End to Promises

chapter three

I stared at the clock, trying to make it go faster by adding brain power to the batteries. Stacey hit me in the arm, taking my attention from the clock. "You suck. I made it skip five extra seconds. What do you want?" She kinda glared at me, then tried to cover it up. You see, Stacey and I weren't exactly what you'd call 'friends.' But she's one of the only people in this school that would actually talk to me. So we tolerated each other.

"That kid over there is staring at you." She gestured towards the back of the class. I saw a somewhat good looking kid with pin straight black hair and a grey beanie that practically covered his eyes. He was all right looking, but not really my type. I shook my head at her and she shrugged. As she turned around, I'm almost positive I heard her mutter, "Good luck getting anyone else." I glared and kicked her chair. She turned around and glared at me.

"Sorry. That was an accident." She rolled her eyes and turned back around. I continued my staring contest with the clock, using my magical powers to make it go faster. It finally rang and I picked up my black book-bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I took my time walking to the door just so everyone behind me got pissed and tried to push past me.

I finally got to the door and made my way to the bathrooms on the lower level. I pushed the unsanitary door open and went over to the sinks, quickly washing my hands. I pulled out my make up bag, applying extra eye liner and mascara to look as different from my old self as possible. My black bangs fell in front of my eyes and brushed them to the side. For some reason, I had the odd urge to show my real blonde hair. I tried to shake the idea from my head. That was the hair Zack always played with. He'd never seen me any other way. That's why I changed this.

It all started the second week we were in Malibu. I got caught sneaking out of the house by the cop that lived across the street. That was the first of the promises that I broke. The second was about three months after we had officially unpacked everything and moved in the beach house. The cursed beach house. It was the night my mom got fed up with my talking back and being a biitch to her. She kicked me out of the house and told me to find a place to sleep. Having no friends to go to, I had no choice but to break the second promise I made to him. I slept on the streets that night.

By the next year, I had broken almost every promise I made to him. The only ones I didn't break were probably the hardest for me to keep. I never forgot him. That killed me inside. If I could've kept all the promises and just broken one, that would've been the one I would've chosen to break. Every time I thought about him, my heart just, well, it hurt. After being a straight A student back in Baltimore, it was weird to think that I was failing half of my classes. I was getting high on my balcony every night. I was getting drunk whenever my mom was out of the house.

The one thing I never did was have sex. With anyone. I never felt the need for it. And with no one that cared enough about me around to even talk to me, it seemed pointless. I went out with a few guys, and they tried to go places. But every time I heard Zack telling me that we would wait to do it together.

So that kind of ruined my life. I felt ashamed of myself after breaking so many promises. So I changed my look. I pulled my blonde hair that I used to be so proud of back into a bun and put my black wig over it. I pounded on the make up. I started wearing glasses even though my eyes are perfect. I tried to change as much as myself as I possibly could. But nothing got rid of the guilt I felt for the broken promises.

After remembering that Stacey wouldn't recognize me without my wig, I decided to keep it on. I left the bathroom, making my way down to the front of the school where I met up with Stacey and her group of friends. They all hated me, but I didn't care. I hopped in the back of her convertible and she drove off to the other girls' houses. Now, I lived in a very nice house, and my family had plenty of money. But these girls, they lived in absolute mansions with maids, butlers, gardeners, cooks, and everything. They even had tutors that did their homework for them! What did I have? I had a mother that worked all day long and didn't give a shit how I wasted my life. So I never did homework. I sat in my room all day, reading random books that seemed to appeal to me at the time, and staring at my phone, praying that the one number I actually cared about showed up on my screen.

When Stacey got to my house, I jumped out of the car, forced a smile to her and waved as she drove off. I climbed up the steps to my room, not even bothering to answer the phone when it rang. I grabbed my guitar and went to sit on the balcony and practice. As soon as slid open the door to my outdoor haven, I was disappointed. I could hear music coming from across the beach. I set my guitar on my mattress and stood on the edge of the railing, trying to see who it was.

I was surprised to hear a very, very familiar voice. "I got your picture, I'm coming with you. Dear Maria, count me in. There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen." I was just able to catch myself before I fell off my balcony from shock. That wasn't just any ordinary band. That was All Time Low. All Time Low, from Baltimore, Maryland. All Time Low, my old best friends in the entire world. All Time Low, Zachary Steven Merrick.