End to Promises

chapter one

We sat on the driveway staring out at the street. I couldn’t believe it. I was leaving. And for who knows how long. I sighed and rested my head against Zack’s shoulder. He instinctively wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of his arms while I could.

“Why are we just sitting here? We need to make our last memory together one that will last.” I turned my head toward Alex, surprised something like that had just come from him.

“Yeah. Let’s go do something completely stupid so we’ll never forget.” I smiled at Bria and nodded.

“I say we all go get drunk and high.” Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I laughed and shrugged. “It’s my last day in Baltimore. Let’s go get some fucking beer and weed.” Jack jumped up.

“I volunteer my services.” I smiled and nodded. “Beer and weed? I’ll be back in ten minutes.” We all laughed as he ran off.

I stood up and went inside to tell my mom we were going to the movies. Me being the closet rebel, she gave me ten bucks and let me go.

I pulled out my phone and texted Jack to meet us under the bridge by the park. I tucked the ten bucks in my back pocket and told everyone where we were going. Kayleigh started freaking out and singing because she thought we were the coolest people in the world for going under a bridge. Everyone just laughed as she jumped around. We made it and I sat against the wall, not caring what diseases I could get from touching things in here. Everyone just kind of sat around and talked while we waited for Jack to return. "Jordan, can I talk to you?" I turned my head towards Zack and nodded. I stood up and bent my waist down as I followed him out of the cave-like bridge so I didn't hit my head.

"What's up?" He kept walking. I suspected it was to get out of snooping distance from everyone else. The only thing I didn't get was why.

He finally decided on a good enough spot and sat, patting the ground next to him for me. I smiled and sat on his lap instead. He laughed, but the happiness in his voice faded quickly. I gave him a questioning look and he looked down. I put my hand on his cheek and I felt him lean against it. "I'm going to miss you so much." I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, beginning to slide off his lap, but he just pulled me back on. He seemed to be holding onto me for dear life. I held on back with the same feeling. After a good ten minutes of just sitting there in each other's arms, he pulled back.

"Is there anything else?" I looked at him.

He smiled softly and nodded, "Yes, but you're sitting on it."

My eyes widened a little bit and I looked at him "What the fuck were to planning on doing?!"

He laughed loudly as I just stared at him. "There's something in my pocket, dumbass."

"... Oh." I slid off his lap, blushing fiercely. He just laughed and pulled something shiny out of his pocket. He held it out for me and I looked between him and the golden charm bracelet. "Is that... for me?" He laughed softly and nodded. I picked it up and looked through the charms. It was beautiful. I tried to put it on my wrist but it wouldn't cooperate.

"Here, let me do it." I gave him the bracelet and held out my left arm. He clasped it around my wrist and spun it a few times. "Just so you know, this isn't just a bracelet." I looked at him oddly. He smirked and pointed out the hand cuff charm, "This one is to remind you of the promise you made to me that you'd wait until we meet again to get arrested for the first time." I stared at him like he was crazy. I never promised anything of the sort. He held up another charm, what seemed to be a shopping cart. "This is to remind you of the promise you made to me that you'd wait until we meet again to sleep on the streets for the first time." He picked up a few more charms and pointed out what they supposedly meant.

He picked up the last charm, the smallest of them all, that was a key. He waited, not saying anything. "Zack, I don't know wha-"

He interrupted me, "This last charm, the key, is to remind you of the promise you made to me that you would wait until we meet again to make love. So we could do it together." I stared at him.

"But, I thought, I thought you'd already..." He shook his head.

"That was just sex. That wasn't making love." He stopped looking at my bracelet and took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. "I want you to promise me all of those things. I want you to promise that the bracelet will symbolize our relationship. That our relationship is one that's unforgettable. I want you to promise, by accepting this bracelet, that you won't forget me." Tears began sliding down my cheeks as he finished. He was going to risk waiting until he was forty to do all this with me. He wanted to wait for me. I'd never been so touched in my entire life. "Will you promise me that?"

I cupped his cheek on my hand and kissed his nose softly. "I promise." He let out a sigh of relief. I smiled softly and stood up. He followed suit but looked a little awkward.

"There was actually one other thing," he whispered softly. "But I totally get if it's a bit much." I lifted an eyebrow at him. He smiled softly and reassuringly as he stepped toward me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I knew what he meant now. I was nervous, but it was something I'd actually wanted to do for quite a while. I nodded slightly as my arms found their way around his neck. He kissed me, soft at first, but slowly building. I took in every second of it. The way his arms held me close, warm and strong. The softness of his hair running through my fingers. How he managed to be gentle and leading at the same time. I never wanted it to end. I wanted to stay in his safe arms forever. But it had to end eventually. I let go of every worry in my life and let the kiss fill my mind. After what felt like an eternity, but was more likely around two minutes, he pulled back. I couldn't think to say anything to say, so I just hugged him. I let my head rest perfectly in the crook of his neck.

After a while of hugging and a few more soft kisses, we made our way back to the group. We figured it best they didn't find out about what had just happened. We reentered the cave holding hands, but that wasn't very out of the ordinary, so no one commented. Jack had returned and was passing out cigarettes and glass bottles. "Why the expensive kind? Why didn't you just go to 7-Eleven?"

"You deserve better than the goop they have the nerve to call beer." I smiled and popped open the bottle. I took a sniff; it smelled absolutely repulsing. But with me, a bad smell, usually meant for a good taste. I took a big gulp and almost immediately started feeling the effects. I giggled softly and held out my cigarette as Jack went around lighting everyone's. I took a long drag on the cigarette and let the smoke escape my lips. It was beyond satisfaction. The rest of the night, we sat under the bridge and talked about old times. But they were tall tales compared to what really happened. That didn't matter. All that mattered was we were there together, making the last memory of us all together that would have to last a long time.
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i hope you like it. (:
this is in their 2nd/3rd year of high school, btw.