave Gerard a slight tug on his arm then wrapped his right arm around him and pulled him close too his side.
"Go kill em', tiger"
Gerard smiled as a faint blush apperared across his cheeks. He quickly pulled away before bert noticed.
"Oh, we will...See you afterwords, right?" gerard asked shamlessly.
Bert grinned "Of course! Now go out there so I can see you sooner" He pushed Gerard too the door in a flirtacious way.
Gerard entered the stage, millions of fans screaming and smiling as he walked out..
He greeted them with a friendly "How are you, New Jersey?"
He sang 5 song's while, teasingly touching Frank letting the audience lap up the some-what of sexiness. Gerard glanced over seeing Bert run onto the stage.
Gerard kept singing as Bert came over and touched him. He rubbed his hands down his broad chest, his chubby torso, and licked his cheek. The fans loved it. They cheered even louder. Chanting for more. Gerard looked quickly at Bert, and gave him a 'what are you doing' look. Bert leaned in quick and pressed his lips against Gerards, his lips wet and hungry. Gerard's inside's tingled. He wanted more. The fans screamed and jumped. Bert pulled back and smiled, quickly slapping Gerard on the arse, and running out again. Frank looked at Gerard smiling. Gerard continued too sing, but his mind was thinking else where. He couldn't help thinking of Bert. His lean, medium height body. He had butterfly's.
The concert soon ended, after 2 songs of encore's they left the stage.
He was more nervous of going back too Bert then he was getting onto stage.

The bus pulled into a shitty holiday inn, they all climbed out with bags full of clothes that haven't been washed and shoes that were falling apart. They checked in and went too there own rooms. Bert came over to Gerard.
"I got us are own room... too uhh, save money.." He cleared his throat and handed the key too Gerard.
They quickly ran up the stairs, because they shut down the elevators after 1:30am.
Gerard pushed the key into the lock and opened the door too the smell of fresh cleaned sheets. Bert ran over and collapsed on the bed. Ruining the tucked in comforter.
Gerard laughed "You're something else, ya know that?"
Bert got up and walked over too him, "Oh, let me apologize too you, master"
He leaned forward in a sarcastic way, too pretend too be bowing before him.
Gerard pulled him up close too him and smiled. "No need for apologizing, princess"
He looked a loose strand of hair behind his ear.. Bert blushed.
Bert looked at him and hugged him tight, then pulled his shirt off fast.
"Let's get those damn clothes off of you, boy"
♠ ♠ ♠
HA! More suspense. muahahaha :D
Next chapter?
Comment's make me smile.