Status: If only.

Promise You Love Me?

Alone with you.

Gerard laughed and pulled down his shirt. "I'm gonna get in the shower, I havent had one in days" Bert grinned and nodded his head.
Gerard walked over to the door, opened it, then went too shut it. But, he stopped himself, the door was cracked just enough for a set of wandering eyes too see everything inside.
Gerard lifted his shirt, pulling it over his shoulders, lifting his hair then it dropped back down as his shirt flew too the ground. He un buttoned his belt, taking it off slowly.

The door shifted open, slightly, but he pretended not too notice. He moved his eyes over too glance too see if he was looking. Bert's torso and face was pressed against the wall, peeking in hard too watch him undress. Gerard enjoyed the attention. He tugged on the button of his pants and wiggled them down his hips, he was standing there in his black tight boxers. Bert's hand pushed the door wider. And gerard smiled. Gerard leaned over the tub too start the water, he turned it on, feeling too see if it was warm. Bert couldn't take it anymore. He wanted in. But he was nervous.. what would Gerard do? Would he tell him too get out? Or would he flirt back.. Bert didn't want too find out, but his excitment won him over.

He opened the door, it screached. Gerard quickly turned around, but before his mouth could open and manage too get something out, Bert's lips crashed against his, pushing hard, his kiss was hungry. He pushed his tongue deep into Gerard's warm mouth. His tongue flicked over his. He kissed faster. Bert pushed him against the wall and gripped onto his torso, Gerard let out a sharp moan. Bert pushed his lower half into Gerard's, letting him know that he wanted this. Gerard grabbed onto his hips, tugging on the end of his shirt, pulling it off fast. Bert pulled back and smiled. Gerard grabbed his neck and pulled him into him, kissing him. Then moving his mouth too bert's neck, kissing, and sucking. Licking the wet skin, bert breathed faster.
He smiled and bit his lip. Gerard's hands pulled on bert's pants, unbuttoning them and pushing them down too his feet, bert quickly stepped out of them. Pushing them off to the side.
They tumbled into the shower, falling in the bath which was now half way full with water, bert turned too straddle gerard, water spilled onto the floor and the boys laughed as the made a mess. Bert kissed gerard's body, laughing because he still had on his boxer's. He rubbed his hand over Gerard's member, and grabbed gently through the thin cloth, Gerard leaned his head back, letting a moan escape his throat, Bert pulled the boxer's down. Gerard blushed, as his length was sticking straight up. Bert looked at him in approval. Gerard nodded and wrapped his hands through his hair...
♠ ♠ ♠
Mm.. more?
Comments make me smile <3
xoxo Abbie.